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"The wheels of wealth will be 'slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, hs a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—Johs$ Beattie Crozier.
Chars-a-bancs on Imported Chassis
The fact that the Excise officers are now taking action against owners of vehicles who are employing imported shaseis for char-h-bancs purposes has suddenly brought this vexed question to the forefront. A summons was heard at Swansea on March 16th, against Mr. G. 11. Cook, against whom it was alleged that he had hired his coach•to a football club for the conveyance of players, etc., for all the matches' of the club away from home, although ;separate tickets were . issued to the individual passengers. On behalf of the defendant evidence was offered to the effect that there was in existence a declaration from the Commissioners of Customs and Excise that an imported vehicle used as a char-h-bancs is not liable for duty, but the magistrates refused to accept the declaration as evi dence, and fined the defendant and 10s. costs. We understand that •an appeal may he made.
A Road-closing Application in !Surrey.
The first local inquiry in Surrey under Section 7 (4} of.the Roads Act, 1920, will be held at the Council Chamber of the Epsom Urban District Council on April 12th, at 11 a.m., when the Surrey County Council will put -forward their case for an Order prohibiting, except on days when race meetings are being held on Bpsom Downs, the driving of all mechanically propelled vehicles on Chalk Lane, Epsom, from its junction with Woodcote End Road (leading. to the Durdans) southwards to its junction with Ashley Road on Epsom Downs.
The C.M.U.A. has given notice of its desire to be heard at the .inquiry, and users of commercial motor vehicles who are interested in opposing the application should communicate with the general secretary at 50, Pail Mall, London, S.W.1,
The C.M.U.A. at Birmingham.
The annual meeting of the Midland Division of the Commercial Motor-Users Association was recently held in Birmingham. Attention was drawn in the report of the division to the fact that arrangements have been made for the use of a breakdown lorry and gang at special rates for the benefit of members. The membership of the division ehowed a alight increase last year over the previous year.
The following were elected officers of the division :—Mr. S. K. Thornier, chairman; Mr. 0. C. Power, vice-chairman; Mr. R. Vernon C. Brook, secretary; and Mr. T. Jenkins, treasurer. The annual parade of commercial vehicles in Birmingham has been fixed for Saturday, July gth.
A Welsh Bus Disagreement.
A disagreement between the Caerphilly and Bedwas Councils has re; stated in the cessation of the joint motorbus service between Trethomas and Caerphilly. The •agreement that existed be
e2 tween the council was that the Bedwas Council's buses should have running rights over the Caerphily Council's area from the joint county bridge a quarter of a mile from Trethomas. In return for this right the Caerphilly Council was to run its buses into Trethomas.
A further agreement was made that the councils should run bus for bus and so divide the passenger traffic. The dispute arose as a result of the Bedwas Council insisting on the joint morning service as against the Caerphilly plea that passengers were too few during the. early hours to admit of a double bus service. But whereas the Caerphilly Council can run to within a few hundred yards of Trethomas, the running rights grantedto the Bedwas Council. seere considerable, and appliceHon is to be made to the High Court to prevent, a continuation of the running of Bedwas buses over the Caerphilly Council's area, At present. the councils are running services in opposition to each other.
The Railways Concession.
The railway companies have agreed to make substantial reductions, to take effeet. on April 1st, for the transport of motor omnibuses, motor tractors, motorcars, etc., sent by passenger train.
The L.G.O.C. and the Gearless Co.
'Sir James Devonshire, K.B.E., presided at a recent extraordinary general meeting of the Gearless Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., when resolutions for the voluntary liquidation of the company and the sale of their properties to the London General Omnibus Co,, Ltd., were agreed to unanimously.
Rotterdam's Requirements.
The Rotterdam Town Council is considering the advisability of buying six 6 ton lorries with mechanical tipping bodies, one 3.f ontipping lorry, one 5-ton lorry with fixed crane, one 5-ton sorry with grab crane, and two 11-ton delivery vans shod with pneumatic tyres. 'These vehicles are required for work in the Dutch city.
Portable Air Compressors for Tyre Inflation.
Messrs. Leo. Swain and Co, Ltd., inform us that they have been appointed sole eoncessionnaires for the United Kingdom and the Colonies for the wellknown air compressors made by Luchard et Cie, of Paris.
