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Agrimotor and Vehicle Exhibits to be Shown Where at Newcastle from July 2-6, Several Types will be Seen for the First Time
THE 94th annual Show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 16, Bedford Square, London, W.C.1, will take place at Newcastleon-Tyne from July 2-6, and on this and the following pages we publish brief particulars of the agrimotor and vehicle exhibits. The paragraphs appear in stand-to-stand order.
On July 2, and up to 2 p.m. on July 3, the price of admission is 5s. and for the remainder of the second day 3s. On July 4 the charge is 3s.; on July 5, 2s. 6d.; and on July 6, Is. Season tickets are priced at 12s. 6d. each and the Show is Open daily from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m., except on Tuesday, when it commences at 8 a.m. The motor-parking arrangements are in the hands of theRoyal Automobile Cluh,andthec.harge for parking a car is 3s. froth Tuesday to Friday and 2s. on Saturday. A car-park season ticket is available for the five days of the Show at the price of 10s.
The showground is conveniently situated not far from the centre of the town, and is readily accessible from the central railway station.
ALLIS-CHALMERS. Stand 14 TWO tractors of recent introduction to be shown by the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. are the model W.C. and the model E. The former is an agricultural two-plough tractor, the outstanding feature of which is that, in effect, it is a three-wheeler, although the equivalent of the single front steering wheel is actually two wheels set close together, the axle being mounted at its mid-point below the steering head which is between the wheels. It is available with steel rims or pneumatic tyres, has a four-cylindered petrol or paraffin engine, and weighs just over one ton.
The E model is a four-wheeler, shod with pneumatics or having steel wheels,
and suitable for four ploughs. In low gear this machine can exert a drawbar pull of 4,400 lb. Its weight is approximately 2i tons.
There will also be on view the wellknown U-model wheel-type machine and the K and M track-laying tractors.
SINGER. Stand 16
SEVERAL examples of Singer 5-cwt. vans will be shown by St. Andrew's Motors, Ltd. One of these is equipped for work with the recently introduced Motor Units 10-cwt. motor roller, an example of which will be on view. it
costs only £45, and will be exhibited with a trailer on which it can be quickly carried behind the van.
INDIA. Stand '70
ANEW India tyre, size 6.00/15,, will be an interesting exhibit on Stand 70. It has been designed to overcome the height difficulty in equipping land vehicles with pneumatics. It carries 15 cwt. and is 24i ins, in diameter.
FORDSON. Stand 115
FORDSON tractors in a variety of types willform the exhibit of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. There will be shown four land utility models, a golfcourse tractor, two agricultural machines with the concern's speed lugs, an agricultural tractor equipped with cleats, and an industrial model provided With a Winch. There will also be shown 'a Fordson: incorporating crawler tracks.
In addition to the tractors there will be shown a double-deck cattle truck mounted on a' FordsOn Sussex fourwheel drive six wheeler and a number of standard Ford and Fordson goods vehicles, including the latest eight cylinder forward-control Model.
SEVEN Morris-Commercial vehicles will he on view, one of the most interesting being the Leader 4-ton market-gardener's lorry with side extensions. Both the sides and extensions are detachable, so that the vehicle may be used as a flat platform lorry.
There will also be the 1-ton standard van with 135-cubic-ft. body ; a 30-Cwt. forward-control six-cylinder van, suitable for operators who require a capacious body; a 2-ton long-Wheelbase fourcylinder, lorry for the transport of milk or, beer, for ,which purpose it is, by reason of the use of progressive springs particularly suitable; and a 2-ton long-wheelbase farm lorry 'with a four-cylindered engine.; The lastnamed vehicle can be applied to a large variety of uses, as the sides, top and two-piece loading ramp are detachable.
The display will be completed by one of the new Leader 4-ton tippers, with a six-cylindered engine, and an example of the new. Leader 4-tonner, of the 30 m.p.h. class, as a lorry.
