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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—john Beattie Crozier.
First Quarter Licence Statistics.
The returns of the number of motor licences issued quarterly by the Ministry of Transport and covering the three months to the end of February have just been issued. • There is a substantial increase in every category ; thus, the cars taxed on h.p, have risen from 274,151 a year ago to 345,959 (the number of quarterly licences being 60,182, the remainder being annual licences). Motorcycles have in
eased by 40,000, the number registered being 296,000. Commercial goods Vehicles have risen from 155,931 to 183,987, of which 134,753 are annual licences and the •remainder (49,234) quarterly licences. Road locomotives number 492, which is 56 fewer than last year. Motor ploughs now number 12,315, which is 228 fewer than last -year. Motor tractors number 1,063, thia category again showing a slight fallingoff to the extent of 12 machines. Motor hackney vehicles have increased in numbers from 65,414 to 72,424, of which' 21,045 are licensed for the first quarter Of the year and 41,379 for the whole cf, he year. Exempted vehicles, which include fire-engines, ambulances, etc., hive. increased in numbers from 10,916 to 1'2,740.
The total number of motor licences
issued is 925,851 (we have deducted, from the figures issued by the Ministry, licences issued in ,respect of tramcars and for trade purposes). The total receipts from taxation for the quarter amount to no less than £10,264,883.
Barnsley's View on Speed.
Barnsley Watch Committee has given lengthy consideration to the question of fixing a speed limit for motor traffic in the centre of the town, and states that, in its opinion, this question can better be dealt with by the police under the provision of Section 1 of the Motor Car Act, 1903, than by the fixing of A speed limit.
Pontypridd's Bus Regulations.
The Pontypridd Urban District Council has framed new regulations governing the issue of permits to bus.proprietors to ply to and from the town. For the Aberdare, Mountain Ash, Ystrad Wynach, Nelson' Treharris, Baxgoed and Quaker's Yard routes the conditions to apply to the issue of licences are as follow :—(a) No passenger to be picked up or set down between the counciPs Cilfynydd boundary and Chapel Street, Pontypridd; (b) no buses to run except to lime-table approved by the council.
On the Bridgend, Llantwit, Tymuit and Seddon routes from Pontypridd the following rule is to apply :—(a) A maximum fare of 4d. to be charged from the council's boundary at Nantydall to Station Square, Pontypridd, except on Sundays, when the condition is not made compulsory; (b) no passenger to be picked up or set down -between the School a Mines at Treforest arid Station Square, Pontypridd.
On the Cardiff-Pontypridd route it is insisted that a minimum fare of 3d. shall be charged for the journey •between Ebenezer Chapel, Rhydfelau and Station Squac.e, Pontypridd, and that no passenger shall be picked up or set down between these places.
A New Road Construction Material.
After a lengthy period of research work, it is stated that. a Cape Town chemist has succeeded in perfecting an invention which may revolutionize methods of road construction. Known as Fercalbo, the material forming the subject of the invention is, in effect, an improved binder in powder form for macadamized roads, pavements and similar surfaces, and in appearance not unlike cement. The new binder results in great consolidation, and gives a swift and permanent hardening effect combined with an unusual degree of alas.
The chief constituents of the new binder are quartz . sand, carbonate of calcium, oxide of iron and silicate of aluminium. It is stated that the composition is peculiarly capable of bindmg with iron or steel, and is, therefore, particularly suitable for modern reinforced roads.
Exhaustive tests of Fercalbo have been made. The city council of Cape Town afforded the syndicate which has taken up the invention a practical opportunity of testing the binder by placing at its disposal a strip of ' road carrying much heavy traffic, and -the result of, the test is said to be most satisfactory. The actual cost, of making up a road with the new hinder is stated to be much less than by the old 'method.
Traffic in London Tunnels.
In view of suggestions that there are traffic dangers associated with tunnels, Mr. Matthews explained at a recent meeting of the London County Conned that the total number of accidents in the Blackwell Tunnel during the year ended December 31st, 1923, was 20, of which seven were considered of sufficient importance to be reported to the head .office. In. Rotherhithe Tunnel during the same 'period the total was six, of which three were regarded as being of' sufficient importance to be reported to the head office. The number of 'aceidents, including those of minor importance, may be taken roughly as 1 to 30,000 vehicles passing through the tunnels.
Battery Service.
