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E HAVE observed, in the course of recent visits to the works of leadin g concerns in the commercial motor industry, that,...
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Of a Hansom Ford at last! That a " beautiful spring" needs no gaiters. That the railways have rather got the wind up....
The lorry drew up at the wayside hostelry. The driver; standing on the running board, executed a violent sort of war-dance,...
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"The wheels of wealth will be 'slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, hs a carriage is by the...
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London Ambulance Services—No. 2. The London County Council's Service. By Capt. H. Lyon Thomson. p OWFR TO establish an...
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A Body With Several Unique Features, Mounted on a Thornycroft Chassis. C ERTAIN classes of loads carried by commercial...
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The Commercial Application of the Plant which Uses Charcoal as Fuel. T HE chief objections na producer gas plants, except for...
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HAT'S wrong with the motor coach industry'? " This trade, like all others, has its grumblers, and if they were asked our...
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A Run on the Garrett Six-tonner, which Embodies Many Interesting Features. W E . were recently invited by Richard W W Garrett....
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London and Home Counties Produce the Largest Parade Since the Post-war Revival B UT FOR the world war, which caused the...
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Official Information, Aided by Maps, Which Should Prove of Inestimable Value to Coach Proprietors. W ITH THE continued...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND COACH TOURS. The Vehicles Owned by...
A Yorkshire Owner Who Thinks the 28-seater is the Most Remunerative Type. F ROM a conversation which a representative of The...
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A 10-seater Body Fitted on a Well-known Touring Car Chassis. T HE ACCOMPANYING illustrations depict 10-seater coach body...
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The Activities of Coachowners in a North Somerset Seaside Resort which is Especially Favoured as Regards its Surrounding...
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How Coach Owners Catered for the Public on the Occasion of the Grand National. M OTOR coaeh owners generally will welcome the...
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An Overhauling of a Haulier's Costs and Charges, in View of Rising Competition. C AN a haulier charge too highly for his...
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A Tilling-Stevens Fire-engine, the Unique Feature of Which is a Demountable Pump Which Can be Used Some Distance Away From the...
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The Eiitor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters shOulg be on one side of...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). " KNOW what's the matter with me," said the parrot in the story, "I...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this...
The front and rear wheels of the Bristol chassis are mounted on ball bearings, and it is sometimes a matter of some little...
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A Few Suggestions About Lamps as Put Forward by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. WHAT is the darkest thing on earth? Wig...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. An interesting reducing gear of unusual type is described in specification No, 174,873...