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F 0 R many years the insurance companies have been complaining that motor insurance does not pay. They have, however, offered...
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A N inquiry i nto the dispute over busmen's wages EA by an independent tribunal appointed by the Minister of Labour might serve...
Borrowing from Britain I T is somewhat amusing to find that an American writer, describing almost lyrically the performance of...
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A NATIONAL conference of trade-union delegates in the municipal transport undertakings is being held today to discuss a new pay...
T AST year British Road Services . 1 --4 made a profit of £1.8m., which was £2.5m. lower than in 1955. This is revealed in the...
A N appeal by the British Transport Commission against the addition of three vehicles to the A licence of Mr. L....
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A NEW Albion underfloor-engined passenger chassis, designed for extreme economy of operation and low price, is announced...
A T their meeting on Wednesday, the National Executive Committee of the Road Haulage Association were urged to lay down the...
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A VIOLENT attack on Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., was delivered last week by Mr. F. A. Stockdale. The company had, he said,...
MR. A. W. HARDIE, general manager of Scottish Oils and Shell-Mex, Ltd., has been appointed managing director. MR. DONALD...
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T HE Western Licensing Authority on MOoday added_ two vehicles_ to the licence:of Mr. E. V., Cheney,—West .Road, Bridport, to...
. B.R.S. ,(Pickfords),-,Ltd:, delivered, Butlin's 71--ton elephant, Charlie, to.FileY. on Tuesday. The,. 45-top Scammell...
IGHT Lincolnshire hauliers and the British Transport Commission were spccessful on Tuesday in appeals to the Transport ....
DULK-LOADING associations of fruit and vegetable growers in the Vale of Evesham were in their infancy; but a recent agreement...
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A CALL for the immediate re nationalization of road transport by the next Labour Government will be made at next month's...
pLYMOUTH will hold an eliminating round in the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition on August 18. It is being sponsored by...
W HEREAS oil engines are fitted to 781 per cent. of hackney vehicles with more than eight seats, the proportion in the case of...
'THE Transport Tribunal were not prepared to uphold the suggestion that, as a matter of principle, a licence could not be...
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A NEW type of experimental Leyland double-deck coach will be introduced shortly by the London Transport Executive on the Green...
rOMMERCIAL prices will be charged by the railways in competition with other providers of transport, or to induce, traders to...
DY 1966, American long-distance roach services will double . their revenue, Mr. Arthur S. Genet, president of the Greyhound...
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O BJECT1NG to an application by Wilson and Rawlinson, Ltd., Walkden, for the additioit . of an articulated vehicle_ to their A...
B Y co-operating with Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., the Oslo Electricity Authority have successfully installed two large three-phase...
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TWO bus companies objected at a 1 public inquiry, last week, to Ossett Town Council's Plan for . building a £5,500 new bus...
TT is not the practice of the Licensing 1 Authority .to notify objectors 'of the date of inquiries. Applications and Decisions...
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T "policy of Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., in explaining their difficulties to the many local authority objectors had...
WHEN Messrs. H. Tattle and Son, Setlicks Green, Taunton, applied to Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, at Taunton,...
F ACED with heavy losses and higher wages, Grimsby and Cleethorpes Joint Transport Committee are to make an immediate...
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M ANUFACTU.RERS of commercial vehicles and cars last week followed closely a test case in the Chancery Division involving the...
THE final draft of the agreement on the international transport of dangerous goods by road in Europe was completed last week by...
I LLUSTRATING the work proceeding on some of the 2,400 road improvement and construction schemes started in England and Wales...
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kmong the ing andAir-hydratihe Brakes . on Test . ougl: Commer 7-tonner with Power-assisted Steer - Tares By John F. Moon,...
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A N unusual bulk-load vehicle is being operated in the north-west by Helsby and Longden, Ltd., Frodsham. ft has two separate...
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=IND BULK 3I Correspondent a Specia l 3ELIVERY PAYS B ULK deliveries to and from farms are proving cheaper, quicker and far...
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if 'a load of 2 tons or more is required at least once every fortnight. Despite the high capital cost of the mill equipment;...
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T HE use of ammoniacal liquor as a fertilizer has advanced greatly in the past few years. The usual method of application is to...
T - r is essential that basic slag and 1 is fertilizers, because of their lightness, should be applied to farm land when...
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By JANUS I N the ordinary way, the trade unions would have to wait for something like 12 months before presenting a new claim...
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Careful Control of Fleet of 216 Vehicles Run by Marsh and Baxter on Trunk and Local Deliveries By P. A. C. Brockington,...
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Transport Run 761 Vehicles Carrying of Milk, 10.6m. Gal. of Other 44,000 Tons of General Goods a Year ly A. E. Sherlock-Mesher...
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New Zealand Forest Fleet Introduce Biggest Homeproduced Semi-trailer in Country for Arduous Work By John Grindrod, BA. (Corn.)...
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Mr. Chris Catterall Runs 12 High-grade Vehicles for the Transport of Horses and cattle:` Transhipping System Used to Facilitate...
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Horseboxes and Cattle Containers to the Fore in Royal Show at Norwich A GRICULTURAL operators will have an opportunity of...
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By Th.), Hawk I HEAR that a large concern in the Midlands, formerly an enthusiastic supporter of British Road Services, became...
A GUY double-decker, which was originally supplied to Plymouth Corporation in 1943, has recently been completely restyled and...
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D ,scuss,. at nst the annual conference of the Iitute of Public Cleansing at Torquay, last week, rangedover a wide Variety of...
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C "LecrIoN and disposal of household refuse and the sweeping of the streets cost over £30m. a year, said Mr. H. J. Dive when...
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BIG BUSINESS A G RICULTURE is still Britain's largest industry, despite intense industrialization. The value of its annual food...
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B ASED on a Hippo six-wheeled chassis, a heavy service and breakdown vehicle has been built by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for their...
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P ATENT No. 773,595 shows an arrangement for the transmission of a vehicle, the chief feature being that the flywheel is...