• The Chloride:.Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., of Clifton Junction, near Manchester, have recently issued a most instructive chart, the purpose of which is to indicate in a clear and concise manner the means by which the best results can be obtained from an electric vehicle. This chart takes the . form of a large board, which can be conveniently hung in p. garage or workshop, and reproduced on it, are drawings of a side elevation and plan• of a typical electric vehicle. Between these illustrations is a series of details grouped under such headings as leaf springs, wheels, tyres, controller, batteries, driving chains, reduction gear and brakes, from each of which pointers to the illustrations are taken to the specific part referred to.
The chart should be of considerable assistance to users...of electric vehicles, and particularly to those using machines which are equipped with Exide Ironclad batteries.
It is worth mentioning, in passing, that the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., issue at intervals a series of letters dealing with battery service, and the latest to come into our hands deals with leaky battery boxes.
The Jeavons Spring Gaiter.
In a short article entitled, " Se-curing Correct Functioning of Springs," which appeared in our issue for April 15th, we published details of the construction of the Jeavons spring gaiter, manufactured by lisnisdens (Halifax), Ltd., of Halifax. As this form of gaiter has deservedly achieved a large measure of popularity and its design and application are, accordingly, well known, it is possible that certain errors which occurred in the description will have been _noted by many of our readers, but for the benefit of those who are not in possession of this knowledge we hasten to correct any wrong impression which
may have been created. In the first place, the Jeavons spring aaiter has, since its very inception, relied upon oil as the lubricating medium, and our reference to the use of grease as the lubricant which is fed into the leather container under pressure is incorrect, Our
reference to the method of fastening the gaiter dealt with an old pattern, and the use of lacing taken round concealed hooks has been entirely superseded by a special invisible fastening, which ia distinct improvement on the original means employed.
Ford's Copenhagen Plant.
The Ford assembly plant at Copenhagen is now in full production. After that at Manchester, this factory will be the largest Ford assembly plant outside the United States, and its aims are to supply the needs of no Sewer than 13 European countries.
British Tractors in Portugal.
The relative steadiness of the escudo during the past. year, together with good crops, has aided Portuguese farmers in purchasing tractors. About 35 German and Austrian tractor ploughs were sold in the Province of Alemtejo alone last year, although British machines, especially those made by Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., and John Fowler and Co., Ltd., proved to be popular throughout the Republic. The Portuguese tractor market, however, must continue to be limited for the time
Personal Pars.
We learn with regret of the death of Mr. L. W. Pratt, deputy governing director of Morris Motors, Ltd., which took place in Stratford-on-Avon a few days ago. Mr. Pratt expended considerable efforts towards the advancement of the motor industry in this country, and his loss will be deeply felt by all those with whom he came into contact either in a business or social capacity. He was the first man in England to develop
the building of bodies for motorcars on a large scare, and, typical of his broadminded outlook, he foresaw that the British motor industry must be developed on quantity-production lines. Working in conjunction with Mr. W. R. Morris since December, 1822, Mr. Pratt reorganized the establishment of Hollick and Pratt, Ltd. of Coventry, and his business ability' coupled with untiring energy, enabled a concern that found employment for thousands of men to be built up, and, by linking up his knowledge of the coachwork trade to the chassis-production efforts of Mr. Morris, the ownership of a car has been made possible to many thousands of people with limited means.
Many of our readers will learn with much regret of the sudden death, on April 15th, of Mr. Ralph S. Lutton, the chief sales manager of Sterns, Ltd., oil refiners, of Royal London House, Finsbury Square, E.C. With a profound knowledge of the requirements of the motor trade Mr. Lutton had a wide circle of trade, among whom his charming personality, no less than his keen and straightforward methods of business, had made him very popular.
• Mr. Liitton's career embraced a wide and varied eXperience in selling. He had the true instinct of the born salesman.
After spending some years with the Vacuum Oil co., Ltd., he joined the staff of Sterns, Ltd;, six 'years ago, as sales manager of their motor department. By his tit-Airing efforts and pronounced ability he -was, able greatly to increase the sale of the company's products, and about two years ago was promoted to be chief tales manager; a post tion that he held at the time of his death. Among his latest successes was the obtaining for his company the contract that made them coneessionnaires for the supply of lubricants for the machinery at the British Empire Exhibition. Palace of Engineering.
American Exports.
