News and Comment.
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This iournal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the Empire.
The Royal Show at Norwich is this week's national Atraction.
"Commercial Motors at Coronation Time" is a topic with which we deal on pp. 339 and 352 to 354.
-Pressure on our space this week has necessitated the curtailment or omission of some customary features.
A four-page special article on "Agricultural Oil Tractors" precedes our report upon the motor and allied exhibits at Norwich (pages 355 to 358).
Premiers and other members of the Dominion Parliaments are going to Norwich, including Ministers of Agriculture. All the interested members have received our last week's forecast, and they are also receiving this first-published report issue in good time—some of them in London, but chosen and more-important visitors at the houses where they are staying as guests in or near Norwich. These Colonial parties, naturally, would in no circumstances have omitted to attend the Show, but our early and complete report cannot fail to prove helpful to them.
"One million miles a year by motorvan " is Mr. Leycester Barwell's latest contribution to his splendid records anent Messrs. Shoolbred's delivery branch (pages 341 and 342). We also have a few words to say about this firm's motor progress, on page 339. There is still an incredibly-large number of traffic managers who are in sullen opposition to motors and everything connected with them. We commend to them a careful study of the facts and figures contained in this article, and we also
think that it is only fair to mention that the majority of the Lacre vehicles in Messrs. Shoolbred's fleet are those with chassis of Albion manufacture.
An extra 2,000 copies of this issue are being mailed to the Colonies and Overseas Dominions. These copies, which are additional to our usual thin-paper edition, also contain a reprint of the 12-page report upon the Coronation Motor Parade of the 5th inst.
The arrangements that were made, at Norwich, prior to the Show, by the Great Eastern Railway Co., in conjunction with the 11..A.S.E. engineer, have been much appreciated by exhibitors. The special goods sidings and passenger station, at Crown Point, have proved of great service, and their engineering must have proved an expensive matter. Apart from the stations, the temporary arrangements include a substantially-built, double, lift or draw bridge which spans the river Wensum, and some miles of well-laid sleeper-covered roads along which a number of permanent-way men are stationed so that damaged or displaced sleepers may quickly be removed or re-laid.
Mailvan Tenders.
The Postmaster-General is prepared to receive tenders, on Tuesday, the 11th prox. for the conveyance of letter mails and parcel mails, either by motor or horsedrawn vehicles, between the General Post °Ike, London, and various railway stations and district post offices in London.
Recent Registrations.
T. C. Aveling and Co. (Birmingham), Ltd. with an authorized capital of 12,500, in 21 shares, to carry on the business of engineers, steam-roller owners and repairers and agents, formerly carried on by T. C. Aveling and Co. Ltd. at New Canal Street, Birmingham. Private company. Mercer's s Express Co., Ltd. with an authorized capital of 25,000 in 21 shares, to acquire the business as carrier and parcel deliverer carried on by Mrs. L. A. Mercer at 61, Seal Street, Liverpool, and other addresses, as Mercer's Express Co. Private company. L.B.M. Carburetters, Ltd., by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 26,000 in RI shares. Object indicated by title. Private company. J.M. Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 23,000 (2,950 ten per cent. non-cumulative preferred shares of 21 each and 1,000 deferred ordinary shares of Is. each), and with its office at 124, High Street, Kensington, W., to acquire the sole agency for the sale in Scotland and Ireland of the J.M. shock absorber, and to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motorcar accessories, etc. First directors : S. F. Tyler, A. 0. French-Brewster, H. J. Neal, and J. B. Condac.
A.C. Tyre Co., Ltd.' with an authorized capital of 260,000 in 21 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in tires for motorcars, etc., under the patents and designs used by the Cleveland Puncture Proof Tyre Co., of Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. First directors : L. W. Holmes, J. H. W3rnkoop and A. P. Grimshaw. Turner Petrol Cars, Ltd. with an authorized capital of 210,400 in 21 shares (5,000 cumulative preference), by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to take over the sole selling rights of all petrol cars manufactured by Turner's Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., at Lever Street, Wolverhampton. First directors :I. S. Dumbell, 3. B. Dumbell (managing director) and C. L. Gower.
The Argyll works, at Alexandria, continue to run overtime, in order to keep pace with business.
Birkenhead Board of Guardians has passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of a motor ambulance for the removal of lunatics to the asylum, and of other cases to the workhouse, etc. At Aberdeen, the County Council, through its Public. Health Sub-Committee, is making inquiries re such a vehicle.
Belhaven Motors.
The Belhaven Engineering and Motors, Ltd., of Wishaw, N.B., reports to us a. series of recent sales. These include : a 29-seated torpedo char-&-bancs, to Messrs. R. Taylor and Sons, posting masters, of Bannockburn, N.B. ; a two-ton lorry with 24-27 h.p. engine, to Messrs. R. White and Co., coopers and cask dealers, of Edinburgh ; a three-ton lorry, for the transport of emi
grants' luggage, to Mr. J. Stewart, carrier, of Motherwell ; a two-ton lorry. to Messrs. Alexander Mason and Son, of Omoa, being a repeat order, and which vehicle we illustrate. The foregoing are all petrol vehicles. On the steam side, the latest purchasers are Messrs. R. S. Dyson and Co., wholesale provision merchants, of Wakefield, who have bought the sixteenth Belhaven steam wagon to be delivered into the Yorkshire district, and which vehicle we also illustrate.
Tire Points-.
