One Hears
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That the surreptitious seat slashers are still busy.
"Don't shake the battery-acid hydrometer when it is above eye level."
That cases have occurred of drops, being shaken into the eyes, causing considerable pain and injury.
That labour, having forced up the cost of living, may find itself hoisted by its own-pctard.
That those Who paid the piper called the tune, now those who called the tune must pay the piper.
Of an agricultural concern which has built equipment for operating in " inexcessible" places.
That reducing the length of h.t. leads may considerably increase the voltage at the plug points.
That some of our workers are willing to put toil on our troubled waters, but are troubled by others who are not.
That the Timken-Detroit Axle Co. has adopted a thermo-plastic for securing brake facings to shoes for heavy-duty work.
That doubtless British goods cannot be 'beaten for quality, but soon few countries will buy them in quantity unless our prices can be beaten down. That all U.S.A. Army vehicles must have 24-volt electric circuits.
That public opinion seems too often to be sidetracked when a wrong needs righting.
The query "Should a 'people's government' rob many of the people of their livelihood?"
That the B.T.C. claims unlimited power to run anything on the map—or anyone off the map.
From a motor trade journal, of a Nuffield " sactory "—we trust that this it not prophetic!
That the U.S.S.R. has been submitting to a 4,000mile trial new oil-engined lorries from the Yaroslavl plant.
That the quiet, slow running of the Perkins oil engine on a Nuffield tractor at the Royal aroused favourable comment.
• That the theme song of many a candidate's election campaign might be "If you were the only gull in the world and I were the only buoy."
That in some car engines bore distortion is avoided by situating the head-stud bosses clear of the cylinder walls and combining them with the water jackets.