The number of commercial motor vehicles exported from the United States during the month of January of this year was 1,775, valued at 619,355 dollars, as compared with 369, valued at 141,261 dollars, in the correspond. ing month of last year. Of the exports for January of this year 231 vehicles were shipped to the United Kingdom, 921 to Australia and 360 to New Zealand. In the month of Februa.ry the exports of commercial vehicles and motorbuses (electrics excepted) totalled 1,704, valued at 1,507 277 dollars, of which number Japan imported 317, Australia 174, Canada 138, .Cuba 134, Uruguay 102 and the British Isles 66.
The Russian Industry.
From a reliable source we learn that no exact statistics are available regarding the number of motor vehicles in Russia. According to approximate computations there were about 30,000 motor vehicles in Russia during the war, divided almost equally between lorries and passenger cars. Most of these, however, were of the war-type, and, at least half of them must have now become quite unserviceable. Out of the 15,000 thus remaining Moscow claims about 2.500 and Leningrad 1,500. Not more than 400 new motor vehicles have recently been imported from abroad.
The lorries remaining from the war period are of the most varied makes, while those new imported are chiefly of the following makes :—Bussing, Mercedes, Daimler, Benz, Ford, Berliet and NAG.
.A year ago the Central Board of the State Automobile Works formulated a five-years' plan for the development of the motor industry, and it was intended to commence production this year at the Amo works at the rate of 1,200 vehicles a year, consisting chiefly of Fiat-type lorries. The cost price of such lorries was reckoned at 7,500 gold roubles and that of lorries of heavier build at about 9,000 gold roubles.
For the execution of this programme, which was approved by the Council of Labour and Defence, the Central Automobile Board required about six and a half million roubles in the form a a
loan, to be repaid in three years. The question of making this advance, In ever, .has not yet been settled; consequently, there can he no thought of putting the plan into effect for the time being.
As the director of the Central Automobile Board points oat, the problem of the construction of new motor vehicles in Russia is of the greatest. importance, the need for them being acute, especially in districts such as the Crimea, Caucasus and Turkestan, where the railway system is poorly developed.
Australia's Increasing Imports:
The increase in the imports of motor vehicles into Australia has reached surprising dimensions, and each month's returns show that, far from diminishing, the trade is rapidly increasing. Statistics which have just been issued for the first half of 1923 show that the value of motor chassis imported totalled
4,349,812, as compared with £2,570,824 for the corresponding period of 1922.
Rhyl Bus Controversy.
The problem of granting licences for motorbuses to more than one company continues to engage the attention of the authorities at Rhyl. At the last meeting of the Rhyl Council the chairman said that if the council deleted from its minutes a resolution to adhere to the previous tesolution to grant Messrs. Brookes Bros. the sole right to run buses on the routes over which the company's vehicles now operate, the whole matter would be settled and the council would be able to deal with the subject at its licensing meeting. It was mentioned at the meeting that another council had been told by the Ministry of Health that it had no right to grant monopolies, and that each application for licences had to be considered on its merits
Sunday Services in the North
One of the outstanding features of the road-travel movement in the north of England at the present time is the endeavour of the various companies operating in the area to provide adequate Sunday services for the benefit of travellers who desire to spend that day either in the country or at the seaside, and with the approach of the summer developments in the use of motor coaches and regular-service buses. are being expedited.
The' London and North-Eastern Railway Co:, who operate a number of useful motor omnibus services in County Durham, providing convenient connecting links between various points of their railway system and the more outlying and isolated districts, have just made a welcome addition to their road facilities. by the institution of a regular Sunday service between Durham, Lanehester, Leadgate, Consett, Blackhill, and Shotley Bridge—a route which hitherto has been poorly provided for on that day of the week.
In the Carlisle district, too, this side of the industry is being given particular attention, and Vv-eatherall—a favourite resort—is being used as a venue for Sunday services by the Farraulder Motor Services, Percival, Ltd., the Scotsby and Weatherall Services and other Rroprietors running local services.
For Preventing Belt. Slip.
Most drivers of motor vehicles encounter at some time or other the inconvenience of slipping belts, chiefly in connection with dynamo, fan and other forms of drive, and all too often is an endeavour made to cure the difficulty by tightening the belt, which may quite conceivably result in bearing and other
troubles. There are certain compositions marketed to overcome belt slipping, but in some .cases their use may result in the length of life of the belt being shortened. A new compound, known as Polio, has just been placed on the market by " S. A. Cutters," of 15, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.2, and this preparation differs in the method of its application from certain other compounds in so far as it is applied to the surface of the pulley and not to the belt. This results in the co-efficient of friction being altered, and allows the belt to run slack whilst transmitting its full load.
