Plenty of Variety for Agriculture
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Horseboxes and Cattle Containers to the Fore in Royal Show at Norwich
AGRICULTURAL operators will have an opportunity of inspecting a variety of vehicles offered to meet their needs, at the Royal Show, which is being held at Norwich from
July 2-5. in the main, vehicles will be confined to horseboxes, cattle containers and the like.
On the first day (Tuesday) the opening time will be -8 a.m, and on all other days 9 a.m. Prices of admission will be: Tuesday, £1; Wednesday, 10s. before 2 p.m. and 5s. after; Thursday, 5s.; and Friday 2s. 6d. Parking for coaches will be available at 10s. and for cars at 5s.
Carmichael and Sons (Worcester), Ltd.. The Butts, Worcester (Stand 579) are to display two vehicles, one based on a Morris-Commercial 5-ton oilengined chassis and the other on a Thornyeroft Swiftsure chassis.
The Morris Easy-clean cattle truck embodies a new method of ennstruction. The body is mainly of galvanized steel, folded and bolted betiveefi wOocieri pillars, which is saidto ensure rigidity and long-life besides obviating the need for interior painting. The Smoothness pt the interior promotes ease of cl.eahing. The'wootlen floor is suitably battened to giVe adeqiiate_ grip to anithals: The roof is .of glass-fibre, whilst the outside of the body is'galvanizcd iron, relief being given by the introduction of ritaho, gany boards'to 'a height •
of approximately ft.
6 in. from the bast.'' ' There is a calf box at the front, and adequate ventilation is provided by controlled shutter lids.
The second machine has a Champion maho gany cattle-truck body. A new glass-fibre light
weight cab is employed, whilst the body is built on a steel sub-frame and is boarded throughout in mahogany. A dalf box with no gates is provided at the front.
Cattle containers will again form the exhibits of J. H. Jennings and Son, Ltd., Sandbach, on Stand 347. In both cases the platform bodies have wheel-arches to reduce container loading height, but they do not 'protrude into the container floor.
The Jennings patented ramp, which is controlled by two telescopic springs
holding the ramp to the ground under any surface condition, facilitates loading.
A 16-ft. 4-in, body will be shown on a Thames Trader 5-ton chassis, whilst a similar body will be mounted on a Commer 7-ton oil-engined chassis.
On Stand 55, A. C. Penman, Ltd., Queensbury Motor Works, Dumfries, will have a horsebox with the side ramp sliding up under the platform body, permitting the use of simple hinged doors to close the aperture. A livestock container, panelled in corrugated aluminium-alloy sheet, will be another exhibit.
The horsebox container, for four horses. wilt-be mounted on a-n Austin 3-ton forward
control oil-engined chassis with a Penman 14-ft. 6-in, wooden plat form body. The 17-ft. livestock container will be seen on an Austin 5 to n long-wheelbase forward-control chassis and cab. This machine has a 16-ft. 6-in, lightalloy platform body.
Pride of place on the stand (312) of the Rover Co., Ltd.. Solihull, Warwicks, will be taken by the new Rover 2-litre oil engine described in The Commercial Motor on
June 14. There will also be a representative selection of other Land-Rover models.
A new two-horse box known as the Norfolk is to be announced by Vincents of Reading, Ltd., Station Square, Reading (Stand 261). Based on an Austin 3-ton forwardcontrol chassis, the vehicle is compact and provides accommodation for grooms at the rear. It is intended primarily for the owner-driver.
Other exhibits will be a Vincent streamlined three-horse hox based on an Austin forward-control petrol chassis, with side and rear ramps, and a Windsor three-horsc box on a Bedford'petrol-engined chassis and cab. Both these vehicles are adequately padded and provided with a groom's compartment at the rear.
A new 1-cu.-yd. oilengined dumper, known as the Ant, is to he among the exhibits of the
• Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., Station Works, Hertford, on Stand 151A. It was described in The Commercial Motor last week.
A Loadmaster 700 hydraulic loading shovel and light excavator fitted with a 1-cu,.lyd. toothed scoop, all-weather. cab, power steering, lighting and bulldozer blade attachment, will also be shown. It will appear with a Hopto. backhoe and swing shovel, which is a self-containedunit -having a weatherproof cab and is suitable for lorry or trailer mounting.
