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Customs Bills: Rha Steps In
by Steve McQueen • The Road Haulage Association is to ask the British Ports Authority to help international hauliers left with hefty bills after searches by HM Customs and......
• Sandy Allan, A Subcontracted Driver Working For...
Munro Transport, says he was detained for 12 hours while his vehicle was searched by Customs officers at a southern port in March. He was offered no refreshments, he says, and......
Tgwu Presses For Pensions
• Hauliers could find themselves under pressure to provide pension schemes for their drivers if a campaign launched this week by the Transport and General Workers Union gains......
No Driving Means No Records
• Truro Magistrates Court has decided that drivers who voluntarily take on extra work after the end of their driving day do not need to keep a record of those hours. Charges......
Transport Team Re-shaped
• Department of Transport politics appear to have moved to the right with the appointment of three new ministers in John Major's cabinet reshuffle. Brian Mawhinney (right)......