Pullo is a cement-like substance, and when applied 'to a pulley it dries in a few hours and forms a hard covering. A belt drive with a noticeable slip may result in a waste of 20 per cent. or 30 per cent, of the power transmitted, so that it is essential to reduce the degree of slip to the minimum in order to secure the utmost speed and output. Pullo is being put up in 4-oz.,tins for motor vehicle users at a price of is. 6d. per tin, the contents of which are said to be sufficient for giving two applications to all the forms of belt drive to be found on the average vehicle.
Loughborough Street Improvements.
The increase in the volume of motor traffic using Loughborough's tortuous streets has rendered it necessary that considerable improvements should be effected in the interests both of public convenience and safety, and it is to the satisfaction of those who are desiroua of seeing the work' completed as speedily as possible that a provincial order has now been received, enabling the authorities of the Leicestershire Borough to put into force compulsory arrangements under the Land Clauses Act. This will permit of ground being acquired for carrying out widening operations in many central thoroughfares, an important part of the scheme, which cannot fail to prove of material advantage in relation to through traffic, being the construction of an entirely , new street.
Ambulances for Mining Areas.
The provision of motor ambulances in the mining districts in the North of England is proceeding apace, and a few days ago two vehicles of this type were delivered for use in those areas. The Miners' Welfare Fund of the Mickley, West Wylam and Prudhoe Collieries then took delivery of a fully equipped Dodge . ambulance, on a 24 h.p. chassis, from Messrs. George and Jobling, of Newcastle. The bodywork, which was carried out by Messrs. George and Jobling, is of up-to-date pattern, and is arranged to carry two stretcher and four sitting patients. Several of these vehicles have been supplied during the course of the past few months, and have, without exception, given entire satisfaction. The firm have also delivered to the High Spen Nursing Association a Fiat ambulance of the de luxe type. '
The Last Journey.
Merthyr Tydvil Watch Committee has taken 130 action upon a matter referred to in a letter from the Merthyr Electric Traction and Lighting Co., Ltd., concerning the permission granted by the council to omnibuses taking up passengers on the route of the tramways on their homeward journey to Dowlais at night.
Doncaster's Outer Service.
At a meeting of the Rotherham Corporation Tramways Committee the town clerk reported upon the agreement between the corporation and the West Riding County Council with regard to road adaptation charges, and the team
ways Manager informed the committee that the county council had asked for the payment of the sum,of £130 for such charges. The committee recommended chat the amount be paid, and that the
town clerk be instructed to apply to the Doncaster Corporation for licences for the running of motor omnibuses between Rotherham and Doncaster.
Motor Delivery Pays Australian Bakers.
The. "Australasian Baker" recently instituted an inquiry as to the relative merits of horse-drawn as against motor vehicles. It was found that three horsedrawn bakers' carts operating in Sydney, covering an aggregate of 10,000 miles in a year, cost £963. This included interest on investment, of horses, carts, etc., depreciation, 'repairs, feeding and shoeing, insurance, and drivers' wages. A 15-18-ewt: motor delivery van cost, on a 'like estimate, over 10,000 miles, £479 18s. 6d. Thus the cost worked out at I1,36d. per mile against is. 11d, per riajle in favour of the motor vehicle. Even , though the metor only did the work of two horse-drawn carts, the figures, reckoned on this basis, would still favour the motor, being 1s. 31d. per mile for the carts as against 110. for the light van.
There was the usual influx of motor coaches and omnibuses into Blackpool over the Easter Holidays, during which between 250 and 300 fully loaded vehicles of this description visited the town each day. On the Bank Holiday evening no fewer than 315 vehicles were counted in the space of 1.2 mins. shortly after 6 o'clock proceeding from Blackpool along Whitegate Drive inothe direction of Marton. At the Blackpool Motor Coach Station in Marshall Street on Good Friday over 100 Chars-k-hancs unloaded close on -3,900 people. The first arrived about10 o'clock .in the morning, 'and the last departure was at 11.15 p.m., this coach being destined for
'Blackburn. • All 'the big Lancashire towns and cities, and LiverpOol and Manchester especially, sent contingents. • Some of the visiting vehicles came from plades so far away .as Huddersfield and Brad ford. 'On Easter Sunday about60 motor coaches availed themselves of the facilities provided by the Blackpool Motor Station, but on the Monday the -number was more than doubled, and about half of the total of vehicles came from Yorkshire towns'. Considerable numbers of motor coaches were also garaged and parked at the Coliseum Motor Station in Blackpool.
