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London and Home Counties Produce the Largest Parade Since the Post-war Revival
BUT FOR the world war, which caused the temporary withholding of the annual London parade of the Commercial-Motor Users Association, last Saturday's event would have been the Majority Parade, whereas, a lapse of five years having occurred between 1915 and 1919 inclusive, it could only -Claim to be the 16th of the line. The .Commercial Motor Challenge Cup was presented to the C.M.U.A. by the proprietors of The Commercial hiotor for competition in 1910.
The parade had grown to such an unwieldy extent by 1914 that, on the revival in 1920, it was decided to limit the entries to teams of six vehicles. Entries for last Saturday's parade were thrown more open, teams of three vehicles being eligible for competition. The South Metropolitan Gas Co. were back again on this occasion with two teams, whilst new-corners this time are F. Braby and Co., Ltd. ; Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd. • Cement Marketing Co., Ltd. ; Coxes Lock Milling do., Ltd.; Crosse and Blackwell, Ltd. ; Hoare and Co., Ltd. ; John Lenanton and Son, Ltd. ; London Wholesale Dairies, Ltd. ; F. Medhurst, Ltd.: Geo. Monro, Ltd. ; National Benzole co., Ltd. ; Robt. Porter and CO" Ltd. ; J. Robertson and Sons, Ltd. ; Sanders Bros. ; United Yeast Co., Ltd. ; Chas. A. Wells; Thos. Wethered and Sous, Ltd. ; and R. White and Sons, Ltd.
The longest mileage declared in connection with any of this year's competing vehicle is 180,200, covered by the Dennis lorry entered by the Coxes Lock Milling Co., Ltd. This is a record figure. The Parade officials were as follow :—Judges Brig.-General R. K. Bagnall-Wild. C.M.G., C.R.E , Mr. E. G. E, Beaumont, 0.11.E., A,M.Inst.C.E., Mr. Percy I3eavan, M.Inst.T., Mr. H. A. Bennett, M.Inst.T., Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Mr W. F. French, Mr. W. G. Lobjoit, O.B.E. J.P. MajorGeneral S. S. Long, C.13:, Mr. W. McDowall,. M.Inst.T., Sir H. 1'. Maybury, K.C.M.G., C.B., Mr H. Mayes, M.Inst.T., Mr. E. W. Rudd, M.Inst.T., Colonel A. G. Scammell, D.S.O., Mr. G. J. Shave, M.I.Meeh.E., M.I.A.E., Mr. E. S. Shrapitell-Smith, C.B.., M.Inst.T., Mr. S. K.. Thornley, Mr. George W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., Major Chas. Wheeler, 0.B.E., and Mr. F. H. Wort, M.Inst.T. The chief inspecting engineer was Mr. George W. Watson, _M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., assisted by Mr. W. H. Hingston, A.M.I.C.E., and the chief marshal was Mr. A. Whalesby Windsor, M.B,E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., assisted by Mr. Cecil Windsor, M.I.A.E. The organizing secretary was Nfr. F. G. Bristow, F.C.I.S., F.S.S.',, M.Inst.T. The vehicles were arranged round the square in alphabetical order according to the names of the entrants. .Therefore, the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., ranked first on parade, with 15 vehicles, the first three of which were Thornycroft tank wagons, followed by three Thornyerofts. Packards formed the third team. The whole of the fleet was in splendid condition throughout. Messrs. Beck and Pollitzer placed on parade two teams each of three Mann wagons, the third team embracing two Burford lorries (one of which has travelled 63,000 miles) and a Packard lorry, the fourth team including an A.E.C. and two Garfords.
The 1S vehicles placed on parade by „the .British
and Argentine Meat Co., Ltd., made a very imposing show. Three fleets, comprising nine vehicles, were Leyland vans, each with its headlamp mounted on the collision bar (this, by the way, being a feature of every vehicle). The fourth and fifth teams of the fleet consisted solely of Leyla_nd vehicles, and the sixth team included two Leylands and one G.M.C. van.
Fredk. Braby and Co., Ltd., newcomers to the parade, entered as a first team two Edison-Detroit and one Edison-Walker 'electrics. These, between them, have covered over 120,000 miles, and are in excellent condition. The second team entered by this company comprised three lorries, one a Lacre, the second a Daimler, and the third an Albion.
The British Petroleum Co., Ltd., entered two teams, No,. 1 team consisting of two Karrier tank wagons and a Dennis tank wagon, decorated in the company's colours of scarlet and green. The second team was composed of lorries of Halley, HaIlford and Thornycroft make.
Bryant and May, Ltd., entered three lorry teams, the first team being of Burford make, the second team being composed of two Burfords and a Thornyeroft, and the third team of a Thornycroft and two Leylands.
Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., showed a team of three of their Leyland lorries with detachable van tilts', their condition being excellent in every way. Working as they do under extremely difficult conditions, the Sentinel wagon and the two Atkinson. wagons entered by the Cement Marketing Co., Ltd., were in splendid condition.
The three Dennis lorries entered by Coxes Lock Milling Co., Ltd., have totalled a very big mileage between them, whilst No. 76, the first. of the team, has the record mileage of 180,200. Crosse and Blackwell, Ltd., had entered two teams, but the one working in the Midlands was unable to reach London in time for the parade. The second team, however, was on parade, and consisted of three Selden vans.
