Requests in Ten Areas
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(May 22, 1965) •
David Geddes -(Contractors): •Lid., C,olliston, by Arbroath_ new A ..lic,„ 2. 1, (St). G.g., Angles. Fife, Stirling, Clackinannan and Glasgow, Willkim Hendry, Wick, new Alice 1 veh. (includes cont., 240 and 1 T. (61); .G.g., within the county 01 Caithness. •Milk . for. North of Scotland Milk Marketing Board. Dingwall and Inverness. Lime and fertilizers from. Grange and Ullapo0 for Shearer' and Miller and W. K. A. Geddes, Wick, from Aberdeen to farms in Caithness. Livestock for Fat Stock Marketing .Corporadon as required. (if granted, B lie, will be surrendered.)
a. Mitchell and Co., Dunfermline, A var., add 1 veh. (410.
3. G. Barrack Ltd., Aberdeen, A var., add 2 T. (I5t). Also add 2 art. (1311), 10 .T. (3810 and
1 veh. (4t). (If granted, B lic, will he surrendered )
APPLICATIONS • • (May 22, 1965) lg. R. Claris and Sons, Dumfries, new A lie.; 1 art, (730 (includes cont. Ht.). Goods for Lvbro Ltd. to England and for Farmura Ltd., mainly Glasgow and Midlands. • Bruce Lindsay Brothers Ltd., Edinburgh. A ear. add 2 veh. (111). (If granted, Contract A lic. will be surrendered.)
Tweed Valley Transport Ltd., Kelso, A var., add 3 veh.
Haggarty ;Motors (Glasgow) Ltd.. Glasgow, A var., add I vett. (4-10.
D. and A. Cullen Rid., Glasgow,' A var., add I veh. (310, (If granted, Contract A lic, will be surrendered.) L and M. Taylor, Paisley, A var., add 2 T. (80.
E. Ferguson (Transport) Ltd., Ayr, A var., add 2 art. (1514).
James Dunlop Wright, Lockerbie, new B I. vets. (M). (includes cont. lit): Feeding stuffs for R. Silcock and Sons Ltd., front Renfrew to applicant's road store and for delivery to farms. within 30 miles and livestock and also goods for Thomas Biggar and Sons and lathes Wyllie and Sons Ltd., within 75 miles. (If granted, Contract A liz, will be surrendered.) Andrew McKie, Kirkconnell, new B lie., 1 veh, (50. Millwood and occasionally prop wood in full lengths within 35 miles and occasionally to Glasgow with some big miltwood.
James LeVik and Sons, Newhouse, B var., add 4 (25E). Road, building, eeeavated and demolished mats., gin per cent For the United Fiteclay Co. Ltd., within (t0.
APPLICATIONS (May 19, 1965) Stoneeross Transport Ltd. Northallerton, new A I yell, (4:E). Foodstuffs, agric. produce and Eine. male, and plant for site preparation and construction of roads and buildings, fertilizer and slag. Mainly Yorks, Lanes, Northumberland, Dueham, Midlands, Scotland and London area. Also I T. CIO. Aerie. produce and lime, mats. and Mani. for site preparation and the construction of roads and buildings, fertilizers, and slag, mainly Yorks, Lancs. Northumberland, Durham, Midlands. Scotland and London area, Pilkington Bros., Chester-le-Street, A var., add 1 (60. Mainly goods, raw mats., factory waste for British Oxygen Chemicals Ltd., Northumberland, Durham, London and the Home Counties. Raw seats, and factory waste for British Oxygen Gases Led., within Co. Durham.
H. Metcalfe and Sons (Stockton), Darlington, A var., add I veh. (410.
G. Taylor, Ashingtoie new B lie., 1 T. (3t 14c). Pigeons and Pigeon caskets for .members of Wansbeck Federation on training -flights and' to railhead. (Veit at present specified in C lie.) T. H. Carr, Bishop Auckland, new )3 lie., 3 yell. (St I4c). Timber to Ellesmere Port, Leicester, Northumberland and Durham. Annie. lime to own spreaders. Yorks and Dintain. Animal feeding stuffs Liverpool to own store Toronto and dletribution front own store within Durham and North Riding of Yorks. (If granted, 2 eeh,e will be surrendered from Cnntract A lie.) Davidson and Sow Bishop Auckland,' new B
lie., 8 1', (2711).• Coal. coke, sand and gravel, mats, and plant for site preparatioh and the construction di roads Mid buildings within 30 'miles.