COMM& R Stand 124
AN imposing display of Commer vehicles and chassis will be staged. The smallest model to be shown is the 8-cwt. machine which 'will be on view in the form of a standard van. It is priced at the moderate figure of 2153 complete. There will also be a 15cwt. van (2239), whilst two examples of the 20-25-cwt. model will be on view.
A Centaur 2-tanner with normal con trol and long wheelbase will certainly attraet attention. It will 'appear aS a finished Van priced at 2330.There will be two Popular 3-tonners, one Cariy. fug
. .
a cattle float body and one equipped with Clayton Dewandre tipping gear.' The Commer exhibit will be completed by a 'passenger MaChine. This
• is a'20-seater bus With forward contrOl, priced as shown at £705 and offered at £335 as' a chassis.
RHO. Stand 125 A's sole distributor for Reo vehicles PI in Northumberland and north Durham, 'Northern Cokhbuilders, Ltd. (incorporating G. R.' Haugh), will be
showing' Ron L7-type 31-ton lorry with Clayton Dewandre rack tipping gear, the chassis. being available at a price of 2375. The S5-type 2i-tOn forward-control chassis costs 2284 and will be seen with a di-op-sided body, whilst an' example of the L5-model 2/-tonner will also be shown.
AUSTIN. Stand 126
A S distributor of Austin products for
Northumberland, Berwick, Durham and north-east Yorkshire, Murray and Charleton, Ltd., will show four examples of Austin commercial vehicle. The 7 h.p. 5-cwt. van will be shown finished in red, whilst a 10 h.p. 6-8cwt. van, which has been specially painted and has been purchased by a Newcastle butcher, will also be seen. Ma,gbats. Ltd., the local distributor of Exide batteries and Bosch equipment, is the owner of the 7-10-cwt. van which is to be shown. The remaining vehicle will be a I5-cwt. van incorporating a 10-ft.-wheelbase chassis.
DIAMOND T. Stand 127
TWO machines of low weight in proportion to their carrying capacity
will be exhibited by Diamond T. Motors. The larger is a 4-tonner equipped with a drop-sided body, the chassis weight of which is just under 2 tons. The other is a 3-tomaer to be shown with a platform body, weighing, as a chassis, under 1* ton. This make has achieved considerable popularity in this country and incorporates many interesting features. The six-cylindered engine installed develops 63 b.h.p. The rear suspension incorporates built-in helper springs and the machine is designed throughout for economical service under exacting conditions. The chassis prices of the two models shown are £420 and £335 respectively.
DODGE. Stand 128 THE new Dodge 4-tonner which weighs, unladen, under 2* tons, will be the centre of attention on Stand No. 128. There are not, on the British market, many machines with so large a carrying capacity and so small a weight.
A member of the staff of this paper recently conducted a road test of this model which was reported upon very favourably in our issue dated June 21 last. The price of this machine in the form of a drop-sided lorry is £347.
There will also be on view three c42 examples of the concern's 3-tonner ; one in the form of a double-drop-sided lorry, another as an hydraulic endtipper incorporating Bronailow and Edwards equipment, and the third as a long-wheelbase cattle truck. A 4tonner will be shown as a tipping lorry, whilst a 2-ton long-wheelbase lorry and a 15-cwt. van will also be displayed.
AVE LING-BARFORD. Stand 148 THREE machines, an oil-engined 1 roller, a petrol machine and a Victor hand-guided model, will constitute the exhibit of Aveling-Barford, Ltd. The first-named weighs 7 tons and has a single-cylindered horizontal 17 h.p. power unit. It is one of a series of machines available in weights of 5 tons to 8 tons. The petrol model is a 2i-tonner designed primarily for foot path and light road work. It has a 13+ b.h.p. four-cylindered engine. By means of interchangeable rolls, this model can be converted to give a 6-ft. rolling width for use on grass. It will be seen equipped with a Henderson key cutter for indenting road surfaces prior to re-surfacing.
