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A licences, seek to restrict the normal user of their competitors, should consider carefully the possible repercussions of...
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N (3 reasonable operator can object to the proposals of the Minister of Transport to strengthen the hand of the police in...
New or Reconditioned Engines? W OULD the more widespread application of automatic plant so reduce the cost of an engine that...
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A LTHOUGH automatic transmission systems are not expected to be seen in large lorries at the Commercial Motor Show in...
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IT is likely that the Road Haulage Disposal Board will be wound up I in the autumn. The Board's sixth half-yearly report,...
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MR. J. R. HUDSON has been appointed joint managing director of the Moss Gear Co., Ltd. MR. A. W. MACFERSON, who was for many...
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T IVERPOOL'S one-man buses, fore" shadowed in The Commercial Motor last week, will begin operation on July 9. Two Leyland Royal...
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Wortley Rural District Council are to obtain a refuse collector and a 2-tonner. Rowley Regis Town Councit are recommended to...
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"THIS is becoming more and more like an auction, observed I Mr. S.W. Nelson. chairman of the Western Licensing Authority, last...
observed the dismantlin g of a Leyland 0 / 600 125 b.h.p. oil en g ine after it had been removed from a double-deck bus which...
on London I passenger traffic has not been as bad as was at one time feared, says Mr. J. D. C. Churchill, assistant secretary....
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C ONSTANTLY supplied by road with components from many sub-contractors, and producing machines for delivery in small numbers to...
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New Astky Branch : Astley Industrial Trust, Ltd., have opened a new branch at 59 Preston New Road, Blackburn. Close Season: No...
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N MAINTENANCE PAY Says P. A. C. . m. B L LOC ech kllgt0a, .i E Brooks (Mistley), Ltd., Employ Advanced Methods of Operation...
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A DUAL-PURPOSE coupling and drawbar is a feature of rt a new Taskers 3-ton farm trailer. It enables the trailer to be used with...
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By a Special Correspondent W HEN Mr. E. W. Watts, of E. W. Watts (Haulage), Ltd., Bassetts Pole Garage, Sutton Goldfield,...
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D URING April, registrations of new vehicles, excluding cars and motorcycles, totalled 20,587. With the exception of "Exempt...
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A FARMER S' organization which started in a modest way at Whitehaven 45 years ago has become the largest trading concern of its...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher M EAT haulage in Bristol is, according to a man of wide experience of the trade, more highly...
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Feeding-stuff Costs By Using a Special Tanker, an East Anglian Operator is Able to Reduce his Charges by El a Ton Compared...
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A N articulated vehicle containing in the body a small oil engine and condensing unit for refrigeration purposes has been...
A NEW type of bearing for steering columns, to overcome the inherent disadvantages of felt, has been produced by Howard...
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Expanding Application of Hydraulic. Power in Trailers, • and in Tractor-operated Auxiliary Equipment F IVE years ago the...
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L AST week I suggested that the history of the wages procedure in the road haulage industry had produced a number of anomalies....
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NAAY 1 bring to your notice the unfortunate and I" distressing experience with which one of my company's drivers was faced...
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T WENTY-SEVEN vehicles have been assigned to 13 operators by Kilby and Davison, Ltd., Bedford. They tendered successfully in...
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SPEEDY EXPERTS A N operator engaged upon agricultural haulage must know almost as much as a farmer about certain aspects of...
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DUS manufacturers are reported to regard the 30-ft. double1J decker as a mixed blessing. Turning circles are causing them to...
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TIPPING bodies used for carrying 1 sticky material, such as clay, often fait to discharge their load completely, even when...