(If granted. Contract A and. -lic. will be Sur
rendered.) • • • Prickle:no and Wise Hauliers, Carnforth. new B tic., 1 T. (40. Lime, stag and thrill inert lOr Lakeland' Spreading Contractors Ltd. '.and road-making math, for Sir Alfred' MaeAlpine within' 104 miles.
T. (40. Lime. slag and fertilizers for Fred Mats tinson Ltd., Settle, and road-making mats. for Sir Alfred Ma_cAlnine within 1110 miles. • J. and W. Robson Ltd., Whitehaven, new B tic„ l art. (7(0. Plant and machinery, within 40 miles. lii granted, veh. will be deleted from C lic.).
J. Croker (irr.), West Hartlepool, 11 var., 2 T
(1.1t 13e1 Slag, sand and gravel, within 25 miles for. 3, .SwaIes Plant Hire Ltd. Also add 2 .T.
11.5e-t). Goods for Tarmac Roadstone • Ltd. and Groston Transport Ltd.. within Northern Traffic area only
Oliver Hart and Sons Ltd., Chotley, new A lie., 27 T. (206)0. Goods within 75 miles; ground rock salt in bulk l'or Ilse by local authorities for road Purposes as required by [Cl Ltd., Winnington; road and huilding maes., .ash, timber off cuts, solid fuel. within 75 Miles: coke, within 90 miles.
Road Services (Forth) Ltd.. Liverpool, new _A lic., 8 art. (560, G.g.. GB.
J. M. Illorrocks and Sous Ltd., Manche.ster. new A lie., 30 veh. (210)0..13[11k liquids, mainly tar. tar produets. ammonia products. oils and waxes, GR., but =dais Lanes, Ches, Dertsys, -Yorks and
adjoining eorinti,es (It granted. A and II lies, will he surrendered.)
G. L. Roberts, Pontlffni, Cacrns, new A lice. 1 vet. I60:. I trl. (1.10. Quarried, road and building mats, and plant, agric. Produce and requisites, lacer, bottled beer and soft drinks. within 150 miles. (81fliegr.)anted, eels. and tel. will he deleted from
Lathoins 'Transporters lid., Preston. 6 veil, (3014), (includes 3 car carriers 2 art, (1.2&t). also
veh. (I lt) It and-Rover), 6 tit (17)10. Products of Sharps Cominerc:als Ltd.. as required. motor vehicles as required. except that Rooms cars from Linwood. Vauxhall cars from Ellesmere Port,•and to Scotland, shall only be carried as a sub-contractor or for a di,trihittor or I:mailer. (If granted. B tic_ wilt not lee renewed.) Williams Bros. (Denbigh) 1.4d.. ambigh. A vai.. add I trl. (610 rim:hicks cont. 20.
Transport Holding Co. BRS Parcels Ltd.. Macclesfield. A var.. add I veh. (1!0.
E. W, Leiria% Lid., 1Vjacelesfiterl, A var., add I T. (80.
-Normans. Removal. and Transport Services Ltd., Manchester. .A var__ add 3 veh. (13et).
G. Thornley ltd.. W csthough to n . Lanes. A van,, add 1 ate. PAL British Railwa)s Board. Wigan. A tar., add 1 vet, (2lt)
L. G. Maddock Ltd., Burnley. now fl lice 1 veh. (030. Petroleum Soirit, as required.
Ird., 'Llandudno, yew B lice I veh. (610.
(include.; ,•:•nt kefrige:a.ed goods, within 100 relIes. return loads only Sitssex. Kent and Essex,
A. Higgins Ltd.. 9:!, Ilelens. re‘w R ic., I yea.
3 att. 'lit). (,3.e.schs for United Glass Ltd., Raventie,ad Glut; Ltd., Key Glass ltd., Alloa Glutei Ltd.. .1. Lomb Ltd., Kork and Seal fed., and U.K. Key Plastics. Nlorwicti. HS required. (If granted, Contract A tic. kyllt ho eurrendcred.)
.I. and C. Finney. new B tic,, I art (qt). Collecui•m and delivery of goods which have .beets or are to be ,-convevert on. llcenseos trunk service vele w(ziain 45 miles.
Thomas Bros. (Removals) ltd.. Wrexham, new
B lie., I vet,, (50. Solid fuel, in bags. within 25 miles. Also I art. (70. Collection and delivery of .goods wilsels have herm or will he carried on trunk vchs. tI licensees. "within 45 mlies. .
