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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the rougtiness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The C.M.U.A. and the General Election.
A leaflet containing much valuable information regarding mechanical road transport and its relation to the community has been addressed by the Commercial Motor Users Association, 50, Pall Mall. London, S.W.1, to all candidates for Parliament.
It deals with the excessive burden of motor taxation, the public interest in road transport, and the reasons why such transport must be encouraged. It points out that commercial-motor vehicles, for both goods and passengers, are tools and plant of' industry and should, therefore, be treated as such when motor taxation is under considera tion.
An International Motorbus and Coach Owners' Association.
As the result of a recent meeting of the German Motorbus and Coach Owners' Association, which was attended by representatives of Dutch, Scandinavian, German, Austrian and Czecho-Slovakian bus and coach undertakings, it was agreed to form an International Union of Motorbus and Coach Owners' Associations. It is urged that bus and coach services are at present subject to great restrictions imposed by frontier regulations and that much useful work can be done to remove or to simplify these in order to allow the development of inter-country services.
It is also felt that the International Union can discuss such questions as taxes, insurance rates, bodywork and tyre standards for buses and coaches. The rules and regulations of the new Union are to be based upon those of the German Association, in the bands of which the organization of the International Union has been left.
For Housing Wallasey's Buses.
A new bus garage has recently been completed for the Wallasey Corporation at the Tramways Depot, Seaview Road. This has been acquired by reason of the corporation's increasing activities in connection with the operation of motorbuses. A few months ago the authorities were running 49 buses, mostly of Leyland make, but including a number of Karrier six-wheelers.
The garage has been so planned that there is an unobstructed floor space of more than 18,000 sq. ft. The building is constructed on the steel-framed principle, the unobstructed garage space being obtained by using lattice girders with a clear span of 127 ft. The repair shop covers an area of 3,820 sq. ft., and an oil store is installed adjacent to it. The garage is well illuminated ; all wiring is encased by galvanized tubing.
As a protection against fire four hydrants have been installed outside the building near each doorway, whilst there is a similar number of hydrants Inside the building, in addition to ex tinguishers of various types. Three large fuel tanks are disposed below the main flooring, each having a capacity of 10,000 gallons. The shutters which enclose the main entrances to the building are of the Kinnear pattern.
B20 In a Line or Two.
The National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., has recently placed an order for four Gifford 0P6 six-cylinder lowload-line chusis, upoa which 20-seater bus bodies are to be mounted.
During the Whitsun holiday 15,700,000 passengers were carried by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the allied group. of companies. this figure constituting a record.
The proprietors of coacbes operating in Bournemouth are to be asked to submit their insurance policies to the watch committee at the time of applying for licences; Shrewsbury Town Council is considering seeking Parliamentary power to establish a municipal has -service.
The highways committee of the Northampton County Council is to construct a by-pass road at Silverstone on the Oxford-Stamford main road, at an estimated cost of £23,500.
Major Sir Henry Segrave, Kt., has been elected to the National Council of the Roads Improvement Association as a representative of the Portland Cement Selling and Distributing Co., Ltd.
Durham County Council 'has decided to take out an insurance against thirdparty risks in respect of the county council's fleet of 16 steam rollers.
In the advertisement of Blue Belle Motors, Ltd. which appeared in our issue dated May 21st, an obvious error occurred, the vehicle illustrated not being of the make described. The company is, at the present time, offering Peerless tipping lorries for sale at attractive prices.
Paris to Hold an International Fire Exhibition.
Arrangements are well in hand in connection with the International Fire Exhibition which is to be held in the Cours-la-Reine, Paris, from June 21st to July 7th next, under the auspices of the Fede-:ation Nationale des Sapeurs Pompiers Francais. The show, the object of which is to demonstrate the latest forms of fire-fighting equipment, will include motor fire-engines, escape ladders, etc., demonstrations of which will be given on the adjacent embankment of the River Seine.
Life Insurance as an Aid to Hirepurchase.
