Tenders of Interest to Hauliers
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TENDERS are invited by the following (latest Isles given in parentheses.);— Hayes and Harlington C.D.C. for gravel, sand. sWagle, bricks, tarred slag, macadam, tarred limestone macadam, granite and limestone 'chiphardcore and clinker, house coal and tote. Apply to Mr. F. J. N. Polkinhome, Town Hall, Hayes, Middlesex. (Feb. 104 Bury Corporation for tarred slag, tarred limestone macadam, limestone ohippings, bricks, etc., also haulage. Apply to Mr. J. Chadwick, Municipal Offices., Bank Street. Bury. 1Feb, 8.) Halifax T.C. for (1) local flags and edging, 121 granite macadam, granite and limestone eh ippings and quartzite, (4) broken stone, gravel and sand, (8) tarmacarlara. Apply, stating number of schedule required, to Mr. D. T. LToyel Jones, Crossley Street, Halifax. (Feb. 6.1 Nelson Works Committeefor granite and limestone, MACadau and chippings, broken stone, cement, lime, tarmaradam. Apply to Mr. F. V. Alexander, Town Hall, Nelson. (Feb. 6.) Friern Barnet 11.1).C. for (1) Win. granite chiopings, (2) -*in. pea shingle, (3) concreting ballast or gravel, (4) washed sand and building (5) ferro-sand, (7) lime, (8) 21,4-in, and tarred slag or tarred limestone, (-15) coal end coke, (18) haulage. Apply, stating number of schedule required, to Mr. J. Montague Gameson, Conncill Offices. The Priory, Friern Barnet Road, London, N.11. (Feb. 4.) sivaesea B.C. for bricks, cement, granite chippings, lime, limestone, sand, slag and ashes, tannacadam, also haulage at day and tonnage rate. Apply to borough engineer, Gaidhall, Swansea.
Cumberland C.C. for tarred and biturninouk macadam, dry. granite or whinstone chippings, dry graded .etene and foundation stone, cement-, bricks, steam dual: Apply to county surveyor, Citadel Chambers Carlisle. (Feb. .2.> Bromley B.17.for tarred slag Macadam, dry slag and granite chippings,.. Kentish ragstone tarpaying, cement, lime, sand, "ballast. Apply to Mr. Harold Oliffe, Municipal Offices, Bromley, lieut. (Feb. 8.1 Crompton CH.C, for broken granite, limestone, chippiags. machi.nebroken atone ballast for.concreting, sand, gravel, coal. Apply to Mr. F. T. Jones Town Hall, Shaw Lancs. (Feb. 5.) Ilacelesfield B.C. for (3) cement and sand, (4) tarred granite macadam, etc., (6) local stone, etc.. (7) bricks. Apply, stating number of form required, to Mr_ E. "Lamson. Town Hall, Macclekfield. (Feb. 10.) Pertrith 'E.T.D.°. for road materials and lividage. Apply to Mr. G. A. J. Edraundson, „Ocwn Pennoli. (Feb. 15.) Hammersmith B.C. for tarred slag macadam, unscreened ballast, sand, 3-16-in. washed and graded shingle, cement, bricks, granite chip. pings, house coal, coke, also hire of petrol tipping lorries. Apply to borough engineer, Town Hall 'Hammersmith, London, W.6. (Feb. 24.) Seined Li.D.C. for tarred slag macadam, tar, shingle. Apply to engineer, 7, Little Park Garden Enfield. (Feb. 23.) Watford B.C. for bricks, Leicestershire granite e,hipcngs, tarred slag, tarred limestone. coal. Apply to Mr. W. W. Newman, 'Municipal Offices, Watford. (Feb. 15.) Settle iliac. for broken granite, biturninons liinestons.. also haulage. Apply-to Mr. S. C. Davidson, Town Hall, Settle, orks. (Feb. 19.) ..Shoreditch B.C. for broken granite, shingle, *and, ballast, also haulage. Apply to borough surveyor s deparlment, Town Hall, Old Street, London, E.C.1. (Feb. 3.) Clacton U.D.C. for cement, sand, hoggin, broken stone for concrete, broken granite or whinstone. tarred limestone, tarred granite, tarring grit, also haulage. Apply to Mr. W. Aiston, Town Hall, Clacton-on-See,. (Feb. 3.) Fertham U.D.C. for bricks, cement, sand, ballast, shingle, tarred slag. Apply to surveyor, Council Offices, Felthara, Middlesex. (Feb. 11.) York C.C,for • building lime, sand,. gravel, tarred arid nntarrecl slag, whinstone,limestone find quartzite. chippings. Apply to Guildhall, York, (Feb, ,8.) Sallolit C.C. Tdr stone,bricks, lime,
limestone chippings, tarmacadam. Apply to City engineer, Town Hall, Salford, 3. (Feb. 4.)
East Grinateed for (1) tarroacatlam,
(2) tarred limestone. (3) 2%-in. broken road stone, (51 Win. grit, sand anti ballast. Apply, Stating for which item it is desired to tender, to engineer, Council Offices, East Grinstead. (Feb. 6.)
Farnham U.D.C. for (I) tarred slag, bituminous flints, etc., (7) coal and coke, (10) washed gravel, (12.) gravel and chalk, (13) hire of lorries. Apply, stating for which item it is desired to tender, to Mr. L. H. Starling. Council Offices Annexe, South Street, Feminine. (Feb. 6.) Sutton and CilOaM B.C. for (Al road materials. etc.,. (C) coal and coke, (E) team labour and lorries. Apply, stating for which item it is deired to tender, to Mr. Harry Holten, Municipal Offices,Sutton, Surrey. (Feb. 8.)
Southwark B.C. for ballast, sand, etc., coal. haulage. Apply in person, Town Half, Walworth Road, B.E.17. (Feb, 3.)
Hereford C.C. for (8) slag chippings, (9) limestone chippings, (10) asphalt limestone, (11) granite macadam, (12) tarred granite, (14) haulage, (20) coal. (28) local gravel. Apply, stating for which item it is desired to tender, to Mr. W. M. Sbiramin, Town Hall, Hereford. (Feb. 5.) Finsbury B.0 for granite, sand, ballast and shingle; also hire of lorries. Apply to borough engineer, Finsbnry Town Hall Annexe.Rosebery Avenue, London, E.0.1. Chesterfield B.C. for (3) coal, (61 granite chippings, (7) crushed and washed gravel, (8) tarred limestone, (10) concrete and building sand, 113) tarred and dry slag, (151 motor haulage, 416) road rolling. Apply, stating fur which item it is desired to tender, to borough engineer, 2, GIuman Gate, Chesterfield. (Feb. 8.) -Fulham RC. for broken Guernsey granite and chippings, ballast, sand and shingle, coke breeze, coal and coke, removal of road material. purchase and removal of refuse-destructor residuals, also lorry hire. Apply to Mr. W. Townend, Town Hall, Fulham, London, S.W.6. (Feb. 24.)
Pertke U.D.00. for ballast and sand. Apply to surveyor, Town Hall, Anerley Road, Anerley. (Feb. 4.)