A. Mealor. Pori. Ches. TI• var., add I .veh. (50. Waste mats., scrap metals and rugs, within 25 mites. T. rind 4 Hanligge Co. (Lanes) Lid.. Garstane. B var., add 1 veh. (6.10. Farm produce for 3, Church. Sarisbrictz. as required.
A. Raviiings Ltd.. Liverpool. II var.. add 2 vch. (70. (Le.. (C.NrCludillg solid fucl). within 15 miles.
Wilkinsoos Transport Group Ltd., in respect or Sivewright Distribution Services Ltd., (Sochdale. B var., add 4 yen. fqt).
J. Case. Ltd.. Si.. Ilt•lens„ B var., add 6 T. 12510, Building and roaddnaking plant and mats.. within 20 miles.
A. J. Adams (Haulage) Ltd.. Widnes. B var., add 1 7, 17'.t). Castings; for Henry Waework and Co. Ltd.. Manehester: bene meal and products delivered :MO raw nens, co:le:led from Granox Ltd.; Widnes, all as required. EASTERN . . APPLICATIONS .
(Mal+ 24, 1965) Superior internatiorml, Ltd., Great Yarmouth, new A lice' 10 art. (750. Goods for •Shipentry Ltd., London. • , • .• B. H. King, Kempston, A var., add 3 veh. (121).
C. II., D. R. and M. C. 'Smith, Stotfold, Beds, A var., add 1 veh. (430; • .•
H. Kingham and Son, Doddington, Isle of Ely.
A var., add 1 veli, (410, • Ken Thomas Ltd., Guyhirn, A var., add 1 art. (6t).
W. and J. Howe, Prickwillow, A var., add I veh. (40. (If granted, B lie, will be surrendered.) Westrooe Bros. Ltd., I3irdbrook, Essex, A var . add 2 T. (9t).
R. Dunning, North Walsham, A var., add I art. (7 It).
H. J. Calvet, Wilby, A VAL add I veil. (310 (with let bulk container). '
• Jaeolks Transtiort, Hunston, Suffolk, A var., add 1 T. (6(4), British Railways Board, Southend-on-Sea, A var., add 2 art.; (6)0. (If granted, same' two veh will be deleted from lie. held in Metropolitan arcs.)
L. H. Gooch Ltd., Spalding, new B lie.. 3 T. (Mt). Sheep skins from Nottingham and Leicester to Spalding and Bourne; pelts from Spalding and Bourne to Shaw and Allen of Peterborough. and to North Wales; wool from Spalding and Bourne to Bradford; transport sf limed and/or pickled polo: for Shaw and Allen: offal collected from local butchers for delivery to Bourne.
Anglo-Scottish Plant Ltd., Peterborough, new B lie., 5 T. (2211). Muck shifting and building mats., Within 25 miles.
A. H. and K. R. Barrett, Haverhill, Suffolk, new
B lie.. 11 (HI(t) (including 2 I. (70 (to be acquired)). Building mats, and rubbish, within 50 miles, •
G. W. Martin, Black NiotleY. Essex, II vileadd veh. (5!1) (with livestock cont.).
Day Bros., Brightlingsca, Essex, B var., add 1 T. (6:0, T. It. Eames Ltd., Great Bentley, B var., add
4 veil. (22t). Goods for Anglo-Dutch Fruit Co. Ltd.. Keith Tarry and Co. Ltd.. and John Fox (Stratford) Ltd. (If granted, Contract A tics, wil/ be surrendered.) A. R. Sidell and Sons, Dilham. Norfolk, R ear add 1 veh. (4)0, 1 art. 0;0.
IL Folkes and Son, Greet Yarmouth, B var.. add
2 veil. (8!..1). Goods foe Superior International Ltd.
L. R. Drury arid Son, SOLiihrePPS. Norfolk. B sae, add I art. (73-0.
N. T. Wright and Sons Ltd., Wenhaston. B var , add I T. (6(0. Peas on the' vine, within 20 miles: sugar beet collected.wirhin 20 miles to factory or railhead; pulp on return; lime sludge from factory to farms within 25 miles; chalk, lime and fertilizers collected within 30 miles for delivery within 10 miles; feedingstufTs from fpswich to Eastern Counties Farmers Ltd., Halcsworth, sand and ballast within ID miles; bulk grain and feedingstuffs, within 100 miles, YORKSHIRE, APPLICATIONS (May 11, 1965)
R. Bottomley, Barkis/and (Halifax), A var.. add 1 vett (40.
A. Smith; Hull, A var., add 6 art. (600. These veh, to he used mainly in connection with Rotterdam/Gothenburg ferry trailer service's.
