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Leyland's £40m Axe
ICTORY CAPACITY, in-house 'gine production, and agriculral tractors have all fallen vicn of Leyland Vehicles' axe, in a 10m move which will trim the bour force by 4,100 by the......
London Offer
DNDON area haulage drivers aye been offered a £4 increase basic pay, which would raise leir basic rate to £85. Under the terms of the offer, 'hich was put to trades union......
Route Guide Trrl Probe
A WIDE range of possib1 methods and techniques for in proving route guidance hali been looked at by the Transpo and Road Research Laboratory. About £600m per year cou be saved......
Ford Cagey
A DECISION was expected la Wednesday on the future loc tion of Ford Transcontinerd production. The decision to close tl Amsterdam plant has mea that Ford has come to an......
Call For Telecom 0-licence
BRITISH TELECOM's claim that it did not need a goods vehic operator's licence for its 356 purpose-built vehicles used for ere+ ing telegraph poles failed in the High Court in......