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An important decision on drivers' hours was given in a King's Bench Divisional Court (Lord Plewait and Justices Hawke and Lawrence) last Friday. The Treasury appealed against the dismissal by the Sunderland justices of summonses against Alfred Plumpton, Ltd., and Mr. James Henderson, an employee.
Its a busy time Henderson drove for periods amounting to 12 hours in one day and 12+ hours in another day, but the justices held that those periods were not continuous, as they were separated by intervals of at least half an hour for rest or refreshment. The Court allowed the appeal and directed the justices that the offences had been proved.
Lord Hewart said the justices had confused the expressions " aggregate " and "continuous." It was unlawful to drive for a continuous period of more than 5+ hours and it was no less un
lawful to drive for a number of continuous periods amounting in the aggregate to more than 11 hours in one day, no matter what were the intervals for rest.
Mechanized Farming Increases Employment.
The second report issued by the Oxford Institute of Research in Agricultural Engineering discloses the interesting fact that employment per acre is gradually rising under mechanization. It is added that " in a country of stock and crop farming, there is no reason to fear that mechanization will mean rural depopulation or the conversion of England into prairie."
Sir W. Hart Deprecates " Spying."
During the hearing of an application for licences by a Barnsley haulage contractor, at York, it was stated that a witness for an opposing road-haulage firm had followed one of the applicant's vehicles in a private car. This witness stated that the vehicle, which was legally limited to 20 m.p.h., travelled to Colchester and back in 24 hours (180 miles each way). The witness said it was not reasonably possible to make a vehicle operating under a contract A licence pay on a one-way journey, and he alleged that the applicant was carrying return loads.
Sir William Hart (Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority) said he attached very little value to the allegations of a
man who " went spying " in a private car. The applicant, Mr. J. O. Thompson, was given permission to substitute, under an A licence, a 3-ton vehicle for an existing vehicle of I ton 16 cwt., but authority to acquire three new vehicles for general hire was refused.
The Next Inventions Exhibition.
The 11th International Exhibition of Inventions will take place at the Gentral Hall, Westminster, London, from October 2-12, 1935. This exhibition will be transferred to St. George's Drill Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, from November 20-30 inclusive.
Commercial Classes in Ramsgate's • Concours d'Elegance.
Tha• Ramsgate Concours d'Elegance will take place, this year, on the Royal Esplanade, St. Lawrence Cliffs, on July 13, and prizes will be offered in 30 classes, of which six will •be devoted to goods vehicles and one to motor coaches. To owners of attrac tive vehicles the event possesses useful publicity value. Further particulars may be obtained from Mr, Gordon Saint, the honorary secretary, Chamber of Commerce Office, Harbour Parade, Ramsgate.
4,170 Tractor Stations to Aid Soviet Agriculture.
A total of 670 new tractor stations is, this year, being organized in Soviet Russia to aid collective farms. According to the '' Monthly Review " of the Moscow Narodny Bank, this will raise the number of such stations to 4,170.
Some of the stations are being organized in the principal grain-grow ing regions. Ten thousand tractors, 9,000 tractor ploughs, and a large number of lorries will be supplied to 420 depots recently established.
200 More Oilers for London Transport.
London Transport has placed an order with the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for an additional 200 A.E.C. Regent oil-engined buses.
A resolution . strongly protesting against the latest raid upon the Road, Fund and demanding the restoration of the appropriated money, so that a national road-improvement, programme might be undertaken without delay, was passed at the annual conference of the Motor Agents Association, at Cardiff; the conference concluded last Friday.
The Ministry of Transport was criticized on the ground that, whilst many experiments had been carried out, the vital matter of road improvement lagged behind.
A civic reception was .given to the delegates by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Alderman Donovan. At the annual dinner of the Association, Capt. Arthur Evans, M.P., declared that there was room for more motor vehicles on the roads. Mr. Peter F. Bennett, J.P., president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders forecast that the period of legislative restriction appeared to be coming to an end. The industry, must, he said, fight all attempts by the railways to restrict the free use of the roads.
Other speakers were Sir A. Atkey, J.P. (Nottingham), Mr. S. G. Davies, Mr. W. H. Smith (president of ,the South Wales and Monmouthshire division) and Mr. L. W. Francis, Late Mr. H. F. Clayton's £107,000
The late Mr. Herbert F. Clayton, founder of Karrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield, left estate valued at £107,346. The late Mr. William Stevens, designer of the Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric vehicle and trolleybus, left estate valued at £9,769.
New Section in Trade Register.
In the 1935 Register of the Motor Trade, which is now in course of preparation, a new classification is being added to provide for traderepair specialists who are not eligible for inclusion either under the mann facturers' or retailers' section. An indication will be given of the work undertaken. Those concerns which fall into this category and which desire to be included should communicate with the Register Department of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London, S,W.1.