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MOTOR 'VOLUME 121 No, 3119 MAY 28, 1965 Town Hall Age - D ATES offices have not the best of images. For many they Pk...
Fri, Traders Road Transport Associalmn (Wolverhampton). Annuadinner at Station Hotel, Dudley, 8 p.m. Western Traffic Area...
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the RHA or not) and members of the Press will be allowed to attend next Friday's mass meeting of Mendip quarry hauliers at...
O PERATIONS of the Coras lompair Eireann haulage fleet are shortly to be reorganized. The new plan is for the fleet to be...
the London round of the LDOY competition (AEC. Southall. June 20) the closing - date has been extended to June 5 in the hope of...
A T the second Coal Handling Exhibition, held in London this week, a prominent exhibit shown for the first time was a...
A RE we on the brink of implementation of a road pricing policy?' Such speculation was aroused by comments made by Mr. R. E. G....
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P OSSIBLY the largest refrigerated vehicles at present in regular service in the UK, 12 new 33-ft. semi-trailers, ha v e been...
H AL CUSTOMS AND EXCISE no longer require goods in transit by road which are not removed in the vehicles of the trader giving...
Association, with the support of BRS, have been successful in reducing the severity of goods vehicle loading bans proposed by...
tyre companies that the load ratings quoted for Firestone tyres in The Comnier Mulor last week on page 46 are not the proposed...
for The Commercial Motor Fleet Management, Conference at the Dunblane Hotel, DunMane. on November 17, during the week of the...
(Road Haulage) Order, 1965 No. 1073 (RH 82), which comes into operation on June 9, is now available from HMSO price Is. 9d....
-L Traffic Administration has decided that a system of examinations will be instituted front the autumn of 1968.
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emonstrated in London by Norman H. Tilsley S OME of the latest and most novel methods for transporting loads by road, rail and...
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frey Lloyd asked how much of the £54 m. estimated to be raised in a full year by the increased vehicle licences would be levied...
had been made for converting the remaining three-lane part of Al between Stamford and Grantham into a dual carriageway, Lord...
B RITAIN is to go ahead with its own scheme for regulating the carriage of dangerous substances by road. "There is no prospect...
and experiments should be ready in seven or eight weeks, said Mr. Fraser in the Commons this week.
a ¬ation from the County Councils Association to press the urgency of leg'slation covering dangerous substances carried by...
T ORY hopes of persuading—or forcing—the Government to change its mind about the increased goods vehicle duty were dashed last...
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THE National Council for the Omnibus - L Industry was due to meet yesterday (Thursday - ) to discuss the recommendations of the...
IN the first company report since the I announcement of the recommended 15s. a week rise for company busmen (reported in last...
The first new Leyland but to join the Sunderland Corporation Transport fleet since 1941 is this Marshall-bodied Panther Cub,...
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—contd from p. 41 traffics. "1 have previously remarked on the tendency of owners of private transport to desert their own...
Swifts for Oxford : City of Oxford Motor Services Ltd. has ordered a total of 1/1 new AEC buses, including eight...
L'XAMPLES of the 43 new 30 ft. Routemaster coaches which are to replace RT-type buses on the Green Line routes from Aldgate to...
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T HE West Country quarry tipping rates controversy was echoed at the Transport Tribunal on Wednesday when George Read...
fares increases by the Scottish Traffic Cornrnis , ,ioners. From May 30 the minimum goes up from 3d. to 4d. and the maximum to...
Asks LA S TRONG views were expressed by Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, on Tuesday, when he refused...
- L'ARES increases—the Company's 12th in 10 years—ranging from 331 per cent on the lowest fare to 5 per cent on the highest,...
THE Western Licensing Authority on -ITuesday adjourned two applications, in order to see what action the Government might take...
T HE managing director of a Forest of Dean haulage.firm was told that he had come close to 'putting himself out of business, at...
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I F abstraction of passengers from tours for the elderly authorized to his clients was the outcome of additional facilities...
stages. Manchester Corporation Transport has been granted an increase from 3d. to 4d. for the 1.05-mile stage; other variations...
D ECISION was reserved by the South Eastern and Western Traffic Commissioners after an all-day joint sitting at Bournemouth...
T E first outfit to carry the title of Hargreaves Transport Ltd. is this 28ton-gross artic of the Smith and Robinson tanker...
