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F . OR many years we have referred to the motor as the pivot of agricultural progress. To-day the fact is obvious and goes...
T HE makers of the large pneumatic tyres emplayed on coaches and buses are seriously perturbed at the existing situation of a...
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T HERE is a tendency, real or assumed, to regard the farmer as old-fashioned and ultra conservative in his reaction to any...
A CORRESPONDENT asks us whether the driver of a heavy motorcar who exceeds 30 m.p.h. in a built-up area may be summoned on the...
An agricultural expert discusses the pros and cons of wheeled and track-laying tractors. Page 662. The employment of power on...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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An important decision on drivers' hours was given in a King's Bench Divisional Court (Lord Plewait and Justices Hawke and...
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In referring, in our issue for last week, to the visit of Mr. J. A. Lyons, Premier of Australia, to the Albion works, Mr. Wm....
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Mr. C. H. lerriss, of Messrs. Neachell's Garage, 81, Stafford Street, Wolverhampton, has sent the following letter of protest...
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For Work Under Extremely. Difficult Conditions, Track Machines are Essential, but for Lighter Duty the Higher Initial Cost is...
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T HE attention of road authorities all over the world, including those of the British Isles, is being attract: to a new type of...
T 0 meet a demand for a tractor rather smaller than its well-known 18-30 agricultural type, Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.,...
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HILLMAN'S AIRWAYS EXPANDING. O NJune 19, Hillman's Airways, Ltd., opened a new service between London and Brussels and on June...
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Power on the Mixed Farm An Incorrect Understanding of the Versatility of the Agrimotor Impeding its General Acceptance by...
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T HE strong preference for road transport shown by milk producers and wholesalers was revealed at Welshpool last Tuesday at the...
W E have been advised thalt Lo'W Temperature Carbonisation,. Ltd., 28, Grosvencir Place., London, S.W.1, has received inquiries...
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OVES FARMERS' WORRIES British Estate Services, Ltd., Employing Tractors and Other Mechanical Appliances of the Latest Type,...
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The Bodybuilder Efficiently Meets Many Specialized Requirements by Providing a Wide Variety of Types of Bodywork for...
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VEHICLES for maximum utility General purpose Machines that Enable a Farmer or Carrier to Obtain Maximum Service in a Variety...
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Crane Eightwheeler with the Platform only 2ft. 9 ins. Above Ground Level and Constructed for 10-ton Loads M ANY interesting...
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In Parliament By Our Special Purl/amen tar y Correspondent LONDON-TRANSPORTDEVELOPMENT PLANS. • • • T HEHouse of Commons,...
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[URAL SHOW Agrimotor and Vehicle Exhibits to be Shown Where at Newcastle from July 2-6, Several Types will be Seen for the...
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Technical and Operating Experiences with Agrimotor Pneumatics and Various Types of Tractor C OIVIPARATIVELY rapid progress is...
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R ESERVED judgment on the question of the right to transfer title to licences for road-transport tonnage was given in the...
QUCCESSFUL results are expected Ofrom the discussion which a deputation from the north-western area of the Commercial Motor...
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A Heaoy-duty Six-wheeled Vehicle Designed for Use in Conjunction with the Special Oil-engined Tractor Introduced by the Concern...
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A Four cylinder 52 h.p. Agricultural Machine Weighing Approximately 3 Tons and Capable of Speeds from 2 to 4 m.p.h. /TAKING...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developments affecting p ub lic-serv ice vehicle owners YORKSHIRE...
booking agents are prevented from booking on independent operators with the exception of those having a local picking-up point,...
T HE burden of the opposition to the Eastern National Omnibus Company's proposal to take over Rose Bros.' London Chelmsford...
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£2,036 PROFIT ON IPSWICH TROLLEYBUSES. T IIE annual report of the Ipswich Electric Supply and Transport Committee shows that...
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T HE North-Western Traffic Commissioners recently sanctioned new bus services between Salford and Walkden along the East...
°THERE was a clash between road transport and coastwise-shipping interests at Hull, on Friday, when Sir William Hart, Yorkshire...
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Using Private Cars to Draw Trailers. Can a Reconditioned Vehicle on Test be Regarded as Unregistered ? Representation on the...
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O N Monday next, July 1, a new agreement on wages and conditions, negotiated by the Scottish Conciliation Board, will come into...
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Voluntary Co-ordination Investigated by Alderman A. H. Gledhill, LP., in a Cohensive Paper Read in Passenger Transport at mpre...
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KEEPING TYRE RECORDS A Recording System that Solves a Difficult Problem, Entails the Minimum of Effort and Minimizes the...
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AGRICULTURAL AULAGE Solving the Problems of the Carrier— The First Instalment of a Series of Three Articles Dealing with the...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that have Recently been Published DATENT No. 428,695, by II. R. 1 Ricardo, 21, Suffolk...