• A Foundrive ;tractor, Complete with Bray hydraulic angledozer, appearing in this guise for the first time at a show, Will be among the' Machines displayed
by County Commercial Cars (Sales), Ltd.. Fleet. Aldershot, on Stand .218. A County Mark IV tractor with Bray hydraulic angledozer and a County Crawler Mark II tractor, will also be seen.
Stanhay (Ashford), Ltd., Elwick Works, Ashford, will include in their exhibits on Stand 461 a hydraulically operated hoist and loader, having a swivelling jib and attached to a tractor. There is a comprehensive range of hydraulic grabs for manure bales, sacks. seaweed, barrels, lime, sludge and so on. A Ditchmaster, tractor mounted and hydraulically operated, for cleaning all ditches or digging new ditches under reasonable conditions, will also he on view.
A special new trailer, developed for the Ferguson 35D tractor, will be ohe of the exhibits of the Salop. Trailer Co., Ltd., Midland Carriage Works, Old Colchatn, Shrewsbury, on Stand 213. It has a power-driven axle operated from the tractor power take-off. By utilizing the ground power take-off, the trailer can be used with a tractor in gar. A full'range of tractor-trailers will also be shown..
representative range of trailers in -capacities of 7 cwt., 15 cwt, 35 cwt., and 3 tons will be displayed by Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works. Andover, on Stand 156, Except for a 3-ton four-wheeled farm wagon, which has an extensible-pole chassis with a standard 13-ft. 11-in, body, all the trailers will he two-wheelers.
Among the two-wheeled, 3-tanners will be the new Universal farm trailer. This has a standard 18-in.-deep body of Malayan wood. Hydraulic tipping is provided by means of a single telescopic ram operated from the tractor.
Trailers produced by the Tye Trailer Co., 4 Hull Road, York, will be available on Stand 211.
Of particular interest on Stand 299 will be the Whitlock Dozaloda, mounted on a Fordson tractor and fitted with a 1-ton-capacity, fork-lift, specially designed for handling logs. pit props, sugar cane and so on. The load is retained on the lift platform by a 2-ft.
6-in.-radius claw, • which operates hydraulically and automatically ejects the load when the claw is opened. It is intended for stacking to a -height of 10 in.
Whitlock Bros., Ltd., Great Yeldham, Essex, will also show the R.A.S.E, prizewinning dragline ditch and dyke cleaner which • operates on the conventional dragline principle and is offered on a standard County Crawler agricultural tractor. The machine can quickly be converted to a dredger with blades from 6 ft. to 10 ft. wide for cleaning out dykes. It can also be adapted as a crane for lifting loads of -12 cwt., to a height of 12 ft.
Among Other exhibits Will be the new Whitlock passenger-carrying conversion.
The following concerns will also be exhibiting:
Amoniotive Products Co., Ltd., Tachhrook Road, Leamington Spa (Stand 514).
Blue Peter Retreads, Ltd., Basingstoke (490); British Oxygen Gases, Ltd., East Lane. North Wembley, Middx. (325). • C.A.V.. Ltd., Vy'arple Way, London, W.3 (166). Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Fort Dunlop, Emlington, Birmingham, 24 (382).
Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., 36 Queen Anne's Gate. London, S.W.1 (380).
Fins Petroleum Products, Ltd., 25 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I (316); Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Great. West Road, Brentford. Middx. (358).
Goodyear Tyre-and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd.. Wolverhampton (381),
India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Kingsbury Road, London, N.W.9 (463).
Joseph Lucas. Ltd., Great King Street, Birmingham, 19 (167).
Mobil Oil Co.. Ltd., Caxton, Tothill Street, London. S.W.1 (488).
Jack Olding and lid.. Hatfield, Hems (239). F. Perkins, Ltd., Co.,dueen Street, Peterborough (224).
Regent Oil Co., Ltd., 117 Park Street, T.ondon, W.1 (496); Road Haulage Association, 146 New Bond Street, London, W.1 (86).
Shell-Meg and B.P., Ltd., Strand, London, W.C.2 (154); Simms Motor Units, ltd., Oak Lane, London, N.2 (487): Sternol, Ltd., Royal London House, London, E.C.2 (485).
Vivol Oil Co., Ltd., Vigzel Home, London, S.E.10 (251).
C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., 46 Grosvenor Street, London, W.1 (456); Weatbershiclds. Ltd.. 147-169 Bishops Street. Birmingham (464): Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd... Pioneer Works, Hanger 1 anr. London. W.5 (491).