The Barford Victor model is available in two weights, 12i cwt. and 15 cwt. It is designed for work in parks, on tennis courts, bowling greens, and so forth. A feature is its ease of control. Sharp corners can be rounded without damage to the rolled surface. It is powered by a 3 b.h.p. petrol engine.
LISTER. Stand 151 THE exhibits of R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., will include a comprehensive range of oil and petrol engines for lighting and power, as well as petrol and paraffin units for marine purposes..
Stand 153 QTATIONARY and marine engines of
the oil and petrol-paraffin types, as well as air-compressor sets and pumps and pumping plants, will be seen on this stand.
BANIFORDS. Stand 155 DUMPING machinery, stationary 1 engines and mowers, will form the main exhibit of Bamfords, Ltd. With regard to the last type of equipment, it is noteworthy that this concern claims to be the first to have incorporated the oil-bath system of lubrication in a mower. Other interesting points will include the design of the main axle, the cutter-bar drive and the Clearway cutter-bar attachment.
MASSEY-HARRIS Stand 156 lopERHAPS one 1 of the largest displays in the Show will be that of Massey-Harris,
Ltd. (associated with Blackstone and Co,, Ltd.), which company
will exhibit a number of tractors. Firestone low-pressure pneumatic tyres are fitted to the 25-40 model, with power take-off, which is to be shown, whilst the 12-20 tractor, with power take-off, Will have Dunlop tyre equipment. Another 12-20 model will have steel wheels‘ with 4-in, spade Jugs, whilst similar wheel and lug equipment will be provided on the four-wheel-drive general-purpose tractor with a 4-ft. 8-in. track.
BLACKSTONE. Stand 157 INDLTSTMAL and agricultural in terests will be catered for on the stand of Blackstone and Co., Ltd. There are to be shown examples of the company's high-powered oil engines, and a range of small petrol and paraffin pumping and lighting power units. Of outstanding interest, however, will be the DB-type oil engine shown in 3, 6 and 9 b.h.p. sizes.
FOWLER. Stand 158 IL-ENGINED ploughing machi
nery, tractors and road rollers, will .comprise the exhibit of John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd. The tractors are of the crawler type and the Gyrotillers or rotary ploughs are tractors on which are mounted the rotary ploughing equipment, etc. The power units are Fowler-Sanders oil engines which will be shown this year at the Royal Show for the first time. This range includes 2, 3, 4 and 6-cylindered models ot from 21 h.p. to 72 h.p.
The road roller is of the Precision type. It incorporates a patented resilient drive, has four speeds available in either direction and a cambering device for the hind rolls. Another noteworthy. feature is the power steerage.
LSEWHERE in this issue the latest international oil-engined wheeltype tractor is fully described. This, which is known as the W.D. 40 model, will be on view at the Show. In addition there will be a full range of the numerous tractors marketed by the International concern, together with examples of various International agricultural implements, etc„ among which the Releaser milking plant is entirely new.
MARSHALL. Stand 163
AN entirely new model, namely, a 12-20 b.h.p. oil-engined tractor, which has been under test for over two years, will be shown by Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd. This model is briefly described elsewhere in this issue. Another interesting model will be the 18-30 b.h.p. agricultural tractor, with single-cylindered horizontal twostroke cold-starting oil engine, with provision for belt work. Two rollers will be displayed, one being an oilengined 6-tonner with all-gear drive, and the other a 2-ton light. motor roller suitable for footpath, sportsground and similar work.
FOSTER i Stand 104 nNE of the few makers still manu facturing steam tractors, . Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd., is to show an example of a 7 n.h.p. single-cylindered engine of the agricultural type, the primary object of which is the driving and hauling of thrashing machinery. It incorporates many up-to-date features. of this type of machine.