They are machines built for compressing air at high pressure into specially adapted steel cylinders. These cylinders can be used either for garage work or as pert of the user's outfit for tyre inflation. Messrs. Leo. Swain intend to appoint agents throughout the country for these compressors. The large cylinders each have a capacity for inflating 60 tyres of 815 mm. by 105 mm. dimensions, and to create a demand for the small cylinder with a capacity for inflating six 815 mm. by 105 mm. tyres from the flat. This small air cylinder can.ea.sily he attached to ille;running boards.
Parking • Maps for Coach Owners.
We draw the attention of coach owners to. our new series of town plans end directions for the parking of motor coaches in various important centres. The series will be eontinuest and will be based on official information, As coach owners will probably wish to issue these plans to the drivers and conductors of their vehicles, we propose to keep a stock of reprints upon card and to supply them on request, provided stamps be enclosed to cover cost of packing and poetage. Owners applying should state number of vehicles in their fleet, and say the towns for which plans are required. All applications to be addressed to The Cauninercia/ Motor, 7-15, Rose-' hery Avenue, London, E.G. 1.
Traders and Transport.
In place of the usual toast list at the dinner of the London Chamber nf Commerce recently, the dinner was followed by a discusaion on the subject of Traders and Transport, Mr. Stanley Machine President of the Chamber, presided, and was supported liy a large number of prominent men in the commercial, world, ineluding: Sir William M. Acworth, Sir Walter Berry, Sir Francis Goya-Browne, K.C. (chairman of the Rates Advisory Committee and Rates Tribunal), Mr. Lionel A. Martin (vice-president of the Chamber), Sir Herbert Matthews, Sir Alfred Mays-Smith, air William H. Purchase, Mil.' E. S. Shrapeell-Smith, C.B.E., and Mr. F. G. Thomas, K.C.
The Valueof Ambulances.
The value of motor ambulances is shown by the annual report of the Yarmouth Chief Constable, who mentions that the motor ambulaiiae pEacQd at the 'disposal of the town, and kept at the fire station, continues to peeve an exceedingly useful asset, and on more than one occasion has been the means of saving life. Not only is it of the greateet, pOS$i bie assistance in the quick removal of streee accident cases, but the medical practi • tioners in the district find it exceedingly • useful to remove patients to and from . their homes and the General Hospital or railway stations, as the case may be. It has several times been used to take urgent cases to Norwich.
During 1921 the ambulance wee used 245 times 81 of which were cases of accidents in Le streets. On 55 occasions no charge was made for the use of the ambulance owing to the poor circumstances of the persons concerned. Practically all the members of the force hold first-aid certificates from the St. John Ambulance Association, and on 69 occasione during the year they were called on to render Ii rat-aid.
In our issue for March 7th, on page 68, we referred to an ascent made by an A.E.G. bus in Scott Street Hill, Glasgow. We mentioned the gradient of this notorious hill as being 1 in 3.8, but -we are given to understand that the average gradient in the. steepest part is I. in 5.18.
U.S.A. Production.
rho United States Federal Reserve Boaed's review for February, recently issued, states, that some improvement in the motor industry in January was reported, although, compared with a year ago, production was considerably less. Companies reporting produced 54;086' passenger cars in January, as against 62,026 in December. These companies produced 73.6 per cent, of the total output reported for December. The output of reporting heavy vehicle manufacturers decreased from 6,318 vehicles in December to 5,837 in January. These manufacturers produced 76.1 per cent, of the total output reported for December.
Nottingham Motorbuses.
Although there has been no marked inclination manifested hitherto by the Nottingham municipal authorities in the direction of encouraging the running ef motorbuses upon routes independent of the city's tramway system, recent experience has demonstrated that there Is ample, and possibly remunerative, scope locally for such conveyances, act mg as independent units and as feeders to rigid lines of communication.
The suggestion that buses cannot be made to pa Y is being refuted by the ample measure of patronage • which is being bestowed upon a new service, which, beginning in Parliament St. hi the heart of the city, extends westward as far as Bidwell, tapping en route thickly populated industrialareas.
The fault has previously been that routes had not been so selected as to present the best possibilities of profitable results, and the latest departure has been attended by such an unmistakable measure of public appreciation as to warrant the anticipation that a further development of motorbus traffic may be attended by a not inconsiderable gain to the municipal exeheqner.
Popular Tyre Presses.
The tyre presses made by Hollings arid Guest, Ltd., Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham, have always been popular amongst commercial vehicle users, and that they continue to give the utmost satisfaction is reflected by the fact that the company have recently supplied hydraulic tyre presses and pumps to a number of prominent, concerns, amongst which are the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Henley Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., North -British Rubber Co., Ltd., Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., India Office, Maidetone and District Motor Services,
Ltd., Norton Griffiths and Co., Isle of Thanet Motor Co., and the Eastern Counties Road Car Co., Ltd.
