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Yorkshire line up

28th November 1981
Page 14
Page 14, 28th November 1981 — Yorkshire line up
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE Huddersfield and Wakefield areas of the Yorkshire Elect Board have ordered Reynolds Boughton RB.44 4x4 vehicles in or to deal with overhead lines.

Each of the cross-country vehicles is fitted with a lift platform. T of them are equipped with ladders, winches, overhead-line eqt ment and a separate body to provide messing facilities for team linesmen working away from depot services.

With a six-man crew cab and a maximum on/off-road body/p load capacity of 3,278kg (7,2281b) the RB. 44 is fitted with a three-I V6 low-compression Ford petrol engine.

Vehicles for use in the Huddersfield territory have been fitted v a special crew-cab fitted out with seating and an integral ta enabling linesmen to take meal breaks when working in rem locations far from main services.