There will also be on view examples of Foster agricultural thrashing machines, chaff cutters and so forth. • MILLER. Stand 216
AMONGST the "hardy annuals" at the Royal Show will be Miller Wheels, Ltd., which will exhibit its tractor-cultivator attachment for . operation with a Fordson tractor. The steerage is attached by two plates to the transmission housing of the tractor and can, be lifted by the driver. Other . exhibits will include Non-Zlip tractor 'wheels.
CASE., Stand 217 I N addition to the model C and the
model L agricultural tractors to be shown by the Associated Manufacturers' Co. (London), Ltd., a new development will be on view, namely, the C.C.4 machine. In the main this tractor is identical with the C model. The axle and wheel arrangement, however, gives greater ground clearance, whilst the wheels are adjustable for width.
Of special interest is a device incorporated to raise or lower the implement on tow while the outfit is in motion. • This is done by the driver simply depressing a pedal conveniently situated. The apparatus works in conjunction with a special tool bar frame for which Ransotnes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., is responsible. It is designed to carry a number of implements.
FODBN. Stand 218
A COMPREHENSIVE array of Pi/ Foden machines will be seen on this stand. The largest is the concera's eight-wheeler which is a maximum-load machine and is powered by a Gardner oil engine developing 93 b.h.p. There will also be shown a standard six-wheeler, a number of fourwheelers of various capacities and equipped with bodies for different trades, and a model of the recently introduced timber tractor, along with an entirely new six-wheeled trailer, which is fully described elsewhere in this issue.
The tractor is of most interesting design and will undoubtedly attract much attention. It has installed a Gardner engine set transversely approximately amidships in the frame. It is equipped with four speeds and the transmission from the gearbox is by a totally enclosed chain to a countershaft, and thence by chain to the rear axle, which incorporates a differential provided with a locking device. It is shod with 4-in. by 8-in. pneumatic Trackgrip tyres, twins on the rear wheels. Steel spud attachments are included and the machine has two anchors and incorporates a winch.
BRISTOL Stand 219 THREE examples of the popular 1 Bristol tractor will be shown. One of these will be fitted with a Garrett cultivator, one has a specially low seat
position and the third is equipped with a pulley and power take-off. These machines have horizontally opposed two-cylindered water-cooled engines, rubber-jointed tracks and weigh just over a ton. Among other outstanding features are their manceuvrability and stability.
The tractor can be turned in its own length, can be driven on a side slope of 42 degrees to the horizontal and will. not rear when climbing an ascent until the angle exceeds 72 degrees to the horizontal, at which point track slip °Call's. These machines are guaranteed to exert a drawbar pull of over 2,000 lb. and the tracks impose a pressure no greater than 4f lb. per sq. in. upon the ground.
The average consumption of fuel and oil is claimed to be f gallon of petrol per hour and less than one pint of oil per day. The cost of the Bristol traetot is only £195.
McLAREN. Stand 223.
A CABLE-PLOLTGHING and cultivating outfit, with windlasses operated by McLaren MDB-type fourcylindered oil engines, will be amongst the exhibits on this stand, along with a plough and a turning cultivator for work on the cable system. A range of oil engines will also be on view.
OLIVER. Stand 224 FOR the first time, John Wallace and Sons, Ltd., will be exhibiting at the Royal Show two Oliver Hart-Parr agricultural tractors, a type which, although only recently introduced to the British market, has already made headway. The machines are of 18-28 h.p. and have four-cylindered engines of 41 in. bore and 5k in. stroke, which start on petrol and are later changed over to paraffin for running purposes. The
cylinders have removable sleeves and pressure lubrication is employed.
The gearbox provides three forward speeds and one reverse, and takes the drive through a single-plate dry clutch of 12-in. diameter. The wheelbase of the machine is 6 ft. Of in., the overall length 9 ft. 4 ins., the overall width 5 ft. 1 in., and the turning radius 12 it.
6 ins. The price is 2290.
PETTERS. Stand 228 AREPRESENTATIVE selection of the company's well-known oil engines and combination sets for agricultural, industrial and marine purposes will be seen on this stand, as well as a range of petrol engines.