The company manufacture a large range of presses of sizes from 50 tons to 200-tens pressure, at prices ranging from £120 upwards, so that they are able to quote for the requirements of any 'garage or any vethiele owner.
A Dennis Street Cleaner.
We reproduce on this page an interesting illustration showing a Dennis patent street watering and washing machine, and also a picture of the vehicle in use in the Strand, London, at night. This vehicle possesses many interesting points, amongst which are the patent sprinkling and washing heads which .cEs. tribute the water through machined slots, thus eliminating the usual smell holes which so often become clogged with foreign matter. These slots are placed at the front of the vehicle so that the operator has a clear view of the cleaning or washing operation. Water is supplied from the tank to the watering and washing heads under pressure supplied by the patent balanced turbine pump.
The maximum efficiency is obtained from the vehicle by coupling the pump direct to the forward end of the engine crankshaft by means of a friction clutch, which is operated by a lever on the dashboard. One lever only is used for operating each sprinkling or washing head, the width of spread, for either operation, being controlled. by this lever. The sprinklers are capable of giving a spread of 50 ft. in width, and, when washing, from 25 ft. to 30 ft. spread is obtained. The pomp may also be used for filling the tank, 'and, when required, it can be made to throw a useful size jet of water at the rate of 175 gallons per minute at 100 lb. pressure per square in., or 225 gallons per minute at 85 lb. pressure per square in., thus forming, apart from its other uses, an efficient firefighting machine.
The price of the Daimler 2-3-ton commercial. vehicle cha.srie has been reduced from £750 to £700.
We understand that Moore, of Brighton (Garage), Ltd., have one into voluntary lignidation. To avoid possible misunderstanding it should be pointed out that this is quite a distinct and separate concern from Moore, of Brighton (1910), Ltd., of Russell Square, Brighton who will continue to do business as heretofore.
A.E.C. Agents.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., have recently appomted the following concerns as agents for A.E.C. passenger and goods vehicles in . the respective areas, which are bracketed :—.A. C. Lempriere Back, M.I.M.E., Abbey Garage, St.. Andrew's Street, Plymouth (Cornwall) ; Bath Tramways Motor Co., Ltd., 10, Northgate Street, Bath' (Gloucester and Wilts.); East Surrey Traction Co., Bell Street, Reigate (North Surrey); Edwin Hambrook, Junr., Morehall Works, Cheriton Road, Folkestone (S.E. Kent, Folkestone,. and district) ; the Transport Engineering Co., Ltd., Stockport .(Stockport, including Hyde, Reddish, Cheadle, Wilmslow, New Mills); Wessex Motors, Ltd., Southampton Road, Salisbury (Salisbury and district, including Wincenton, Basingstoke, eliester, Christchurch, Bournemouth, Poole).
Yorkshire Bus Enterprise.
A motorbus service is shortly to be commenced at Ripon connecting the city with Beroughbridge and Aldborough, Masham, and Northallerton. It is proposed to run six buses each way per day between Ripon and Boroughbridge' and four each way per day between Maotham and Ripon and Ripon and Northallerton. The fares to be. chi-urged will be reason. able, and an important feature will be the carrying of parcels, which will be delivered in the various villages en route. The scheme is :alculated to be of great benefit not only to the 'city of Ripon, but to residents in the outlying country dietriete which it is proposed to cover.
Services: in Newport.
At •a meeting of the Newport (Mon.) Watch Committee, the town clerk reported that he had written to Messrs. Lewis and, James asking them to allow the matter of their request for permission to run the Western Valleys omnibus service into Queen's Square On Sundays, to stand over until such time as the corporation would be in a position to deal with the various applications for permission to run motor omnibus services in the borough.
Control of Bus Services.
.Carnarvon Town Council has decided, in granting motorbus licences, to make. it a condition, that there shall be strict compliance with and adherence to the Lime-table fixed by the authority for the running of the blares.
Transport in Spain.