Fares at Bexhill.
Bexhill Licensing Committee has met the local cab proprietors to hear their views with regard to a scale of fares to be inserted in the proposed new by-laws. After discussion the main principles of a new scale were agreed epon, and the committee proposes incorporating them in the draft lay-laws which will later be deposed for rnspection.
Stockton's Successful Buses.
As a result of careful management, the motorbuses operated by the Stockton Corporation have provided an extremely satisfactory return for the financial year recently ended. During the 12 months the buses not only paid their way in all respects, but. provided the sum of £1,263 surplus towards the cost of an -additional vehicle.
A New Windscreen Wiper.
A windscreen wiper is a useful fitting, which readily proves its worth in wet wea.ther when without the use of some such accessory a windscreen soon be= comes covered with globules of rain or a damp mist, which effectually impedes the driver's view of the Toad ahead. One of the latest accessories of this kind to be marketed is the Terry, for which Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., of Redditch, are responsible. It is made in two models, one for use on overlap screens and the other for flush-edged r screens. The wiper consists of a rustless nickelplated holder, containing a set of six chemically prepared tapes for the outside of the screen and a felt pad for the Inside of the screen. When the wiper fs drawn across the windscreen it leaves an invisible film of rain-resisting solution, and thus prevents the obstruction • of the driver's view. The wiper is held in contact with the screen by spring pressure, and it can easily be drawn across its surface by hand. The cleaning depth is adjustable to the line of vision. The Terry fitting is neat and unobtrusive, and should prove a useful addition to any commercial vehicle, especially those of the light van type, and to certain classes of passengercarrying machines.
An Annual Show of Eiectrics.
The annual show of commercial electric vehicles was held in New York from April 19th-26th, under the auspices of the New York Edison Co. The Show this year was planned to emphasize the application of the electric vehicle to specialized industries, and definite days were set aside for exhibitsi in various classes of trade. The types of vehicle suitable for use by warehousemen; departmental stores, laundries, public .service authorities, bakers, ice-cream merchants and dairymen and provision dealers were given special prominence.
Picture Shows from a Furniture Van.
One of the best-known companies renting films is the Associated First National Pictures, Ltd., who have found useful service for an A.E.C. furnitureremovers' pantechnicon in order, to advertise the recently released film, " Secrets."
Apart from the striking posters at the sides of the van, which has been travelling about from place to place, an additional attraction was the kinenia apparatus with which it was equipped. The length of the van used was 14 ft. 6 ins., and in the interior a kinema projector was fitted, the current for illumination being obtained from Exide batteries. Thus at each of the stations taken up by the vehicle it -was possible to provide,.,an opportunity for the crowds of people who congregated to see the real film. The size of the picture shown on the screen at the rear of the lorry was about 4 ft. 6 ins, in depth. , Switzerland Seeking a Petrol Substitute.
For some considerable time the Swiss Government has been conducting experiments with a view to finding a successful process whereby power alcohol can be .used as a substitute for petrol. According to the last report issued by the authorities making these investigations, no fuel better or cheaper than petrol has yet been found.
. Buses in awe,
Last year saw the establishment of an important motorbus system in Santiago,
Chile., Although .fares work out at double those existing on the electric tramway service, the buses are proving very keen competitors to the cars. The vehicles used on the main streets accommodate 40 passengers, but along the less important thoroughfares 20-seaters are mainly used, The tptal number of buses operating in Santiago is now about 250, and others will shortly be in service.
Tyneside Bus Progression.
Continuing to display the markedly progressive spirit which has been the keynote of their success during the past ten years, the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., who maintain regular:bus services over about 130 miles of roadway in the northern part. of County Durham and on Tyneside„are rapidly extending their scope. They have introduced a number of new services during the past few months, and are at present busily engaged on a programme of developments which includes the inauguration of still further new services and the construction of new and commodious garages at various points to accommodate the increasihg fleet.
The most recent new route is that from Chester-le-Street, an extremely busy centre of motorbus activity, to Lumley, a mining township. In the past the company have operated temporary services to Lumley at different periods, but this is the first occasion on which permanent facilities have been provided, and residents are .highly appreciative of the boon which has been conferred on them by giving them a, cheap and convenient means of reaching Chester-le-Street and thence the large Tyneside and Wearside shopping centres.