James Waddason Ltd., Keighley, A var., add I vet. (40.
M. n. Thatkray (Transport) Ltd., Old Matron,
A var., add 1 art (8.10.
Tolfuells of Sheffield Ltd., Sheffield. A var,, add
6 veh. (22(1). •
Richard Hodgson and Sons Lid., Beverley, now B lice 4 art. (290. Goods from the applicanr's Own barges within 5 miles. Goods from the applicant's stores ill North Beckside, Beverley. as required.
T. Musgrave, Beverley, new B lie , 1 veh. (310. e Agile. produce: requisites, 'implements and ntachinery within 50 miles.
Chappell Bros Ltd., Dewsbury, new B lie., 2 veh. (1530. Petro/cum products. for Fred Chappell Ltd.. Dewsbury Nafta (GB) Ltd,, London; and A E, Brooke Ltd.. Dewsbury. as rermired.
Kennings Ltd.. Hasland. ChestAield, new IR 110., 2 vch. (1410. Cgrs and light vans sod at anc'ion by KennIng Motor .Auci"ons Ltd.. at Chesterfield and Bedford. within 200 miles.
2. B. Schofield and Sons ltd.. Huddc-slicid. n.w 15 lie., 1 veh. (SIL), 1 trl. (4z). Road and bu0ding pla)t and mats, and general excavation and dernolidon mats, for applicant's .associated comnany
Oldcorn Ltd.. and for Jack Brook. building contractor. Honlev. and St. Mary Contractors Ltd., London. all within 40 miles. Iron and steel scrap for Mamie and Gilimt Ltd.: Sheffield, within 191 mifes.
R. W. Langthorne, Knaresborough, new B lie..
1 veh. (50 Road and building mats. for A. Braithwaite and Co. Ltd., within 50 miles.
J. B. Whitehead, North Anston, Sheffield. new B lie., 1 vets. (440. Excavated mats. and -Roods used in the foundation of roads and buildings, loaded by XRE Transport Ltd.'s plant within 25 miles of Rotherham.
Geo. Richardson and Sons (Dewsbury) Ltd.. Batley, B var., add 2 veh. (70.
H. I. Wisbard, Carlton Minion. Thirsk. B var., add 1 veh W. 01dcorn Ltd.., Huddersfield. B var., add 1 veh. (510.
Halm Bros. Transport Ltd., Hull. B var.. add 2 veh. (810.
Smith's Commercial Transport (Hull Ltd.. Hull.
B var.. add 2 veh. (7(t). Goods to the order of Burt and Hughes Ltd.. and Lockheed Manufaetine Co, Ltd., as required. (If granted. vehs. will be deleted from Contract A 1:c.) Wood's Fish Supply, Hull, B var.. add 5 veh. OHO. Fish., ice and boxes, Montgomeryshire and Durham.
E. Maear Ltd., Knottingley, B var.. add 2 art. (1341).
A. and S. Congreves. Sheffield. B var., add 1 art. (6)1). Timber and allied mats. for Wm. Llewellyn and Co. (Scotland) Ltd. within 200 miles. Goods for G. A. Sinfield Ltd., Droylesdan. Manchester. as required.
APPLICATIONS (May 19, 1965) M. Mangan, Stamford. Lines, new A lie., (3t 13c), Goods in connection with the building trade, England.
Transport Holding Company In respect of BRS Ltd., Corby, Northants, A var., add l art (7{1). G.g.. mainly within 150 miles radius and Scotland.
Stone and Oman Transport Ltd.. Derby. A var., delete 1 veh. (6t I3c). Add a art. (3710. G.R., 0.B.
W. F. -and F. Coiron Ltd.. North Thoresby. Grimsby, A var., add 2 veh. (130. G.g.. Lines. Lancs. Yorks. Midland Counties, London. Wales and NE Coast. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) Saiada Holdings Ltd., Aylesbury, Bucks, new 13 lice 46 veh. (125t 16c). lee cream mix for Lyons Maid Ltd.
Compton Bros.. Leighton Buzzard. new R lie., 1 veh. (71 7c). Building plant and nuts.. within 713 miles.