DUNLOP. Stand 241
THEpopularity of pneumatic tyres use on the land has advanced E rapidly during the past few years. Examples of Dunlop tyres for tractors
and Dunlop pneumatic wheel equipment for various purposes will be on view at this stand, this concern having paid considerable attention to the development of pneumatic tyres for agricultural purposes, etc.
A new development for which the Dunlop concern is responsible is a jointless rubber flooring, evolved expressly for cowhouses and so fortA.
TIRE protection by Merryweather
and Sons, Ltd., has, for many years. been a feature of the Royal Show, and this year the company has again been entrusted with this responsible task. The Merryweather fire station within the Show grounds will house a powerful Hatfield fire-engine and a Hatfield trailer pump, along with a comprehensive range of fire-fighting appliances, including a Warspite portable pump, Konus, Kemik, Fire-Suds and C.T.C. extinguishers, and a patent Xaust-Suds generator for oil fires, etc.
RANSOMES. Stand 251
I AWN mowers, both of the motor Laand hand patterns, will be exhibited in a wide variety by Ransomes, Sims and Jefferie3, Ltd. With the exception of the 14-in, model and the Midget (which have two-stroke engines), the mowers have four-stroke engines, the machines of this type including a 36in. pattern with a trailing seat. In addition, the company's Electra 14-in. model will be shown.
E.R.F. Stand_270
OF outstanding interest on the stand of E. R. Foden and Son (E.R.F.) Ltd., is the new three-cylinder 4-ton lorry. This has a Gardner oil engine, the salient features of which were described in our issue dated June 21 last. The machine in standard form has a 14-ft. lorry-body, and weighs, unladen, under 3 tons.
Two five-cylindered machines will also be on view ; one is a 7-8-tanner with saloon cab and 17-ft. 6-in, dropsided body, equipped for use with a. trailer, and the other is a 10-ton sixwheeler having a body 20 ft. long. Both machines are powered by Gardner 5 L.W. oil engines.
STANHAY. Stand 282
OFparticular note on this stand will be a Fordson tractor, coupled to a Stanhay short-turning base for hop or fruit work, with 7-in, potato wheels, which can be supplied to track any width of row. The wheels are equipped with Stanhay self-cleaning finger cleats, and the tractor has a number of interesting feacures, some of which are quite new.
The display will include the C.G.L. cultivator for small holdings.
LATIL. Stand 283
THE well-known Latil G.T.L.-type forestry tractor, having an enclosed cab with a sliding roof and a safety glass windscreen and hinged sides and rear boards surrounding the winch, will be on view on this stand. Foldii“, spuds assist adhesion on soft ground, whilst the special heavy-duty three-speed winch carries 100 yds. of fin, steel cable and a land anchor. The four-wheel brakes are operated by the hand lever and the pedal applies a brake off the transmission line, whilst control of the brakes of the special pneumatic-tyred timber trailer is by vacuum and mechanical means.
FTOUR examples of the well-known Caterpillar tractor will be displayed by H. Leverton and Co. One will be the 40 h.p. oil-engined model and another of the 22 h.p. wide-gauge rowcrop type, whilst there will also be two examples of the standard tractor.
JOWE1T. Stand 293.
A COMPLETE range of Jowett comrImercial vehicles is to be exhibited by H. and C. Robinson (Gosforth), Ltd. This comprises a 10-cwt. van of 1071cubic ft. capacity, a 7-cwt. model of 88 cubic ft., a light 7-cwt. lorry, and a dual-purpose vehicle.
Stand 294
NO fewer than a dozen different types of Bedford vehicle will be shown by Adams and Gibbon, Ltd., ranging from the 8-cwt. delivery van costing £160, to the Bedford-Unipower rigid sixwheeled 6-ton platform lorry costing £550. The other machines will include a 12-cwt. delivery van, a 30-cwt. special boxvan, a 2-ton general-purpose lorry, a 2-ton long-wheelbase
special platform vehicle, a standard long wheelbase 2 ton drop sided lorry, a 3-ton longwheelbase heavyduty end tipper with Clayton Dewandre rack tipping gear, and a 3-ton 950-cubic-ft. furniture van.