Prowodnik solid tires, for the marketing of which the Russian Tyre and Rubber Import Co., Ltd., of 162, Sliaftesbury Avenue, W. C. , is responsible in the United Kingdom, are now fitted to large numbers of commercial vehicles, both in London and the Provinces, and are giving the utmost satisfaction.
Peter Union tires, amongst oilers. are now, in some cases guaranteed for as long as 18 months, or for 1.5,000 miles of running, where the conditions of service are
proved by experience to be such as to justify that extension of the more-usual guarantee of 101000
The Bavarian Rubber and Asbestos Works, of 63, Crutched Friars, E.C., which concern handles the Metzeler solid tires for omnibuses, lorries, and delivery vans, has issued a comprehensive 48-page catalogue. We hope to publish some extracts from this catalogue in an early issue, and make this brief reference to it "on account."
The announcements of leading makers, in various parts of this issue, are largely addressed to points of long life and economy. Aster Repairs.
Any owner of a vehicle fitted with Aster engines can, on sending his name and address, with index number and type of engine, to the Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., Wembley, receive a priced list of spare and replacement parts, free of charge. Motor agents can obtain, on application, complete lists in respect of all Aster types, free.
Acer Stock and Goodwill:, The Leaborne Manufacturing Co,, of Leaborne Works, Pinner Road, Harrow, have purchased the plant and goodwill of Acer, Ltd., Hanwell, and will, in future, carry on the extensive cylinder-grinding business for which the latter company had a reputation. The Leaborne concern is in future to be known as " Acer," Leaborne Works, Harrow.
Another Lotis Repeat.
Mr. Burt, the Christchurch, Bournemouth, and Poole carrier, who purchased his first 22 11,p., 25cwt. Lotis delivery van towards the end of last year, has now ordered a second van of the same make, for carrier's purposes, and this time for a load of 15 cwt. The new vehicle, which has only a two-cylinder engine, will be used to act as a feeder for the larger vehicle, which has a four-cylinder engine. At Barnsley, on Thursday last, the motor mailvan which is in service between Sheffield and Leeds took part in the Coronation procession, along with seven horse mailvans. The machine was generally voted to be the best of the lot, both in appearance and control.
Traffic Obstruction.
The traffic campaign of the Commercial Motor Users Association, with that sureness of accomplishment which characterizes any of the Association's announced intentions, is making excellent headway. Some particulars are given on page 344, and a photograph of one of the new plates is reproduced herewith. The C.M.U.A., which took up this matter of traffic obstruction several months ago, and sent a deputation to Sir Edward Henry, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, on the 29th April last, deserves well of all owners and drivers for its well-conceived and successfullyexecuted programme hereanent.
Thames Preparing.
The Thames Iron Works, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., is well ahead with the manufacturing arrangements for the 50 postal vans of Thames make which are shortly to take up motor-mail work in London. This company's outlook on the motor-vehicle side is becoming increasingly promising.
Thornycroft Models.
The popularity of the fourcylinder 30 h.p., type-C, 30-cwt. Thornycroft delivery van is marked amongst co-operative societies. We illustrate a vehicle of this pattern that was supplied to the Brightside and Carbrook Co-operative Society, Ltd., of Sheffield, the body of which van forms a striking advertisement. This vehicle was supplied, as have been numbers of others for cooperative societies, several of which employ the vehicles for work in their laundry departments, through Mr. C. Pemberton Wooler, of 2, Park Place, Leeds, the Thornyeroft. agent. in the North of England.
From Great Eastern Street, E.C.
Brown Bros., Ltd., of Great Eastern Street, E.C., enjoys a splendid reputation in the matter of the prompt supply of the right thing in accessories, components, stores, sundries, tires, and small tools, and its stocks are most comprehensive. This company's trade embraces all possible requirements of any owner, from those who use small tricycle-carriers to those who employ the heaviest steam wagons or tractors. In particular. we are informed. this well-known house is ready to supply the latest examples of " Raybestos " brake and clutch linings, in various sizes and strengths. and that amongst consumers of this material, the following are to be noted: General Motor Cab Co.. Ltd. : Auto-Carriers, Ltd. ; Daimler Motor Co., Ltd. ; and the National Motor Cab Co., Ltd.
Flourishing State of the Dennis Business.
The growth of demand for Dennis vehicles of all types continues, and the directors of Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, are about to proceed with the construction of a new factory. This will he alongside the existing factory at Woodbridge Hill, but self-contained and distinct ; it will be built of brick and iron, with concrete and wood-block floors to take machinery, and will be so disposed as to have a north light throughout. This new factory will be completed in time to meet 1912 deliveries. It will have just over two acres of floor space. and will bring up the Dennis capacity for nroduetion to at. least 25 vehicles per week. The Dennis factory has a large share of export trade ; some excellent special models, for use on sandy ground and for irrigation purposes, are to be noted amongst them.
Loose Metal on Highways, and Road-side Grass Verges.
The Roads Improvement Association, whose office is at Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., recently issued a circular letter on the above subjects to some hundreds of highway authorities in all parts of the country. Over 250 replies have been received to date, and many of the surveyors commend the Association's action in the highest terms. It is particularly interesting to note that one well-known surveyor, in the course of his letter, writes: " also much appreciate the manner in which your Association makes its suggestions and does its business generally where it concerns road surveyors, much to the mutual advantage of all parties . . it is not always convenient or possible with economy to have metal rolled down each day . . but I fully agree that where unrolled metal is left on a road during the night proper precaution to prevent danger or damage to motors should be taken. . . I shall always be pleased to consider any suggestions your Association cares to make."