In addition, the Northern General Transport Co, have now secured the approval of the Consett Urban District Council to plans for the erection of a new garage at Sherburn Tee, Consett, where they are breaking new ground. This will accommodate 24 buses, and will also comprise offices and stores.
Thornycroft Lorries in Japan.
The arrival of a shipment of Thornycroft lorrie,s, reported by the Japan Automobile Co, at. Nakano, near Tokyo, indicates that the gigantic task of reconstruction after the Japanese earthquake is now proceeding. These lorries created an excellent impression, and the engineers in change of the re-erection of the chassis reported that their work of assembly proved very easy by reason of the accuracy of finish and interchangeability of the component parts, whilst they were also enthusiastic about the excellent manner in which the chassis had been packed for shipment—a matter of considerable importance to overseas buyers. One of these Thornycroft lorries has been acquired by the Japanese Army Transport Depot and others are to be equipped with tipping bodies.
Local Proceedings.
Glasgow Corporation has authorized the purchase of four motor lawn-mowers for the various hospitals.
Having regard to the expenditure involved, Luton Corporation has for the present given up the idea of introducing motor vehicles for refuse collection.
Ardwick Urban District Council has decided to cancel the permission granted the Doncaster Corporation to run buses through the district unless the fares are reduced.
Wolverhampton Corporation Tramways Committee, which has converted a sectien of the tramway system to the trolley-bus system, now suggests the use of railles,s vehicles on another tram route.
Glasgow Corporation has had a claim against it hewn the East Hilbridge Dairy Farmers, Ltd., in respect of the damage to a lorry in Claythorne Street, owing to a subsidence in the road. The corporation is repudiating liability.
united Automobile Services, Ltd., of Lowestoft, have received an order from the Sunderland and District Electric Tramways Co. for two A,E.C. 2-ton chassis fitted with pneumatic tyres and 25-seater United saloon bus bodies.
Plymouth Works Committee is applying to the Ministry of Health for sanction to borrow £2,500 for the purohase of two petrol lorries adaptable for street watering in the summer, street washing in the winter, and convertible for the tolled-ion of house refuse.
The Stalybridge, Hyde 3 Mossley and Wa-konfield Tramways Board proposes to substitute motor omnibuses for sonic of the tramcars at present in regular service.
Accrington Town Council has refused to grant additional licences for buses, on the ground that peesent services are ample; and more vehicles would merely add to road congestion.
Glasgow Corporation has secured the consent of the Airdrie Town Council to the establishment of a motorbus service In the districts ef Airdrie and Coatbridge during the work of relaying tramway tracks.
A committee of the Ossett Town Council appointed to investigate the possibilities of mechanical road transport, now recommends the adoption of a system of motor haulage for the highways depaetment, and-suggests that a sub-committee should be empowered to purchase vehicles.
Bus Conditions at Ashburton.
Ashburton Urban District Council has decided that no bus proprietor shall ply for hire in the council's district after May 1st without a licence from the local authority,and without entering into an undertaking to run a regular service, throughout the year. Furthermore, proprietors must submit a time-table for approval, arrange the time-table so as to prevent overlapping with competing services, and ensure that the buses shall run at reasonable intervals to suit the convenience of the public.
Speed Restrictions.
The Ministry of Transport has advised the Royal Automobile Club of the issue of a regulation restricting the speed of motor vehicles to 10 m.p.h. on a section of the Rath Road extending from a point 150 yds. east of the cross-roads in the middle of Twyforcl village to the centre of the bridge over the G.W. Railway, and on a pare of the Wokingham-Twyford-Henley road extending f rum its junction with Station Road about 113 yds. south-east of the cross-roads to a point 120 yds. north-west of the crossroads,
Breaking-up Roads.
The Ministry of Transport intimates that the question of breaking-up et roads by gas, electricity and water authorities is a matter Which will be taken into account if any legislation is promoted for the better regulation of London traffic.
Roads Damaged by Heavy Traffic.
A Glasgow Ccaporation report states that damage to setts in roads has been caused by the-transport of heavy boilers fiom works in Fenmestor Street and Linthouse. The matter has been referred to a special committee.
The Manchester centre ,of the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund will hold their third annual golf tournament on Monday, May 5th, on the Torkington Links, when a beautiful rose-bowl presented by Mr. H. Freeman will he 'awarded to the winning competitor.