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C-Licensee The Spur WRITING to "The Times," To Our Nationalized TY Mr. David Renton, M.P., Haulage said recently, on the...
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That the surreptitious seat slashers are still busy. "Don't shake the battery-acid hydrometer when it is above eye level."...
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r-IN Tuesday the Ministry Of Trans port informed The Commercial . Motor" that .5,743 applications for original permits had been...
MEGOTIAT1ONS are in progress for the acquisition by the British Transport Commission of the haulage businesses of R. Barr...
• BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT S INCE the Municipal Passenger Transport Association's conference at Portsmouth, last month, when...
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T HE Republic of Ireland Transport Bill, 1949, was given a first reading in the Dail fast week, and the second reading will...
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F R operating an 8-ft.-wide coach on O R road restricted to 7-ft. 6-in. vehicles, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus...
INCREASES in pay varying between Is. and 6s a week for certain grades of road haulage worker are proposed by the Road Haulage...
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nOUGLAS CORPORATION'S Bill 1--/ to confer enabling powers to operate motorbuses in an area two miles outside the borough has...
THIRTY-SIX More haulage underJ. takings were acquired by the British Transport Commission in the seven days from July 17-23. So...
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THREE grades of petrol tilling 1. station; With minminun standards defined for each.. are recommended by the 'Petrol , Stations...
Users' Consultative Committees for Scotland and Wales. The committee for Scotland has 18 members, including Mr. Neil S....
division has -been: 'set. up '.by .Nuif;eid Exports, Ltd, to market:111e Natlield _Universal tractor overseas. Mr, George P....
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S OME war-time permits and other authorizations to use passenger and goods vehicles and to act as drivers and conductors of...
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T HE passenger transport system in the neighbouring North Wales resorts of Llandudno (population 18,000) ad Colwyn Bay (23,000)...
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Demonstration of Prototype Proves Efficiency of H ydraulic System Under Arduous Conditions of Operation A DEMONSTRATION was...
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T HERE are two reasons for painting vehicles. The first is primarily the protection of wood and metal against the effects of...
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"S 0far ø I have been influenced in my term of office at the Ministry of Transport, I have been convinced—whether you agree...
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of running, sometimes under most adverse operating conditions, does not come about by chance. In addition to a vast amount of...
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T 0 meet the specialized requirements of aircraft lubrication service, Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., has recently introduced an...
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local county council. He did so and to his surprise his tender had been accepted. He did not then know that the acceptance of...
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A RECENT addition to the fleet of vehicles operated by the ,Sketchley 133,e Works, of which the peoptietor is A. E. Hawley and...
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Local Delivery By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. A LTHOUGH a three-wheeled machine, the Reliant 12-cwt. van can be driven round...
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I SERIOUSLY suggest that there should be more l general opposition to applications for new licences and for variations of...
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.1 - 1. A BRAKE which will vtomatieally apply itself at a Lertain road S pec i s disclosed in patent No, 621;195, by the...