We learn of an iuteresting innovation in motor-vehicle hire-purchase which has been introduced by Messrs. LawsonPiggott Motors, of 320-322, King Street, London, W.6, the wellknown specialists in reconditioned Pierce-Arrow lorries. By arrangement with one of the best-known life insurance offices this company is able to provide that, in the event of the purchaser dying, all unpaid instalments in respect of his hire-purchase agreement, provided they be not overdue, will be cancelled, so that the vehicle will become the absolute property of the purchaser's dependants.
The facility is one which relieves intending operators of a certain anxiety in connection with their hire-purchase commitments, and it seems to be well worth the small charge which is added to the outstanding balance under the agreement. Such an arrangement can be made in respect of almost any prospective purchaser who is not More than 50 years of age, and the proposal form is not at all a complicated one.
A Promising Outlook in Newport.
The operation of the Newport (Mon.) Town Councirs bus service in the year ended March 31st last must be regarded as highly successful when allowance is made for the abnormally depressed industrial conditions prevailing in the area during that period. The full working result is not yet known, but large increases in the number of passengers carried and in receipts are already indicated. As compared with the previous twelve months there-is an excess of £14,588 in bus receipts and some 2,280,000 more passengers wee , carried. Tramway receipts showed a decline of £13,392.
Free State Bus Traffic.
Irish Free State statistics of roadmotor passenger services covering the first three months of this year sillier that the number of vehicle-miles run was 5,448,807, as compared with 3,041,094 in the corresponding period of 1928. The number of passengers carried was 10,425,724, as contrasted with 5,803,759 a year _earlier, and the gross receipts from Passengers were £165,823 against £108,415.
The number of companies and 'proprietors operating was 154, of whom 14 had monthly receipts of £1,000 and over.
Personal Pars.
The Right Hon. Sir Charles H. Sargant (chairman), Mr. Horatio Ballantyne Mr. H. 'A. gill, Mr. E. H. Hodgson,G.B., 0.B.E.; Sir Herbert Jackson, K.B,E., F.R.S., Mr. W. S.. Jarratt, Mr. Fearnley Owen' Mr. J. G.
an an Weir, C.M.G., C.B.E., and Mr. James Whitehead, K.C., have . been appointed by the President of the Board. of Trade as a committee to report whether any amendments hi the PatentS. and Designs Acts, or changes in the practice of the Patent Office, • are desirable and, if so, what procedure should be adopted. Mr. It. W. Luce, Patent Office; 25, Southanapton Buildings, London, W.C.2, is acting as Secretary.
Sir Charles Sargant was tirmerly a Lord justice of Appeal. Mr. Italiantyne. is a managing, director of Lever Brothers, , Ltd., and is an expert in
pateut matters. Mi. Gill is a past president of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, was a member of the British delegation to the Industrial Props rtY..,Conference at 'the, 'Hague, 1925, and a member of the Dating of Patents Committee, 1927. Mr. Hodgson is principal assistant secretary, establishment department, Board of Trade. Sir Herbert Jackson is director . of research, British Scientific Instruments Research Association, and' Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Loudon. Mr. Jarratt is comptroller of the Patent Office.. Mr. Owen is a solicitor and a member of the firm of Messrs. Faithfull, Owen and Fraser. Mr. Weir is a director of. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., of Glasgow. Mr. Whitehead was chairman of the Dating of Patents Committee, 1927.
At the annual election of officers of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Mr. J. Maughfling, C.A., succeeded Sir George Beharrell, D.S.O., as president of the Society.
Mr. Maughliing is a director and secretary of John I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., the well-known shipbuilding. and motor-engineering company. After being articled for five years he became 27, member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Prizeman in 1898. His first connection with his present company was in 1901, when he joined it as secretary and accountant. This was at the time when the total capital of the concern amounted
to ,f240,000. He was elected to the board of directors in 1921, by which time the capital had increased to over £1,000,000, whilst the output had increased tenfold.
During the intervening 20 years Mr. Maughfling has .had a Tong and active, association with the Society of which he is now president.
Mr. Maughfling is also on the council of 'the British Engineers' Association.
He is a recognized authority on works finance and is joint author of "Factory Administration and Accounts." During his long association with John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., he has been to a large extent responsible for the financial interests of the company and for the sales policy and organization at home and abroad.