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SCOTLAND (NORTH) (May 22, 1965) • David Geddes - (Contractors): •Lid., C,olliston, by Arbroath_ new A ..lic,„ 2. 1, (St)....
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Motor Services Ltd., has been appointed chief engineer of Lincolnshire Road Car Co. Ltd. with effect from June 1. Mr. Kennedy...
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LICENSING CASEBOOK Hear Evidence? By JOHN DARKER T HE Transport Tribunal, by its rules—whether self-imposed or not is a moot...
-pm,: Metropolitan Traffic Commis' sioner. Mr. D. I. R. Muir, cannot have found it easy to refuse three recent applications by...
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A COMPLETLY new range of ticket machines I will be displayed by Ticket Equipment Ltd., Cirencester, at the 36th U1TP Congress...
B ECAUSE of increased demand for more modern corn pression vehicles, Dennis Bros. Ltd. is discontinuing production of the...
rear-engined single-decker bought by Glasgow City Transport has now entered service. It is operating on service 40...
-THE powers of tribunals to hear appeals against assessment for levy by Industrial Training Boards is set out in The Industrial...
A N automotive version of the 4.107 four-cylinder agricultural engine has been introduced by Perkins Engines Ltd. The new unit...
'HIS illustration shows the 1 Dempster Sideloder road/ rail transfer equipment which, as announced in the May 14 issue, is to...
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F OLLOWING six months' service experience with the Daimler Roadliner single-decker bus, Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd. has...
I N 1964, the first year in which the examinations for the RSA diploma in road transport followed the revised scheme of study,...
()NE of the first crew cabs to be mounted on a Ford D chassis was built by Reeve (Coachbuilders) Ltd., of Pilsley, near...
official Lavehicles used for emergency purposes will he permitted to carry two-tone horns. They are :— Vehicles used for...
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Make the Driver Comfortable INCREASING demands on the cortutercial driver made it important to protect him I against excessive...
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1.189 WITHOUT doubt the most popular VV measurin g instrument in the garage is the micrometer and, whether large or small or...
worth passing on to other readers? It must relate to maintenance practice. Tf a panel, on which Handyman sits, considers your...
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and Publications New Series Suspension Unit THE THE first prototypes of a new "M" series suspension unit tandem-axle...
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NEW EAGLE CRUSHLOAD MK. III HAS 75 CU. YD. CAPACITY (Above) This general view of the Crushload III shows the action and layout...
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1965 Congress Tel Aviv Ten Years' Fight Against Congestion Summaries by Derek Moses I C‘ T is absolutely urgent to...
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ROAD TEST: Dennis F36 Fire Appliance I T is not often that a commercial vehicle offered for test to the technical Press...
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ASHLEY TAYLOR, AMII main exhibits at nexl soc Inst T, examines the P C demonstration F RESH progress in several sectors of...
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Answers • T RANSPORT must keep pace with the changing pattern of living. This is the creed of Mr. Frank Roberts, cleansing...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW co-operative venture in northern Italy has important lessons for dock authorities in this...
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OLD CITY• NEW IDEAS ITH the knowledge that visitors are drawn to their historic city from all over the world, the citizens of...
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By NORMAN H. TILSLEY J UST under three years ago a revolution took place in the City and Royal Burgh of Dunfermline which has...
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By The Hawk Upsurge in Ulster Some people may think it typically Irish that the chairman of the new Road Transport Association...
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The Ministry and the Bul ndustry IV1L servants do not, repeat not, decide policy. But the civil servant . . . has, and is...
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fact that the universal possession and unrestricted I use of cars can nullify so many of its advantages and spoil, if not...
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Mr. a' S. Deacon (Brighton, Hove and District) joined issue with Mr. Distance and said that the PTA must be said to be .quite...
RULING BY SCOTTISH HIGH COURT T HE Second Division of the Scottish Court of Session has ruled that where a bus is in service...
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/ T is not easy to clear away the statistics and propaganda which seem to find a congenial setting in the subject of road...
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On the Rates W HILST the subject of nationalization—or, alternatively, denationalization—has been under continuous debate over...
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Lecturer in Transport Studies University of London Economic Terms and their Relevance to Transport 3. ELASTICITY OF DEMAND A...
P. E. Roberts (Ingleton) Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Objects: To carry on the business of motor haulage contractors. etc. Dirs.: P. E....