Latest Vehicles for the Agricultural Operator
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Expanding Application of Hydraulic. Power in Trailers, • and in Tractor-operated Auxiliary Equipment
FIVE years ago the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders put a ban on the exhibition by their members of other than specialized types of vehicle at the Royal Show. Those that will be seen at Newcastle upon Tyne, where the Show is being held from July 3-6, will, therefore, be confined to horseboxes, cattle containers. and the like.
On the first day (Tuesday) the opening time will be 8 a.m. and on all other days 9 a.m. The closing time on all days will be 8 p.m. Prices of admission are: Tuesday, fl; Wednesday, 10s. before 2 p.m. and 5s. after; Thursday, 5s,; and Friday 2s. 6d. Parking fees for coaches will be 10s. and for cars 5s.
Carmichael and Sons (Worcester) Ltd., The Butts, Worcester (Stand 561), will be showing two vehicles, one a commer oil-cngined dual-purpose dropsided truck with container body and the other on a B.M.C. 5-ton chassis.
The Commer can be used to carry cows, four horses in stalls or sheep or two decks. It is fitted with a side ramp. The body has an all-welded steel frame and all the wood used is mahogany. When the machine is required for general haulage work, the container body can be removed.
The second vehicle will have an allaluminium body which is considered to be more hygienic for the transport of animals, as such types can be freed of contamination by steaming them out.
Two cattle containers will form the exhibit of J. H. Jennings and Son, Ltd., Sandbach, Cheshire, on Stand 362. The platform bodies in each case have wheel arches to reduce the container loading height. The wheel-arches do not protrude into the container floor.
The leanings patented ramp makes for easy loading of the container, which is constructed of wood, with a lightalloy lining on the lower section. A 14-ft. 6-in.-body will be shown on an Austin 5-ton oil-engined chassis and a 15-ft. 6-in.-body on a Bedford 5-ton petrol-engined chassis.
An exhibit of special interest will be an Austin 7-ton chassis with Penman plastics cab (The Commercial Motor, June 8)—one of the vehicles to be shown on Stand 420 by A. C. Penman, Ltd., Queensberry Motor Works, Dumfries. It weighs under 3 tons. A full-vision wrap-round windscreen, in conjunction with forward control, provides excellent visibility.
The cab underframe is of light alloy mounted on flexible units, whilst the general framing is of hardwood with resin-glued joints. To this framing is bonded the woven glass-fibre plastics, making a strong yet resilient structure. It will be shown with a Penman container body, which can be removed or placed in position in a few seconds by one man.
A second exhibit of this concern will
be an Austin 5-ton forward-control oilengined chassis with an alloy body and patented livestock container.
All models of the Land-Rover, with the exception of the long-wheelbase version of the station wagon, are to be shown by the Rover Co., Ltd., Meteor Works, Solihull, Birmingham, on Stand 179. This versatile four-wheel-drive vehicle has made a name for itself in the field of agriculture.
Vincents of Reading, Ltd., Station Square, Reading (Stand 587), will again show their Windsor three-horse box, which will accommodate three full-sized horses in separate padded stalls. Space for luggage is provided in a compartment above the cab of the Bedford chassis.
A second possible exhibit is an Austin forward-control chassis with a special two-horse box. The body lends itself to quick conversion for carrying a mare and foal. It is the smallest ye' built by the Vincent concern.
Examples of Unipower four-wheeldrive timber tractors, made by Univer. sal Power Drives, Ltd., Aintree Road. Perivale, Middx, will be available for inspection at Stand 223. The Unipower tractor with trailer can deal with a gross load of 25 tons on or off the road. Its self-contained winch is capable of developing a pull in excess of 30 tons.
The sphere of usefulness of the tractor has been greatly widened by the development of such timeand labour-saving equipment as the hydraulic shovel and such kindred
appliances as grabs, bulldozers, trench diggers and special forks for dealing with manure, beet, hay and green crops.
In no case is the capital outlay excessive; in fact it is not unlikely that it could be written off in little more than a year. Makers of such equipment have given close study to the needs of agriculture and at this year's Show the go-ahead farmer will find that whatever his need, there will be equipment to meet it.
Hydraulic loading shovels and other similar appliances far use with different makes of tractor will be seen on Stand 237 to be occupied by Skyhi, Ltd., Skyhi Works, Worton Road, Isleworth, Middx. The company will show' complete loaders based on both Nuffield and Fordson machines.
New equipment to be shown by Stanhay (Ashford), Ltd., Elwick Works, Ashford, Kent, on Stand 177, will be a ditch cleaner suitable for cleaning or deepening ditches up to 11 ft. deep or 10 ft. wide. It can also be used for digging out a new ditch. The Stanhay hydraulic hoist, which can be quickly fitted to the back of a tractor, will form another exhibit.
Representative trailers will be staged on Stand 359 by the Salop Trailer Co., Ltd., Midland Carriage Works, Old C,oleham, Shrewsbury. In addition to a number of tipping trailers, this concern will show a trailer specially designed for use with the Land-Rover, which will carry two beasts.
Trailers and extensible-pole chassis for carrying timber will form part of the exhibit of Taskers of Andover (1932) Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works, Andover, Hants (Stand 413). Trailers ranging from the Tydraulic Minor 24--tonner to the Premier 6-7tonner will be staged by Tye Trailer Co., Ltd., Hull Road, Yorks. Types will be shown with balanced gravity, screw-type and hydraulic tipping gear (Stand 354).
The Whitlock Industrial heavikduty loader will be exhibited on Stand 324 by Whitlock Bros., Ltd., Great Yeldham, Essex. This is a new Whitlock product designed for lifting, levelling, site stripping and digging. A recent addition to the range of trailers made by this concern is a 3-ton all-steel dumper, which is also to be shown. Tipping is performed by a two-stage hydraulic ram operated from the hydraulic system on the tractor to which it is coupled.
As for many years past, fire-protection arrangements will be in the hands of Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Greenwich.
The following concerns will also be exhibiting:—
Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Fachbrook Road, Leamington Spa (Stand 480); Black and Decker, Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middx. (Stand 74); C.A.V., Ltd., Warple Way. Acton, London, W.3 (Stand 414); Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.. Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham, 24 (Stand 506); Esso Petroleum Co.. Ltd., 36-Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W.1 (Stand 113); Fina PetrOletIM Products, Ltd., 25 Victoria Street.. London, S.W.I (Stand 23); Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middx, (Stand 190); Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (0.13.), Ltd.; Bushbury, Wolverhampton (Stand 73); India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Inchinnan, Renfrewshire (Stand 197); Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Great Xing Street, Birmingham, 19 (Stand 415); Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Tuthill Street, London, S.W.I (Stand 484); F. Perkins, Ltd., Queen Street, Peterborough (Stand 193); Regent Oil Co., Ltd., 117 Park Street, London, W.I (Stand 173); Rice Caravans, Ltd., Cosby, Leicester (Stand 555); ShellMex and B.P., Ltd., Shell-Met House, Strand, London. W.C.2 (Stand 135): Simms Motor Units. Ltd.. Oak Lane, London. N.2 (Stand 381); Vigzol Oil Co., Ltd., Vigzol House, Greenwich. London, S.E.10 (Stand 367); C. C. Wakefield and Co.. Ltd.. 46 Grosvenor Street, London, W.I (Stand 273); Wcathershields, Ltd., 147-169 Bishop Street, Birmingham (Stand 489): Wolf Electric Tools. Ltd., Pioneer Works. Hanger Lane, Ealing. London, W.5 (Stand 428).