PRB Prior Lid.. Middle Barton. Oxon. new B lie.. 1 veh, (6t 19c). Sand, ballast and concreting aaRregate for the Amey Group Ltd. and Coln Gravel Co. as required; other goods within 25 miles. (If granted, B lic, issued by the Wes/ern Traffic area will be surrendered.) G. R. Lelvem. Nottingham. new B 11c.. 1 veh. (6t Sc). Coal for Walter Woodthorpe ltd.: scrap metal for Henderson and Son Ltd. (if granted, Contract A lic, will be surrendered.) B. P. Grant, Triton. Notts. new 15 lie., 2 veh. (71 13c). Building mats. for Rostanee (Builders) Ltd., within 25 miles.
G. Hadfield. Allestree, Derbys. B var., add I veh. (41 9c). Coated and dry stone as required as directed by W. H. Phillips Ltd., Wirkswonh. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) A. J. Fowkes. Appleby Magna. Burton-uponTrent. B var., add 1 veh. (3)t). Bricks for the National Brick Co. Ltd.
C. F. Dickinson Ltd., Billinghay, Lines, IR var., add 2 veh. (St I3c). ARric. produce and requisites Within 100 miles.
Service Motors. Codnor. Derbys. B var.. add 4 veh. (221 3c). Goods for Cawood Wharton and Co. Ltd. and Thrutchlev and Co. Ltd.. as required. (if granted. Contract A lic, will be surrendered.)
Via Gellia Haulage Lid., Middleton-byWirksworth, Derbys. B var.. add 3 veh. (131 16c). Goods for A. Sheldon (Middleton) Ltd., Glebe Mines Ltd.. Longcliffe Quarries Ltd. and W. H. Phillips Ltd. and other tippable mats. (excluding solid fuels) all as required. (If granted. Contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
W. S. Starr, Nuthall, Notts. B var.. add 1 veil. (340. Goods within 100 miles of the Council House. Nottingham.
P. M. Stephenson. Quarndon. Derbys. B var., add 2 veh. (9t). Ground limestone for Allidon Quarries Ltd. for agric, purposes, sand and gravel for Hilton Gravel Co. Ltd. and tarred and dry stone, all as required. Add 1 veh. (4a0. Goods for Staffordshire Farmers Lid,
APPLICATIONS (May 20, 1965) Grocott and Abel (Peens) Ltd.. Precs. new A lie.. 1 art. (8)0. Animal feedingstuffs and fertilizers in bulk; Shropshire. Cheshire and Lanes.
W. E. Squire, Bloxwich, A var., add 2 art. (1210. Castings, machine parts, metal components. manufactured steel goods, conduit fittings. Mainly within 200 miles.
J M. Trevor, Newport. A var., add I veh. (60. Concrete pmducts, sanitary ware, Motor pans, timber, steel and steel fabrications. England, Wales, Scotland, as required.
C. L. and N. Launebbory, Shrewsbury, A var.. add 1 T. (41). Aerie, produce and requisites. within 60 miles: building mats, and equipment. within 30 miles.
Oak Transport Ltd., West Bromwich, A var., add 4 veh. WO; 2 an. (15(t). Goods for Triplex Foundry Group, within 200 miles.
Sbeldoo Bros.. Birmingham, new B lie., 2 veh. (640. Coke, in bass. for Spencer Abbot and Co. Ltd., within 25 miles.
Jobs SW2111 and Sons. Road Transport Ltd. Halway House, new B tic., 1 veh. (510. included cont. (110, OS. within 65 mites.
M. D. Bachanan. Hereford. new B lie.. 1 art. (Stt). Galvanized steel and building,: for she Hereford Galvanizers Ltd., from their factories to sites upon which they are work'ng and return goods for them: goods for A. J. Phillips Ltd.. from their factory to sites upon which they are engaged and return goods for them: canned goods for the British Carries Ltd., Hereford. and returnable empties. all within 120 miles.
Hickman and Son (Brier!ey Hill) Ltd., Brierlev Hill. B var., add 1 art. (5f1). Goods and mats. of all descriptions for the motor and engineering industries. England, Wales and Scotland.
R. D. Hughes. Cradley Heath, B var., add 1 veh. (CO. Goods for Smiths Controls (Wednesfield) Ltd.. Wm. Hackett Ltd and J. Male and Sons (Pensnett) Ltd., as required.
