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The fnew) life of Brian

28th July 1994, Page 19
28th July 1994
Page 19
Page 19, 28th July 1994 — The fnew) life of Brian
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Dhe spirited attention of anti-roads protesters will now shift to Brian Mawhinney, John MacGregor's successor as Transport Secretary in last week's shuffle of Ike men in blue suits.

On MacGregor's last day in office a dozen citizens opposed to the M11 extension bade him farewell in traditional fashion by scaling the roof of the Department of Transport's citadel in Marsham Street, London, there to unfurl a banner and let off smoke bombs.

Will this cosy, if excitable, relationship with the Secretary of State's office change? A colleague of Brian Mawhinney summed up the newly appointed transport supremo thus: "He will make lots of noise and be very unpopular in a short time." Sounds like he and the malcontents are made for each other.