While the use of motor lorries in Spain is gradually, if slowly, developing, the very bad state Of the roads is a serious handicap to this mode of transport. The large numbers of French and German lorries taken into the country after the war at very low prices have now become worn out, and the few concerns which had adopted this method of transport are now looking for lorries which will stand the abnormally rough usage to which they are submitted. There should accordingly be a demand for moderate-priced lorries in the near future if manufactureM are prepared to grant greater facilities to prospective buyers than they have done In the past. An interesting development during the past year has been the definite proposal to establish motorbus services in Madrid and Barcelona. A concession for the former town has been obtained by the French firm of Rochet Schneider, who started the service with 30 buses before the end of last year. The Dumber of buses in use will be gradually increased to a maximum of 70. The Barcelona concession has not; according to a Department of Overseas Trade report. just issued, been allotted up to December last, but it is to be hoped that a 13ritish firm who were unsuccessful in Madrid/ will obtain this concession. With regard to other towns there is unlikely to be any development, owing to the narrowness of the streets in most Spanish towns, but services coupling up outlying villages off the railway with tho nearest towns are certainly increasing and there should be still further scope for extensions in this direction.
West Riding -Roads. The West Riding County Council has budgeted for an expenditure a £815,514 for the maintenance of roads and bridges during the coming financial year and of this the council will he entitled to demand from the Road Fund of tha Ministry of Transport £399,375, representing 50 per cent, of the upkeep of first-class roads and 25 per cent. for second-class roads. Last year the West Riding raised from motor licences almost as much as they got from the Ministry, which meant that the West Riding ratepayers were keep. big up the roads at their own cost, while the county boroughs received a benefit. The County Council is approaching the Ministry of Transport with a view to the basis of contribution being reconsidered.
Hire Charges.
Newport . (Mon.) Corporation has accepted tenders of 5s. an hour for the hire of a motorvan and 2s. 6d. an hour for the hire of a horse and man.
Fire Extinguishers for Buses.
Bradford Corporation Fire Brigade and Licensing Committee have made it a condition in all licences for motor omnibuses that such vehicles shall be provided with, and carry, fire extinguishing appliances.
Costly Collection. .
A special committee of the Chester City Council observes that the collectier, of house refuse by mechanically propelled vehicles is very costly. The committee, however, understands that the city surveyor is giving the matter serious attention, and hopes it may be able to do the work on more economical lines.
Char-a-bancs Stopping-places. Bradford Corporation Licensing Committee has heard the views of a depntation of char-a-banes proprietors, and decided to recommend that the facilities for taking up and setting down passengers be restricted to the parts of the city outside a radius of a quarter mile from the town hall, with the exception of the authorized omnibus stands.
Oil in Southern Mexico.
On top of the many rumours that the Tampico oilfields are giving out comes a statement that a new field has been found in the Usumasinta region. This promises to be even richer than the older Mexican field. One gusher has a production of 150,000 barrels a day, and the oil is of such fine quality that it can be used for lighting purposes without being refined. To facilitate exploitation one company has built a motor road about 40 miles long connecting Monte Christo with Palenque.
The Australian Market.
The automobile industry etintinues to show improvement, the recent price reductions having resulted in some fairsized orders, especially from country distriCts. The general feeling in the trade is that conditions are better than they have been for many months past, and that there is every reason to look for the improvement being maintained. A large extension in the volume of lorry business is confidently looked for, while it is considered that the relief just afforded in respect to the import duties on tractors will open up large possibilities for this class of vehicle. New French lines recently placed on the Australian market include Latil 3-20-ton lorries. The State Electricity Commission in Victoria, having ordered practically the whole of the machinery required for its generaqng and sub-stations, will shortly make a commencement with the erection of the 100-mile transmission line from Morwell to Melbourne. The Commission has, therefore, called for tenders for a number of motor vehicles which will be needed for the work. These include two 3-ton and one 30-ewt. lorries, three trailers, and three chain-track. tractors. In view of the extensive nature of the Commission's undertaking, it is not unlikely that further equipment in the form of road motor vehicles will become necessary as the overland work progresses. Motorbus competition in Rockhampton (Queensland) has affected the takings of the municipal tramways to a considerable extent. The buses only commenced operations recently, and they now traverse six distinct routes.
• Norwegian Road Grants.
During the Budget period 1921-1922 the Norwegian Government made grants totalling /2,638,000 kroner in respect of roads and bridges. The grants were made under four separate headings, as follow i—Road and bridge construction and improvements . to old roads, 10,064,400 kroner ; -administration', survey and upkeep, 2,323,600 kroner ; State subsidy to automobile services, 200,00Q kroner; experiments with new road sers vices, 50,000 kroner.
Steamer Costs in Cheshire.
