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P. E. Roberts (Ingleton) Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Objects: To carry on the business of motor haulage contractors. etc. Dirs.: P. E. Roberts and C. M. Roberts. Elm Lea, 'nekton, via Carnforth. Sec.: R. G. Rawnsley. Reg. office: Elm Lea, Ingtelon, via Carnforth.
R. C. E. Watkin Ltd. Cap. £4,000, Objects: To carry on the business of general agents and carriers, etc. Subs.: A. M. Watkin, The Moat House, Warboys, Huntingdon: A. 0. B. Wall. 30 Sandilands Crescent. Hayes. Bromley. Kent.
Bromag (Commercial Vehicles) Ltd. Cap. £3,000. Objects: To carry on the business of agents for and dealers in motor cars and motor vehicles of all kinds, salvaging and towage of commercial vehicles. etc. Dirt.: R. H. W. G. Brown, Burford Road, Minster Lovell, Witney, Oxon; R. 11. G. Claridge, 44 West End. Witney, Oxon; A. 1. Godfrey. 58 West End. Witney. Oxon. See.: E. E. [Mine. Reg. office: Burford Road. Minster Lovell, Witney, Oxon.
D. E. Bryan Lid. Cap. £100, Objects: To carry on the business of motor coach body builders. etc. Dirs.: 13. E. Bryan and G. V. Bryan. 39 Hoist Avenue. Laindon; T. 1). E. Bryan, Boscowen. Chcapside'. Rayleigh. Essex. Sec.: E. D. G. Crowe. Reg. office: 9 Kings Road. Rumford. Essex.
Inn Marton Ltd. Cap. £1.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Dirs.: I. Turton, J. Turton and V. M. Tinton. 2 Market Street, Staveley. tie. Chesterfield. Sec.: V. M. 'ninon. Reg. office: 2 Market Street. Staveley, nr. Chesterfield.
W. H. Holmes (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £7000. Objects: To acquire the business of cattle removers. haulage contractors, dealers in all agricultural products etc. carried on by 1). Thompson Holmes at Fell View, Bock, nr. Garstang, Lancs. as " W. H. Holmes". Dirs.: T. Holmes and J. P. Holmes, " The Hollies Joe Lane. C.atteran, Garstang. J. P. Holmes. Reg. office: '' The Rollies ' Jos' Lane, Cattcrall, Carstens. Sands and Grmals Haulage (Standlake) Ltd. Cap. MO. Dirs.: B. Townsend and M. H. D. Townsend. 80 Crawley Road. Witney, Oxon; G, M. Whitmore, Spring Fields, May Hill, Longhope. Gloucester. Sec.: B. Townsend. Reg. office: Eagle Farm Pits. Standlake. Oxon.
E. Hayward and Son (Shenstone) Ltd. Cap. €3,000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors. etc. Dirs.: A. L. Hayward and 1). E. Hayward, "Oakdale ". Lynn Lane, Shenstonc, Staffs. Sec.: D. 4, Hayward.
Reg. office: Oakdale "• Lynn Lane, Shenstone, Staffs.
Clark and Key Ltd. Cap. £3,000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc, Dirs.: F. W. Clark and I. I... Clark, Park View, Crowle. Scunthorpe. Lines; P. A. Brewer. 76 Wharf Road, Crowle. Scunthorpe, Sec.: I. L. Clark. Reg. office: Park View, Crowle, Scunthorpe, Lines.
J. E. Wright and Co. (Holdings) Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage, and transport contractors. etc. Subs.:'S. Hart and A. Hart 1-3 Leonard Street. London, EC2. See.: S. Hart. Reg. office: 12 Croydon Road, (aterham, Surrey,
J. Penfold and Sons Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Objects: To carry on the business of general carriers. etc. Dirs.: J. S. Penfold and V. Penfold. 36 Baas Lane, Broxboutne, Herts. Sec.: V. Penfold. Reg. office: 17-3t Markfield Road, London, N[5. David Stage iSouthanipton) Ltd. Cap, £1,000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and cartage contractors. etc. Dirs.: D. A. E. Seam e and
D. R. Scam " Fulwood ". Satchel' Lane, Ramble, Southampton. Sec.: I. Sense. Reg. office: " FulwoodSatchelt Lane. Hamble, Southampton. Glazier Removal Service Ltd. Cap. £12,500. Dirs.:
E. Rt. Glazier, 11 Thornton Road, Heald Green, Ches: W. Glazier, Wallace Avenue. Rusholme. Manchester. 15: J. Glazier and R. A. Glazier. Sec.: E. R. Glazier. Reg. office: 254 Great Western Street. Moss Side, Manchester 15. E. Taylor and Son 01111111h10) Ltd. Cap £6.000. Dirs.: E. Taylor and G. M. Taylor, Lauitherne Villa, Manley. Wares; D. E. Taylor, Mardon. Manley. Worcs. Sec.: 0. M Taylor. Res. office: Laugheme Villa, Manley. Worcs.
I H. Kemp Ltd. Cap. £2.000. Objects: To acquire the business of a haulage contractor etc. carried on by .1. 14. Kemp at Stanton-by-Dale. Derbys. Dirs.: J. H. Kemp, 19 Stanhope Street. Stanton-by-Dale, Derbys; V. S. Lynatn. " Highfields ". Coves Hill. Morley, Derbys. Sec.: V. S. Lynam. Reg. office: Hall Farm, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbys.
Leven Hire (Northern) Ltd. Cap. £1.000. Obicets: To carry on the business of coach proprietors. passenger transport contractors. etc, Dirs.: R. A. 31 Cedar Hurst Drive, Elthani, London', SE9; A. Edwards, 26 Linden Avenue, Thornton Cleveleys. Blackpool. Lancs. Sec.: A. Edwards. Reg. office: 9-13 Catford Hill, London, SE6.
Weedon Transport Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: T. Weedon and P. 13. Wecdon, 270 Badminton Road. Coalpit Heath. nr. Bristol, Charles Holt and Sons (Whitworth) Ltd. Cart £12,500. Objects: To acquire the business of conch proprietors and haulage and transport contractors etc. carried on by A. and P. R. Holt at Sunny. shire Garage. Whitworth, nr. Rochdale. Lancs. firs,: A, Halt and P. R. Holt, 1 Albert ,Street. Whitworth; R. D. Holt and R.. D. Holt.
W. G. Murphy Ltd. Cap. £100, Objects: To carry on business as owner or hirer, to obtain cars. -taxi cabs and other vehicles; and to -provide passenger and stods transport services. etc. Subs.: W. G. Murphy, 5 Retcar Street London, N19: M. Blank, 14 Charlwood House. Kings Cross. London. WCI. Dir.: W. G. Murphy. Se.. V. M. Tehel Ltd. Reg. office: 83-117 Euston Read: London, NW1.
Norfeelt Road Transport Lid. Cap. E100.
J. Herbert and T. A. Herbert. 156 Strand. London, WC2. See.: T. A. Herbert.