Of special interest to the farmer will be a 3-ton longwheelbase singledeck cattle truck, with a special ramp of a patent ballbearing type and interlocking gates at the rear. A special brewer's lorry and a 3-ton short-wheelbase hydraulic endtipper will also be shown.
LANZ.. Stand 295 ONE of the most interesting of the six exhibits of the Lanz Tractor Co., Ltd., will be the Bulldog 2838 h.p. semi-Diesel track-laying model, which has been designed especially for cultivation and forestry work. The gearbox provides six forward gear ratios and, in combination with a twostage governor allowing the engine to be run at either 540 r.p.m. or 630 r.p.m., 12 forward travelling speeds and two reverse speeds -are provided. This machine, along with the 2238 h.p. dual-purpose tractor for con
tractors and the 38 h.p. Express tractor for road-haulage work, will be shown for the first time.
The other three exhibits will be the Minor 12-20 h.p. tractor, the Standard 15-30 h.p. outfit and the Super 2238 h.p. model, all being agricultural machines with semi-Diesel engines.
SLINGSBY. Stand 300
(IN this stand the items of principal L./interest to our readers will be the electric and petrol-driven works trucks.
VINCENT. Stand 343
THIS year, Messrs. Vincents of Read. 1 ing are to show a range of de luxe horseboxes for two and three animals. The two-horse models Provide accommodation for two grooms in a special compartment, whilst the ramp to the horse section is operated by a Vincent patent spring device and can be handled by one man As in the other models, the partitions are easily removable.
In the three-horse box there is no need for backing out the horses, as, when unloading, the middle animal walks down the rear ramp, whilst the two in the side stalls leave from the sides. The cab provides accommodation for two passengers, i n addition to the driver of the vehicle.
JENNINGS. Stand 347
THREE of the most interesting pro1 ducts of J. H. Jennings and Son, Ltd., will be seen on this stand. One is the de luxe three-horse box, equipped with detachable padded partitions and with accommodation in the body for two grooms. A feature of the vehicle is its low-loading line.
Another notable exhibit will be the patent rigid cattle truck, which can be equipped with detachable partitions, for carrying two or three horses and with an upper deck for sheep, pigs, etc. Although the portion over the cab is generally used for carrying fodder, harness, etc., it is also suitable for sheep or pigs.
The general-purpose truck can be used as an ordinary flat-platform lorry, or with side boards, whilst the equipment includes an upper deck, gates, spacers, etc. The vehicle complies with Ministry of Transport regulations.
Stand 345
OF special interest to the fanner will he the trailers, suitable for operation behind private cars, to he shown by the Northumbrian Caravan Co. Representative of Eccles products will be a
neat 2-8-cwt. luggage trailer costing £13 13s., and a general-purpose trailer with adaptable sides. There will be three Raven models, one being a 6-8-cwt. farm trailer, priced at £16, another a cattle trailer, costing £45, and the third a horsebox, which is available for £63. In addition, there will be two trailer caravans of Eccles and Raven makes.
THE following makers will be exhibiting equipment, accessories, oils, greases, etc.:—
Anglo-American Oil Co„ Ltd. (107); George Angus and Co., Ltd. (72); Boulton and Paul, Ltd. (305); Colas Products, Ltd. (189); Fastnut (76); General Electric Co., Ltd. (171); Harrison McGregor and Co., Ltd. (165); Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. (268) ; Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd. (177 and 222); Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd. (13); Redline Glico Ltd. (105) ; Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.
4240) ; Tecalemit, Ltd. (288) ; Northern Agricultural Supply Co. (117) ; Rubber Growers' Assocn. (66).