1'. A. Burwell and SOIIS, Hereford, B var., add
veh. (IOW, includes cont. (310. Livestock to abattoirs and markets within 150 miles: grain from farms and stores to Mills within 55 miles: fruit from farms to markets within 35 miles: general fertilizers from stores to farms within 60 miles.
R. E. George, Shirlea. B var., add 2 T. (710. G.g. within 25 miles.
APPLICATIONS (May IR. 1965) W. F. C.. Developments Ltd., Gloucester, nest B. tic., I T. (450. Euildinv mats, for Townford Properties, Bayberry Properties, Bristol Channel Properties. Severn Properties. Trailgreat Haulage Properties and Heathrise Properties, within 100 miles.
E.M.G. Air Services Ltd.. Lulsgate, Som., new B lie, 2 veh. (410. Export and import airfreight collected and delivered within 65 miles of Bristol Airport, and delivery London Airport.
Regate Warehouses Ltd.. Tetbury (Glos), new B lice 4 veh. (14t 14c). Distribution of goods warehoused at Tethurv hut excluding foodstuffs, in the counties of Gloucester, Oxford. Wilts. Dorset, Somerset, Devon. Worcester. Warwick, Hereford, Monmouth. Glamorgan and Pembroke. (Pao veh. (7t 'Sc) are at present specified its Contract A tic., which will be surrendered if application is granted.) G. R. Wight (Froxfield) Ltd., Ramsbury, Wilts.
B var.. add I T. (3(r). Excavated mats, and hardeore loaded by plant owned or hired by the licence holder to or from sites upon which the licence holder is engaged within WO miles for disposal within 5 miles of the site in question, (Veh. at present specified in C lie.) L. J. Culilmore, Rockhampton. Glos. B var.. add 1 T. (4t 120 to be acquired in lieu of I veh. (It).
APPLICATIONS (May 20, 1965) G. A. A:ex.ander. London, W10. new A lie..
I veh., (2t 1c). G.g.. GB.
Brown and Sons, Marina-, Essex. new A tic.. veh. (40. Furniture and 241., GR.
R. D. B. Freight Lines Ltd., Bermondsey, SEL new A lie.. 1 veh. (310. Steel, aerie, implements. valves and hydrants for waterworks (up to 10 cwt, each), castings. forgings, colliery equipment, drums of oil. chemicals (bv-products of coal), springs, shear blades (for paper industry) up to 20 ft. long. castors, wheels, rubber goods for industrial uses, car and commercial sundries and accessories (Isopott and Melco Products Hotta), flexion Slotted Angle Sections and bundles of corrugated sheeting. general engineering products, nuts and bolts (sacks and cartons), instrument panels, stationery, magnets for industrial uses, building mats., heating installation equipment, within 75 miles.
West-Bar:ow Transport Co.. London, N4, new A lies 1 art. (5{0. Glassware. tyres. fruit and vegetables, within 200 miles.
R. Butcher (Surrey) Lid., London. ECI. A var.. add 1 veh. (35). Meat. any distance.
H. R. Cumpkin, St, Pants Cray. Kent. A var.. add I art. (510. G.g.. mainly timber, machinery. electrical goods and furniture. within 350 miles.
H. S. Ramsey. Walthamstow. 017, A var.. add 2 veh. (91). Mainly fruit and vegetables, within 100 miles.
W. E. Jarman (Haulage) Ltd.. Kentish Town, NW5. A var.. add 2 veh. (70. G.g., London and Home Counties.
Len's Transportation Services, Hoddesdon, Hells, A var., add 3 veh. 0.1110.
M. Callagban, Bantam, SW12. new B lid,, 1 T. (St 13e). Used bricks and used timber for Lewis of Balham and Lambeth Demolition, within 50 miles.
Ca:or Gas Holding Co. Ltd.. Coryton, Essex, new B tic,, 6 art. (9450. Liquefied petroleum gases and other liquefiable vases and liquids which are required to be carried in low pressure vessels. as required.
Harman (Cbesliam) Ltd., Chesharn. Backs. new B lie.. 1 veh. (45 4e), 2 T. (8t 17e). Building mats., farm produce and requisities for associate company Harman (Coweroft) Ltd., Bucks, Herts. Beds, Middy, and the Greater London area.
R. R. P. Perfect, Romford. Essex, new B tic.. I veh. (60. Tin plate for Mckenzie and Tapp Ltd., within 50 miles; scrap iron, metal and machinery for H. Jeffries, building mats., within 40 miles.
