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S ELDOM are Members of Parliament afforded such an excellent opportunity of expressing their views on roadtransport law as...
THERE is a paper called Truth which belies its I name so far as certain of its statements in respect of road transport are...
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the Safety First Association has been in connection with paid drivers, of whom more than 100,000 are enrolled in the...
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Of welding now referred to as a new science. Of one thing that everybody stops for—a policeman on a Belisha crossing. That in...
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An appeal to Quarter Sessions, in connection with permitting drivers to work for excessive, hours, was, last week, allowed,...
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In 1936,• Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., produced, at Billingham, by hydrogenation 112,000 tons (about :33,600,000...
MR. G. J. RACKHAM, hief engineer of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., recently left England for a visit -to the West Indies....
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The South African Railways and Harbours Administration is calling for tenders (Tender No. 1,208) for the supply of 22 four or...
" ifY own opinion is that the merger 11 1 1 was a great mistake, We were better off before, as a hauliers' association, than we...
F ISII merchants are determined not to be deprived of the benefits of road transport. This is the conclusion which one draws...
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While the Minister of Transport has been talking about transport, little constructive work has been done, says Mr. Ernest...
up of a body to be known as the Yorkshire Regional Rates Committee, for the stabilization of haulage rates in Yorkshire, were...
Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation has ordered three Leyland trolleybuses, Garstang Rural Disimict Council is buying a Leyland VIK6...
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A Gardner-engined 10 tonner Weighing Under 5 Tons, Unladen, and Affording a Body Space 21 ft. Long. Shorterwheelbase Model Also...
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N Ew and interesting features are embodied in a dumper designed and manufactured by the Chaseside Engineering Co., Cambridge...
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Many Interesting and Instructive Criticisms of the Article With the Above Title Which We Published in Our Issue Dated January...
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I am in receipt of your letter informing me that my recent article on coal hawking has aroused much criticism, and asking...
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L AST week, Captain W. F. Strickland, M.P., gave an interesting address entitled " Road Transport and Its. Difficulties,"...
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I NCORPORATING a number of valuable features, a new design of machinery-carrying semi-trailer attachment for 25-30-ton loads...
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MYTHICAL PROFITS EXPOSED I I IAVE always, when dealing with questions of cost recording, been careful to avoid the pedantic...
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M ANY fortunes have been made out of common bricks since I hauled my first load back in 1910, but I have not heard of many...
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Reduce Cylinder Wear ? THERE is no doubt that corrosion I set up when an 'engine is started from cold has a deleterious effect...
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MORE A.R.O. AREAS GO OVER TO C.M.U.A. Meetings of the C.M.U.A, were held, last week, at Exeter, Torquay and in North Devon. At...
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nPEN letters to Mr. F. A. ELM, in reply to his statement on the merger position, which was published in The Commercial Motor...
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T HE 10-12 h.p. chassis, which carries -a pay-load of 8-10 cwt,.., has a loading space behind the cab which varies from 5 ft. 6...
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of members in the scattered branches continues to be shown by the C.M.U.A. Manchester Area. There will be a meeting at Crewe...
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Passenger Transport WILL SOUTHEND SELL TO COMPANY? WILL Southend-on-Sea Corporation VV merge its transport undertaking with...
A THIRD day was devoted, last Friday, by the North-Western Traffic Commissioners, to the hearing of identical applications by...
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by Messrs. William Pyne and Sons, Carawall Road, Starbeck, Harrogate, opened at Leeds, on January 20, Messrs. Pyne appealed...
G LASGOW Town Council, by a majority, agreed on January 21 to the transport committee's recommendation regarding the allocation...
T ENDERS are invited by the following (latest Isles given in parentheses.);— Hayes and Harlington C.D.C. for gravel, sand....
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A RAILWAY-MINDED MINISTER. I F the House of Commons, last Friday, Sir Assheton Pownall's Road Traffic Bill was given a second...
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jfEANS for varying the compression alspace of an engine are shown in patent No. 458,258 by J. E. Andreau, 73, Boulevard...