The Gas Light and Coke Co. again placed 18 vehicles on parade, No. 1 team consisting of a Halley and two Cortimer Car lorries. The second ,team was composed solely of Baileys, and the third team. included a Napier (which has now covered 13,400 miles) and two Fiat lorries. The fourth team consisted of Scouts with lorry bodies, and the fifth and sixth teams were composed of Straker-Squire vans. Hoare and Co., Ltd., brewers, had three Hal'fords on parade, these vehicles presenting a very smart and cleanly appearance.
John 'Knight, Ltd.' had three teams on parade of mixed makes. The first team comprised a. Palladium and two Straker-Squires the secondteam a Commer Car and two Straker-Squires, and the third team one Straker-Squire and two Fiats.
J. Lenanton. and Son, Ltd., a newcomer to the parade, had a team of three British Bernas with lorry bodies, their condition being very good. The ream entered by the London Wholesale Dairies, Ltd., consisted of two Ransomes and one Edison electrics. In every case the controller gear and the batteries were in first-rate condition.
F. Medhurst, Ltd., the Bromley drapers, showed three Ford vans.
Of Messrs George Monro's fleet of six Leyland lorries, one was equipped with a body with a slatted side extension for market. garden produce. Each of the vehicles showed signs of careful attention The National Benzole's fleet, in orange and black, ccnsisted of an A.E.C. tank wagon and two Albion lorries. The condition was exceptionally good.
Robert Porter and Co., Ltd.'s team was not &enpiete, but two Lacre lorries were present. Two fleets of Albions with van bodies were presented by J. Robertson and Son, Ltd., of marmalade fame. our of the vehicles have served overseas.
Three fleets of Foden wagons were shown by Sanders Bros. They presented an almost military appearance, and their condition was first-class. Shellatex, Ltd., the prizewinners of last year, had four teams on parade, the first consisting of Leylands, the Second of. Albions, and the third of • Thornyerofts, all of them eouipped with tank wagon bodies. A very high standard of excellenee is set in the Shell-Mex garage, and the condition of the mechanism was in every ease above reproach. • The fourth team consisted of three Seammell sixwheeled tractor-trailer tank wagons, each capable of transporting 2,000 gallons, or 9 tons, of fuel.
The six Clayton wagons displayed by Smith, Garrett and Co., Ltd., and fitted with open-sided bodies for brewers' use, were in excellent condition.
The South Metropolitan Gas Co. showed six of their Albion lorries, the mileage record extending from 11,800 in one case to 21,900 in another. The mechanism in every case presented every evidence of care andattention.
Three very smart vehicles were displayed by Messrs. Joseph Travers and Sons, Ltd., the first being a Selden, the second a Wells, and the third a Napier. Each vehicle was in a very clean condition.
The United Yeast Co., Ltd., had on parade two Albions, one equipped as an open-sided lorry and One as a tilt top van. They also had a 1-ton Ford fitted up as an exhibition car for bakers' utensils. Chas. A. Wells, motor contractors, displayed two teams: one consisted of Thornycrofts and one of reconstructed Leylands.
One has to admire the spirit which permeates the whole of the transport staff of the Westminster City Council. No fewer than 24 vehicles were on parade, including the three early Leyland steamers. They are in the main engaged in the conveyance of rubbish, and great credit should be given to the staff.
Completing the parade of vehicles were three Foden wagons entered by R. White and Sons, Ltd., of Camberwell, each being equipped with a plat
form lorry, the condition of the engines, boilers, and steam. fittings being excellent in every case.
The following is the list of prize-winners :—The Commercial Motor Cup, with 12 and silver medal to each driver : T. Wethered and Sons, Ltd., Thorny croft lorries; runners-up, with 21 10s. to drivers, Shell-Mex, Ltd., Leyland tank wagons; third, with El to drivers, Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd., Halley lorries; fourth (bracketed), each driver receiving 10s., Cement Marketing Co., Ltd., and Coxes Lock Milling Co., Ltd ; sixth, Shell-Me; Ltd., Thornycroft tank wagons; seventh, J. Lenanton and Sons, Ltd., British Berna lorries; highly commended, Gan Light and Coke Co., Commer teamand StrakerSquire team; London Wholesale Dairies, Ltd., Edison and R,ansomes electrics; Westminster City Council, Leyland steam wagons ; and T. Wethered and Sons' second team of Thornyerofts.
The vehicles in the winning team of J-type Thornycrofts are named " Perseverance," " Forward," and " Onward," with mileage records of 34,000 for the first two and 31,000 for the last, since March, 1919. The vehicles were in spotless condition, 1.141.A. Gunner G. Lennard, the driver of "Perseverance," having all the attributes of a naval man, whilst H. White, driver of "Forward," was a R.F.A. gunner, and J. Tubb, driver of "Onward," a sergeant in the R.A.S.C. Mr. V. B. Butt, A.M.I.Mech. ., is chief engineer of the fleet (seven vehicles in all), and he says that the vehicles will always be found in the condition in which they were seen on parade. Great economy has been effected in fuel and oil by the use of Allen's patent pistons. There is certainly a total absence of oil on the outside of the engine.