Riley Bros. Transport (Chelsea). Chelsea, SW10, new B tic., 2 veh. (71 I2c), limber and wallboards, within 50 miles.
J. A. C. Bain Haulage Ltd.. Dunstable, B var., add 3 art. (2040. Air freight eallected. within 15 miles of Luton station for delivery to London Airport. and air freight collected at London Airport for delivery within 15 miles of Luton station. To substitute any vehicle authorized on the applicants A. B or Contract A lies, which are out of service for overhaul or repair.
R. A. W. Foster, High Wycombe. Bucks, B var., add I T. (4{0. Sand, gravel, ready-mixed concrete and road-making mats. for Inn's and Co. Ltd., and their subsidiary company, Wirksworth Quarries Ltd.. within 50 miles.
Kinabalu and Son. St. Mary Cray, Kent. R var.. add 2 sets. (70. Building mats. of I. H. Sankey of OrpinMon. within 70 miles of Orpineton station.
A. H. Warwick Ltd.. Hazlemere. Bucks, B var., add 3 veh. (91 3c). Newsprint, stamps and printed matter. within 60 miles of High Wycombe station and to T iverpool docks and Manchester and Birmingham.
APPLICATIONS (May 20. 1955) H. J. Bo'den, Parkstone, new A lie,. 2 veh. (30 and 3 trl. (110. Carriage of small boats and towing boats We 31t. not on trailers, mainly within 25 miles of Poole Harbour and to and from that area, vethln England and Wales. (If granted. B lie, wilt he surrendered.)
A. F. Forint. Pulhnrough, new A lie.. 1 veh. (40. Goods for Marley Tile Co. LW.. any distance.
II, A. Stocker, Maidstone, A var., add 4 T. (400. Mainly scrap metal for Maidstone Sack and Metal Co. Ltd.. within 300 miles H. T. Hughes and Sons Ltd.. Portsmouth, A var.. add 2 T. (Sit).
E. G. Dedntan. Sandw:ch, A var.. add 1 veh.
(310. If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
P. J. MeakIn. Tadlev. A war.,, add1 veh. (30.
N. T. Peufoll. Avlesford. new R tic.. 5 veh. (2140. 3 art. (151). Goods for The British Anzani Enaineering Co. Ltd. and their subsidiary and associated companies. FIRV diSiFIRCe.
S. G. Unde•avood. Aylesford. new B lie.. 6 veh. (21t). 1 art, (5(1). (3oods for The British Anzani Engineering Co. Ltd. and their subsidiary and associated companies, any distance.
D. Comer, Chatham, new B lice 2 T. (81). Building mats., within 50 miles.
Pevensey Agricultural Engineers Lid.. Westham. new B lie.. I art. (70. Ae.rie. machineey and plant, England. Scotland and Wales.
G. Marks. Wimbornc, new B lie.. 3 T. (140. Furniture, seed, thatch, turf, loam and carbonate of lime. within 30 miles: slag and fertilizer. within 40 miles; buildings mats., within 40 miles for customers resident wahin 55 mites; Roods for South Western Farmers Ltd., within 160 miles; lime for Cheddar to Wimborne for Bournemouth and District Water Co.; lime for Callow Rock Lime Co. Ltd.; Cheddar. within 50 miles: other goods, within IS miles of Wimborne Railway Station: and packed masonry, stone awl concrete products and lime, foam slag, fertilizers and aerie, chemicals for immediate spreading. all for the Rath and Portland Stone Group Ltd.. anti their subsir:fiery companies as required. I T. (50. Packed masonry'. stone and concrete products and lime for slag, fertilizers and aerie, chemicals for immediate spreading. all for the Bath and Portland Stone Group Ltd.. and their subsidiary companies as required. Nickotis Transport 4Asbford) Ltd.. Ashford. B var., add I vets (61t).
A. H. Sayers and Son, Fittleworth, B var.. add 3 T. (1650. Building and roadmaking mats., within 25 miles.
Offlinen Transport Ltd.. Hildenborough, B var., add I T. (St).
mart/eine, and Co. tHarsmonden) La. Horsmonden, 13 var., add 2 arr. (144:0.
A. Newbury and Son (Parkstone) Lid.. Parkstone. R var. add I web. (40. Goods for Willis Builders Merchants Ltd., Bournemouth, within Int) miles: building mats.. within 50 miles; other goods. within 20 miles.