Potteries Goes for Roadliner
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FOLLOWING six months' service experience with the Daimler Roadliner single-decker bus, Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd. has placed an order with Transport Vehicles (Daimler) Ltd. for a Further 24 chassis. These will be slightly different from the original chassis—the one exhibited at last year's Commercial Motor Show. They will have rubber suspension similar in design to that used by PMT on other makes of vehicle, the units for the Roadliner having been developed by Metalastik Ltd. in conjunction with Daimler. Also, Strachans bodies will be mounted on the chassis—'either 50-seaters or, if it is found possible, 51.
The decision by PMT to 'order a number of Daimler Roadliners indicates that the performance of the first one has been entirely satisfactory. It is understood that no troubles of any importance have are said to like particularly the onestep entrance and ramped floor, and in spite of minor teething troubles with the Clayton Dewandre COmpass heating system, of the sort which can be expected on a new design, this unit has proved most acceptable.
During the time that the Roadliner has been operated, PMT engineers
have done a good deal of work to improve the fuel consumption without reducing the high standard of performance. Modifications have been made by Cummins, Daimler and PMT in this connection and Mr. Mundella reports that, although the consumption is not yet quite at the figure hoped for; it is said to be coming on " and is
approaching that of other single deckers in the fleet.
It is believed that the latest effort at improving consumption is the fitting of a special engine sent over from the USA by Cummins. This has been modified in a number of respects and although no exact details are available it is thought that a reduction in the point of engine speed at which maximum torque is obtained will have been made. Meanwhile, an order for six Roadliners has been placed by Wolverhampton Corporation, • this being the first municipal order. These, too, will have Strachans bodies.