The 1921 report of the Cheshire County Surveyor states that eight steam wagons and one tractor worked throughout the year and one steam wagOn for 91 months. Details are as follow :—
Days working .. ... 2,874Days standing (repairs, frost, Tons carried ... ... 40,199 Ton mileage ... ... 123,820 Average mileage per journey loaded 3.08 *Cost per ton-mile ,.. ls. 8,1d, 'Cost per working day ...R5 12s. 100.
*Includes wages of drivers, steersmen, loaders, maintenance, repairs, depreciation, interest, also wages of drivers and steersmen when standing.
Damp Roads.
Marylebone Borough Council has accepted an offer by the Anglo-Mexican Oil Co., Ltd., to supply a sample barrel of colloidal bitumen, which, it is stated, can be mixed with water and applied to road surfaees, it is claimed that the solution has the effect of keeping the road surfaces damp, and that the roads will probably only require watering once a day. The council proposes to make a trial of the solution on a short length of roadway and reports that, should the solution prove suitable in all respects, its use generally may be advantageous in the event of water shortage.
First and Second-class Taxis ?
In Paris and other Continental cities the fares chargeable by taxicab drivers vary -with the age and condition of the vehicles. A regulation to the same effect would be very welcome in our own big towns, where exactly the same fare .is demanded whether one has made use of a dilapidated old cab, with a wheezing two-cylinder engine, having a maximum speed of 8 m.p.h., or enjoyed the luxury of a well-equipped car with fast, smooth running engine and electric lighting. 11.1fe introduction of a first and second-class
fare would be a distinct encouragement to those owners or companies who are running up-to-date Beardmore or Fiat cabs, and would raise the standard of hackney carriage travelling very considerably.
Traffic Diversion.
Huddersfield Corporation has arranged to submit a scheme to owners of heavy Motor wagons with a view to diverting heavy traffic to suitable
roads. "
Time-saving Mechanical Loaders.
Hackney Borough Council -has purchased a mechanical loading machine from Messrs. Ransomes and Rapier, Ipswich. The machine is guaranteed to raise 10 cwt. of clinker from the ground level and deposit it in a Leyland lorry in half a minute—work which will take three men 2.4 minutes.
Fees for Weighing Motors.
Objections to the by-laws proposing increases of fees for the use of ptiblic weighing .machines have been lodged with the town clerk of Glasgow by the Glasgow Horse and Motor Contractors' Association, which has sent a deputation on the subject to a committee of the corporation. The committee, however, refuses to make any reduction in the fees.
Pontypridd Buses.
The electrical engineer to the Pontypridd 17.D.C. has submitted an estimate placing the probable loss to the municipal tramways enterprise through the council's permit to private motorbus companies to run in the urban area at 1,500 per annum. When the Treforest Ratepayers' Association sent a elepetation to the council to protest against the motorbus pertnits, the council decided to take no action, limiting the rights 'already granted to the motorbus companies.
Norwegian Traffic.
The growth Of motor traffic is worldwide, and in every country which ranks amongst the progressive nations the mechanical vehicle has superseded the horse for road haulage work. Norway is no exception to the rule, and the phenomenal growth of motor vehicles in this Scandinavian country can be accurately gauged from statistics published in a recently issued Department of Overseas Trade report. In October, 1013, there were only 972 motor vehicles (lorries, passenger cars, motorcycles) in use, in respect of which 1,350 driving licences were issued. In the sazne month of 192) these figures had advanced to 13,700 and 30,723 respectively—a growth for which the war was responsible, in so far as many ex-service vehicles found their way into the country. In October, 1921, the figures had still further increased, and at that period 8,050 passen-. .ger cars, 3,072 lorries and 5,518 metercycles were in use, 37,097 licences having been issued to male drivers and 1,141 to , women drivers during the preceding year.
Mileage Charges Again?
At a meeting of the Chester Corporation Improvements Committee a letter was received from the Crosvilte Motor Co., Ltd., seeking permission to run a local service of buses between the Market Square and the city bComdary, near Stone Bridge.
The town clerk reported that the watch committee was prepared to grant the licences, but before doing so wished the improvements committee to consider whether a mileage charge should be made for the use of the roads. The committee decided that a mileage charge of 3d. per car-mite should be made in respect of Canal Street and Garden Lane.
The Natalie Motor Fuel Co., of British East Africa,has gone into liquidation, according to a recent communication.
Motor Mowing Costs.