We ar . very gratified to learn that Mr. Ewart Guy, the enterprising sales manager of Guy Motors, Ltd., who recently underwent. an operation, will shortly be hack in harness at the works of the company in Wolverhampton. It is pleasing to learn that his state of health is now improving.
Mr. T. Duncan Jewell, late of the Associated Equipment Co. Ltd.., has recently been appointed safes manager to Davidson (Tralford Park), Ltd,, te well-known Manchester concern of bodybuilders and automobile engineers.
. The Royal Counties Show.
The annual show of the Royal Counties Agricultural Society will open on the Common,. Southampton (about, one and a half mile from Southampton West Station) to-morrow (Wednesday) mid will doss on Saturday next: Most of the leading firms in the country will be represented in the machinery-inmotion' and implement sections, and a number of motor vehicles will be exhibited.
India's Imports Increase.
A return just to hand shows that during the 10 months ended January last 1,897 motorbuses and lorries and 9,816 commercial chassis, valued at £1,488,405, were imported into India, as against 942 vehicles and 6,812 chassis, valued at £962,451, in the corresponding period of 1927-28. At the top of the list of supplying countries is Canada, with 5,965 vehicles, the United States following with 5,229, the -United Kingdom being third with only 388 units.
A Bridge Toll to be Abolished.
We are informed that the Kent County Council and the Ministry' of Transport have now arranged terms with the Southern Railway Co. for freeing the Kingsferry toll bridge, the authorities concerned paying the railway company £50,000, t
Co-operative Bus Working.
On May 15th the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and the North-Western Road Car .Co., Ltd., commenced the joint operation of a motorbus service between Derby and Manchester, five services being given daily in each direction. The route is via Ashbourne, Leek and Macclesfield. These two companies aIso started at the same time the joint operation of a service between Nottingham and Manchester, via Ripley, Matlock and Buxton, four vehicles running daily
in each direction. • S.O.S. buses are being used by the Trent concern and Leyland Tiger vekicles by the North-Western Road CaP. Co., Ltd. , The R.A.F. Display at Hendon.
The 10th display of the R.A.F. will be held at Hendon on Saturday, July 1:Ith, and will be attended by FIRM. the Prince of Wales. The display is being held about a fortnight later than usual to enable visitors to London to attend, if they wish, the International Aeronautical Exhibition, which opens at Olympia on Tuesday, July 16th.
The accommodation has been greatly 'increased, and advance booking has already begun. Seats can be reserved at the offices of Keith, Prowse and Co-, which has purchased almost the whole of the accommodation in the stands. Seats can also be obtained from other agencies and libraries. Ulster Traders' Election Questionnaire.
The Ulster Division of the Motor Trade Association issued the following questionnaire to all candidates for the Northern Ireland general election : "Are you in favour of equal treatment for the motor industry by the Government of Northern Ireland with that now existing in 'Great Britain, i.e., that motor legislation in Northern Ireland shall not be more restrictive than in Great Britain and that taxation shall not be higher? If so, will you undertake, if elected, to use your influence in imposing legislation implementing the recent bus pact? Will you use your Influence to have motor taxation reduced to the same level as obtains in Great Britain?"
Following the issue of the questionnaire, the Northern Ireland Ministry of Finance announced its intention of
setting up a committee to go into the duties upon motor vehicles in the province. It may be mentioned that the only changes in taxation are in regard to buses and commercial vehicles.
A Useful Municipal Directory.
"The Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book, 199-1930," has recently been issued, and the publisher, the Sanitary Publishing Co., Ltd., 8, Bream's Buildings, London, E.C.4, claims that it contains a complete and officially corrected list of the local authorities in Great Britain and Ireland. These comprise 62 county councils, 82 county borough and 29 metropolitan borough councils; 253 municipal corporations, 792 urban. and 646 rural district councils in England and Wales; 332 authorities in Scotland and 163 in Ireland, together with leading local governing bodies in the over
seas Dominions. The directory also gives the names of the chief officials concerned.
