New Di v sipin . for .Tractor A SEPARATE -. expoit aegekultural
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division has -been: 'set. up '.by .Nuif;eid Exports, Ltd, to market:111e Natlield _Universal tractor overseas. Mr, George P. Arnold is in charge. He joined Morris-COmmercial Cars, Ltd.. in 1927 and has been with the Nuffield Export Organisation since its inception in 1933. Before taking over the export agricultural division, he was assistant sales manager of the commercial.Vehicle diyision.
He is succeeded in that appointment by Mr. Frank Potter, who 'has spent many years overseaS, and was general manager of the French Motor Co., in • India. . • Mr. El G. Gray has joined the agricultural division as sales representative, and Mr. R. J. Hiatt as an overseas demonstrator. Mr. Gray was formerly Of Morris-Cammercial Cars, Ltd., and subsequently was seconded to Nuffield Exports. Ltd., as a sales and service representative. He has been touring various countries.
JOINT CASE FOR HIGFIER FARES Tuesday, the East Midland \--/Licensing Authority heard an application made jointly by West Bridgford Urban District Council and Nottingham Corporation for an increase in fares in West Bridgford. It was proposed that within West Bridgford there should be a uniform charge of Ud, for an adult and Id. for a child for all journeys. No fare would be increased by more than id.
Coon. J. Gray, chairman of West Bridgford Transport Committee, recently stated that during the year ended March 31 last, records in receipts and expenditure were set up, but for the first tithe in 30 years a loss Of about £2,000 was made. The deficit for the current year's working might exceed .£6,000. .
Nottingham Corporation's services in West Bridgford are also stated to be run at a loss.
ACCORDING to Aid. C. B. S. PA Morley, chairman of the Leicester Transport Committee, the replacement of the municipal trams by buses should, reduce costs by £18,000 a year., He based this calculation on the average
speed of tn.p.h. fortrams and 9i m.p.h for buses, and the saving in man-hours that would accrue from greater average speed.
He said that Leicester's narrow streets tended to increase the density of traffic. whilst the short routes (the longest is 3:4 miles) were another limiting factor. To reduce possible losses of fares by the inability of conductors to collect them on short journeys at peak periods, a new-high-speed ticket-issuing machine was being introduced.
WE regret to announce the ;Sudden VY deatIL on July IS, of ..Mite J. H. RUNI3AKEN, founder and managing director of Runbaken Electrical Products, Manchester. He founded the
firm over 40 years ago, •