Reporting to the Barnes Urban District Council, the surveyor states, with regard to comparative cost of mowing by 36-in. horse and motor mowers, ehat, as near es can be estimated, the cost by a horse machine amounts to 7s. 3d, per acre, and by motor mower 3s. 7d. per acre, but for the small sizes, such, 18-in., 20-in., and 22-in., the difference seems practically to disappear. He thinks, on the whole, that -unless scene suitable meana could be found for transferring the large mower to the various sites, the present system will have to be adhered to, and Ws suggestion has-been agreed to.
Westmorland Roads.
During the past year the sum of £93,231 has been spent on roads by the Westmorland County Council, as against an estimate of £85,000. Alderman Patterson gave these figures in referring to the improved state of the roads, and said they had received £43,399 from the Ministry of Transport in grants, however, and increased income. from other sources, so that the sum of £13,021 less than anticipated had had to be raised by rate. This showed the wisdom of the authorities in pooling the motor taxation and making grants according to wear and tear. They estimated their expenditure for
the coming year at £80,645.
Col. W. Weston, M.P., presiding, said that with regard to the council's application to close certain highways in the county against heavy motor traffic, they hoped the application would succeed, as a result of Sir Henry Maybury's visit.
The Right Policy.
The engineering committee appointed by the Camberwell Board of Guardians reports that, although not responsible for recommending the purchase of motor vehicles, the motors have been in -the committee's charge since they were received from the makers. The change from the horse-drawn vehicles was made in time to cope with the vastly increased work that would ha-ve been impossible with the latter vehicles, and, in addition, urgent infirmary cases are very speedily removed and dealt with. Up to the present a comparatively small sum has been spent on repairs, and the cars are in good condition. As with all innovations, there were difficulties at first, but the service is new settled to steady routine work, and the policy of the board in adopting mechanical traction has proved sound.
Haulage in Cambridgeshire.
Statistice as to mechanical haulage are given in a report of the Cambridgeshire
County Council. The average cost of mechanical haulage per ton-mile was Is. 110. compared with 2s. 70. for horse haulage hired under. contract. Details of the mechanical haulage costs arc given below
Local Proceedings,
The Mountain Ash U.D.C. has allocated £320 for the purchase of a motor fire-engine for the, local brigade.
Glasgow Corporation Health Committee has decided to purchase en additional motor embelance at a cost of £250.
Calcutta Municipal Council has ordered a Leyland motor gully cleansing machine fitted with appliances for road 'watering.
Tenders, which have to be delivered before-March 31st, are invited by the Willenhall Urban District Council for the supply of a motor fire pump,
Southend Health Committee recommends making provision in estimates for the purchase of motor vehicles for refuse collection in place of horsed vehicles.
A new and alternative main road is to be constructed by the Rhondda U.D.C. between Tonypandy and Treorchy, two of the principal centres at opposite ends of the Rhondda Valley.
In the matter of the new road, to be made from the Rhondda to the Ogmore Valley, the Rhondda U.D.C. has deeided to confer with the Ogmore and Gorw Council on joint action.
Southend Health Committee has asked the medical officer of health to include in estiniates for the provision of two motorvans. to be used in connection with the ambulance and disinfecting work.
Lines, (Lindsey) County Council proposes to purchase two 5-ton Clayton steam tipping wagons at £850 each and four 3-ton side-tipping trailers at £238 each from the Eagle Engineering Co.
Barnes Urban District Council has appo.nted a deputation to interview the Surrey County Council with regard to steps to be taken to obtain some measure of control in the case of roads used as 011nibus routes.
Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council recommended by a conemittee to accept an offer by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to supply and fix mechanically operated tipping gear to the council's 5-ton Leyland lorry for the sum of £245.
A committee of the Smethwick Town Council, which has investigated the qneetion of ecenoray of the collection of refuse, reports that there does not appear to be any practical advantage to be gained by 'effecting any change from horse to motor traction.
Newcastle City Council, which is borrowing £12,000 for the purchase of six heavy and-four light motors for refuse co!leetioli and a gully-emptying machine. proposes to consider the question of the use of loading machines for the loading of material at the_depot.
Bradford Corporation Tramways Cominittee has accepted the tender of Miller's Timber and Trading Co.,' Ltd., for the supply of a Tructractor for the conveyance of cement, etc., on tramway con
4.,:etrriction, work at a price of £505, and :.three trailer tipping wagons at £12 10s. each. '
Marylebone Council's Health Committee reports that it has adjourned consideration of the question of purchasing motor disinfecting vans, as it feels that the present time is not opportune for incurring more expenditure than is absolutely necessary for discharging efficiently the work of the department.