A special section of the publication deals with municipal transport, and in B22 this the types of motor vehicle and appliance purchased by local authorities are set out. The volume sells at 13s. post free. It has a foreword by Sir Henry Maybury, who emphasizes the value of the book as a work of reference.
No New Bus licences for Greenock. At a recent sitting of the Greenock general licensing court it was intimated that in terms of the Greenock Tramways Act, 1928, no new bus licences would be granted for the route covered by the Greenock Motor Services Co.
Amalgamations in the West Country. It is intimated from Plymouth that a merger of local motor-coach services is likely to be arranged with a view to developing traffic between Torquay and Land's End. It is stated that for some time the smaller local motorbus corn panics have been feeling the effect of competition from the big combines, and in order to prevent their being eliminated altogether there is to be a joiningup of the concerns of lesser importance. Already the Eddystone Service (Messrs. W. T. Coath, of Plymouth), Messrs. Hopper and 13erryinan (Plyrneuth and Plympton) and the Totnesia Co. have decided to merge their interests so as to offer unusually good road-travel facilities between Torquay, Penzanco and Land's End.
The Lubrication of Petrol-driven Commercial Vehicles.
An exceedingly well-compiled and illustrated book on the subject of the lubrication of petrol-driven commercial vehicles has been prepared by the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W.1, and the company will upon request supply the book to users of commercial vehicles. It contains 40 pages, the drawing of a complete chassis and numerous' wellfinished sketches of technical and educational value.
Westminster's HOuse-refuse Problem.
The highways committee of the Westminster. City Council reports that it has considered on several occasions the question whether horsed transport or mechanical road transport is the more advantageous and suitable for the work of the council. It has given attention to a report by the city comptroller on the comparative coat of the council's horsed and mechanical transport, as well as a report by the city cleansing surveyor on the advantages and disadvantages of the two Methods.
The subject is an extremely controversial one, and in view of the fact that a trial of the " Ess-Em " system of house-refuse collection is now being conducted, and that a departmental committee appointed by the Minister of Health is considering the whole queaton of the public-cleansing service in the County of London, the committee is unable, at the moment, to express any opinion regarding the relative merits of the two forms of transport for the council's work. The report of the city comptroller shows that the financ]al superiority of mechanical transport over horsed transport is considerable, but questions arise as to whether the horses are employed to the best advantage.
The Tightening of Licence Conditions at Bournemouth.
The licensing committee of the Bournemouth Corporation has decided that the licences of the Turpin Engineering Co., Ltd., the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., Shaw and Duval, Ltd., Kingston and Modern Travels, Ltd., Black and White Motorways, Ltd,, Tourist Motor Coaches, Ltd., and Greyhound Motors, Ltd., shall he made available only for services between London and Bournemouth, London, Bourne: mouth and Plymouth, Bournemouth and Cheltenham, Bournemouth and Southampton and Bournemouth, Bristol and London, as the case may be. The committee considers that only One stop should be made in the borough and that this must be limited to five minutes.
A Swansea-London Service Licensed.
At a recent meeting of the watch committee of the Swansea Corporation, an application was submitted by Cook's Safety Coaches, Ltd.. of Shepherd's Bush, London, for licences to enable it to run a motorbus service between London and Swansea. The committee granted four licences subject to the applicant undertaking to pick up passengers in the borough only on the premises from which the journey is started and to charge a minimum fare of 3s.
Mountain Bus Services.
An unusual transport service, which illustrates the growing use of road motors for passenger work in every part of the world, has recently been inaugurated in Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, by the Delhi Railway Co., which is running three buses between two cities in the mountainous part of the island. Although from sea level the route between Medan and Brastagi climbs to an elevation of 5,000 ft. in the comparatively short distance of 45 miles, the vehicles are able to make the journey in about two hours. A Compendium of Engineering Opportunities.
A. technical education is essential to any man or woman who wishes to rise from the ranks in engineering. To a great many, hOwever, the lack of knowledge as to the avenues open to them is the great bar to progress. Much valuable help in that direction may be obtained from trfree 112-page book published by the-Technological Institute of Great •Britain, Temple Bar House, London, BOA. It deals with nearly 200 COUTSCS of study for the various engineering 'examinations and sets.forth the regulatious connected with them— a feature:of great value to the intending student. The title of the book is "The Engineer's Guide to Success." The studies in connection with the various courses are made at home.
