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E HAVE already referred in these columns to the research work which has been going on in Germany in the directions, first, of...
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That ability to pay may conjoin disability to uSe. Speeches at times designed to• disguise intentions. That organization is...
Scene : Outside a garage, Time : The first cold morning of Summer Time. Passing workman (listening): " Lor, what a row! Sounds...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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COTE of the exhibits at the .Britisl Empire Exhibition at Wembley is the new engine for cable ploughing, built by the Yorkshire...
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New 100 mm. by 130 mm. Overhead Camshaft Engine, Four-speed Gearbox witb Transmission Brake, Alternative Positions for Steering...
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A Machine of Simple Design which Enables the Man in Charge of a One-mancontrolled Bus to Discharge the Duties of Conductor in...
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A German Effort to Replace Wheels by Long Feet which will Bridge Streams and Gullies and be Suitable for Transporting Loads...
In a report to the Truro Corporation , on vehicle lii3ence,s the inspector states that during the past year carriage licences...
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A Comprehensive Display of Petrol and Steam Wagons and Tractors, Ploughing Engines, Road Rollers, Electric Battery Trucks and...
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A New Mechanism which will Tip in all Three Directions, Trunnion-mounted Bevel Gearing Giving a Universal Action. A x'W side...
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How London's Buses will Deal with 200,000 Passengers per Day to and from the New Bus Station at the Exhibition Entrance, U PON...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the )3us and Coach World. THE TYNESIDE COACHING SEASON OPENS. Many Vehicles Brought...
The West, Hartlepool Authorities Now Considering the Complete Substitution of Their Tramway System by Trolley-bus Services. L...
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Conditions in a North Wales Centre with Particular Reference to the Activities of a Prominent Passenger Vehicle Company. M...
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A Promising Start in South-west Districts of the County Palatine. nrillE fares charged by motor coaCh owners for road trips...
The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, Which Will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer.. I N THIS series of...
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The "Common Carrier," His Obligations and His Responsibilities. N 0 DISCUSSION, such as that into which I entered in the...
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A Leyland Wagon which Can be Used for a Variety of Purposes. WITH THE better advent of the bett V V days of the year and the...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 512.—Replacing a High Speed Pinion on the...
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Useful Hints from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A N interesting point is brought out in a Jotter from "0.8.," of Sheffield....
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. A N-interesting . type of _ engine, designed to be capable of working on "-bunker"...