Accord Canadian Production.
The Dominion Bureau of Statistics, or Ottawa, reports that Canada's production of match– vehicles in March reached a new record level of 40.621 vehicles. This output Was 20 per cent.
above the previous hid' level established in May of -last year, when 33,042 vehicles were produced in Canadian factories. As compared with February, the output for March showed increases for all types of vehicle except 'open passenger cars; commercial vehicles rose from 927 to 1,421 and chassis from 3,069 to 7,948.
Opposition to the Mansfield. Trattion Bill.
As the result of opposition by the Nottingham County Council, the Mansfield Corporation and several local authorities, considerable amendment has been made in important -Provisions of the Mansfield District Traction Bill, which has now passed through the coin, mitten stage in the House of Lords. The promoter of the Bill is -the Mansfield Light Railway Co.
The conversion of the existing tramway system to trolley-bus operation has been authorized, subject to certain safeguards in respect of the removal of the rails and the, reinstatement of the road surf ace.
An important clause to enable the company to run buses along any routes within, an authorized area has been allowed in its. original form, and the opposition of local councils. which aimed
at a measure of control over such bus services, has been unsuccessful. .4/Another clause, the object of which was to restrict the running of buses by other proprietors along the trolley-vehicle routes and other routes in competition with the promoter, has. been so mol-Th fied by the House of Lords Committee that it extends now to the existing tramway routes only, certain authorized trolley-vehicle routes having been expressly excluded from this protection.
• It will , he seen that substantial amendments to the Bill have been obtained, but we learn that the Nottingham County Council intends to cooperate with other bodies to opplose certain clauses in the Bill at its hearing before the House of Commons.
Of Value to Coachhuilders.
A publication dealing with the use of celluloid brushing lacquers has just ' been issued by Poston& and Morley Bros., Ltd., Trevor Street Works, Bir
ming-ham. It covers the subject very thoroughly and, apart from dealing
with the application of celluloid lacquers to new -bodiesand :wings, as well as the refinishing of celIulosed cars, it gives some information on the conversion of paint and varnish jobs to a cellulosed finish. A copy of the booklet can be obtained from the dddress given above.
IDoubIe-deckers for a Scottish Service.
Kirkintilloch Town Council has received intimation from the General Omnibus Co. to the effect that it proposes to operate a fleet of 20 doubledeck buses on the route between Glasgow and Kirkintilloch, via Bishopbriggs. The company asked for forms of application for licences, but the matter is to be considered by the Magistrates, who will report to the council before any • definite step is taken.
Describes B.E.N.-Myers Washers.
The B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 92, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1, has recently issued a catalogue descriptive of its various models of high-pressure washer for cleaning motor vehicles. The c.atalog,tie also contains some interesting information relating to the many advantages that have been obtained by some of those users who have installed washing plants of this make. The uses to whir the plant can be put and some details of its constructional features are included in the catalogue.
An Important Irish Legal Decision.
In Northern Ireland, when a bus condurtor is summoned because the vehicle is overcrowded the owners also
are prosecuted. In the Free State there had been some doubt as to the liability of the owners in overcrowding cases, but this has been settled as the result of a High Court decision made recently, by which it is held that the prohibition as to overcrowdingis absolute and the offence is one which is not governed by the rule that, prima facie, a principal is not criminally responsible for the acts of his servants.
The Trailer Doubles the Load.
Anderson, Stanford and Ridgeway, Ltd., which is a well-known house-furnishing concern, of Dublin, has recently been operating a Commer 3-ton lorry in conjunction with a Carrimore 3-ton trailer. The Concern has found that, by the use of a trailer, it is able to double the transport capabilities of the lorry without materially increasing . the running costs.. The comPany. -has
expressed itself as being satisfied with the results obtained and its experience suggests that there are increasing possibilities on removals work for the use of trailers in conjunction with furniture vans. The particular furniture van which is illustrated on this page has electric lighting in the interior of the body, and this has proved extremely useful during the winter and on late work. The lorry and trailer have carried out many long runs into some of the remote parts of Ireland.
German P.O. Buys Air-cooled Vans.
The German postal authorities have lately acquired a number of unusual vans for use in country districts. The chassis are of Phanomen make, having four-eylindered air-cooled engines, whilst the bodies are adapted to carry 9 cwt. of mails and four passengers.
New Ripon Licences.
The watch committee of the Ripon Corporation has granted the following licences : — Leeds-Newcastle Omnibus, Co., ltd., for additional buses and services. Redwing Safety Services, for buses to be run on services between Middlesbrough and Leeds. Great North of England Omnibus Co.' Ltd., for additional buses to operate between Ripon and Nottingham, with connections to Newcastle and Carlisle. Minor Alterations to Lancia Pentaiota Chassis.
In order to keep up-to-date the popular Lancia Pentaiota chassis, Lancia (England), Ltd., has introduced a few minor modifications. The junction of the exhaust pipe and the front end of the silencer now takes the form of a flexible spring-covered tube, thus, allowing for slight frame deflection -without setting up stress in the pipework. The chassis can be obtained with a wheelbase of 16 ft. 6 ins, if preferred to the standard 15 ft. 6 ins, Grease-lubrication points are now
grouped to give easier access, whilst the stubs on the rear-axle casing, which are designed to .facilitate jacking up, have been altered to imProve accessibility and to provide greater certainty in operation.
Chester's New Bus Powers, Chester Corporation has obtained powers to substitute buses for existing tramways and to operate bus services within a radius of 31 miles from the Town Ball. The corporation is else permitted to enter into agreements with local authorities or private companies
under whichit may run buses over routes extending for a distance of 11 miles from the Town Hall. The corporation is to enjoy a monopoly on the existing tramway routes and on routes operated in competition with them.
Czecho-Slovakian Government to • Develop Road Transport.
It is reported from Prague that the Czecho-Slovakian. Government is considering a scheme for acquiring a controlling interest in the South Bohemia Motor Transport Co. The idea is that of providing means for opening up markets for milk and agricultural .pro ducts ir those parts of South Bohemia which are, at present, poorly supplied with railway facilities.
Merthyr's Fuel-supply Tenders.
In our issue dated April 23rd we gave details of the tenders which had been received by the Merthyr Tydfil Corporation for the supply of a large quantity of commercial-grade spirit. We are asked to make it clear that the tender of the National Benzole Co„ Ltd., for a mixture (80 per cent. petrol and 20 per cent. benzele) was is. 4iel. per gallon, less a special rebate of lid, per gallon.
First-aid Training for an Operating Staff.
The United Automobile Services, Ltd:, is preparing to meet any legislation which might make it compulsory on the part of employees of bus under, takings to have a knowledge of ambulance work, and it is instituting classes at various centres on its -big system. At Blyth, two classes are being held weekly, and drivers, conductors and members of the engineering staff are displaying keen interest in first-aid Work. At present there are 40 students, and upon, the conclusion of the course examinations will he held and proficiency certificates will he given.
Monopoly Clause Struck Out of a • Private Bill.
The House of Lords has decided to strike out the clause contained in the Jarrow and South Shields Traction Bill, which virtually conferred upon the company ft monopoly of all road-passenger transport on the routes covered by the light railway and over the new road and bridge which have been constructed by the Durham County Council and the corporations of South Shields and Jarrow.
Guy Buses In Demand.
Passenger vehicles figure very largely in the many orders which have recently be.en placed with Guy • Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park Wolverhampton. One of the most interesting has come from the London and North-EasternRailway Co., which is buying 30-seater and 32, seater vehicles having forward control. The 20-seater OND model is in-good demand, both in this country and in.the overseas markets. •
Another North-country Amalgamation.
An interesting merger has been" completed by the acquisition of the Yeadou Transport Co, by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., of Harrogate. The former concern has -a fleet of 12 buses and, for a considerable period, has provided services between Leeds, Bradford and Yeadon.