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"The wheels at wealth will be slowed by all difficulties ol transPort at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
The Deposition of Rubber.
The news that rubber can be deposited upon a mould to some required form is rather astonishing. We referred in " One Hears" a few months ago to a process which had been developed, but until recently no information has been available.
It is now made known that a company has been formed with rights in all countries of the world, except the United States and France, with Sir Eric Geddes as chairman of the board of directors, the other directors being Sir J. G. Beharrell and Mr. F. A. Szarvasy, all three being well known in connection with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Other members of the board cover financial and manufacturing interests on the Continent.
The new company is to be called the Anode Rubber Co., Ltd., and it will have an interest in the company holding the patent rights in the United States along with the Eastman Kodak Co. end the B. P. Goodrich Co., whilst in France a separate company owned by the shareholders of the Anode Rubber Co. has been formed. There are other collateral patents belonging to the Eastman Kodak Co., and the Anode Rubber Co. has acquired certain rights over these patents.
The new process 'aims at the elimination of a large amount of machinery in the manipulation of rubber and the making of rubber goods. As is well known, latex is converted at the plantations into crfipe or sheet rubber, and in the rubber mills here it is milled and masticated so as to make it plastic once again, and it is then mixed with vulcanizing agents, certain fillers and colouring matter. This involves the use of heavy machinery and, in the process, some of the natural nerve of the rubber is destroyed. By the new process, the rubber is brought to the factory in its natural liquid form as latex. The vulcanizing agents.
fillers, ,etc., are mixed with the latex by a simple and cheap process, after which the rubber may be deposited electrically directly on to a mould to the required thickness and, as the natural nerve of the rubber is largely retained, the resultant cured rubber is a better
material for the work required of it and, therefore, less of it ismeeded.
The process was invented by Dr. Paul Klein, of the Hungarian Rubber Goods Factory, and developed by him and collaborators.
Albion Dividends.
At a recent meeting of the directors of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., it was resolved to recommend the payment of a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, less tax, on the preference shares of the company for the half-year ended December 31st last, and a divided Of 10 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary shares for the year 1926.
A German Tractor Competition
Plans are under consideration by the German Ministry of Foodstuffs and Agriculture in Berlin for a competition of chain-track tractors suitable for use in connection with agriculture, forestry, and general farm haulage. To Bus and Coach Owners.
In connection with the extraordinary proposals to control the use of the roads by publie-service vehicles, contained in the Draft Bead Traffic Bill, The Commercial Motor is coming to the help of users. An important announcement appears on page 183, which should not be overlooked by the proprietor or operator of any public-service motor vehicle.
The Two-seater Taxicab.
We are advised by Messrs. Automobiles M. Berliet, of Twickenham, that they have communicated with the Home Secretary informing him that the new Berliet two-seater taxicab, which has been in process of development for some little time, should be ready for definite delivery very shortly.
The specimen chassis has been provisionally Passed passed by Scotland Yard, and the body, approved in drawings, ispromised for delivery at the end of March; should Scotland Yard then approve of the finished vehicle, the`company will be in a position to quote definite delivery dates for quantities up tie 200 per month.
The Date of the Paris Show.
As already announced in these columns, the Paris Heavy Vehicle Show, which usually, forms a "second series" to the Salon de l'Automobile, will not be held'in the Grand Palais this year. In giving this information we expressed a hope that the organizing committee would shortly find a solution to the important problem of where to hold its show. It has found one, for this year, at all events. It is •a solution, however, which does not meet with the approval of the entire French heavyvehicle trade. The Salon is to be held in the Pare des Expositions.
May 14th to 25th has been chosen as the period for the show, and this coincides with the Faire de Paris, which is to be held cm the same site. •
Tilling's Successful Year.
The report of the directors of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., for the year ended December 31st last, shows a profit of £180,613, to which has to be added the balance brought forward from the previous year, which brings the available balance up to £236,815. Interim dividends on the preference and ordinary shares absorbed £47,801, whilst a dividend on the preference shares for the second half-year will absorb £8,250, and a final dividend of 1s. (id. per share, less tax, on the ordinary shares (making 15 per cent, for the year) will account for £39,551. After deducting these amounts, as well as a sum of £75,000 transferred to the general reserve fund, a balance of £66,213 results.
Where is the Nearest Garage ?
The Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd., Marshgate Lane, London, E.15, has just issued a little booklet which should prove of particular interest to private motorists in London, as well as to those bus and coach owners in the Metropolis who cater for private parties. The booklet is entitled, "The Nearest Garage Guide," and it clearly shows, by 'means of cross-references to a numbered list, the location of garages in the vicinity of theatres, concert and dance halls, places of interest and amusements and sports grounds. A copy of the booklet, which is put up in a strong case, can be obtained by writing to the publicity department of the company.
A Well-produced Coaching Guide.
Blythe and Berwick, Ltd., au oldestabfished transport concern with headquarters at 23, Charles Street, Bradford, has just issued an illustrated -guide which deals with the coaching" tours it arranges. The company has had much experience in the operation of passengercarrying vehicles of various types, and the booklet serves to show that it has a clear knowledge of the class of tour which makes a ,popular appeal. The guide contains details of 52 distinct tours, the mileage of the shortest run being 50 and of the longest 190. A brief account is given of each tour, and the booklet contains a number of illustrations of places passed en route: Railway Contributions to the Rates.
Some rather interesting figures regarding the contributions of the railway companies to the rates were contained in the remarks made by Major G. W. G. Allen, M.C., M.List.T., at the recent meeting of steam-wagon users held at the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury. Major Allen pointed out that of 14,326 parishes in the country the railways did not pay rates in 5,000, and that if they were exempted from all highway contributions the reduction in the alerage ton-mileage rate would only amount to 1-50d. on all traffic by rail, which is unimportant.
A Tyre Canapaign.
A. Schrader's Son, 26-29, New Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1, informs us that it is starting a campaign amongst motor-vehicle owners as from April 3rd in order to impress upon owners the need for seeing that pneumatic tyres are coryectly inflated. The company feels that many users are lax in this matter, and its aim will be to endeavour to create a new habit. "Test your tyres every Friday" is to form the slogan of the campaign, and it is considered that the forcefulness of this message will help users to realize that by paying greater attention to tyres certain troubles which arise as the result of incorrect inflation pressures will be removed.
The Minister Inspects a Bridge.
Col. Wilfrid Ashley, M.P., the Minister of Transport, and Col. Bressey, chief engineer Roads Department of the Ministry of Transport, visited Newport (Mon.) a few days ago to inspect the progress made with the construction of the new bridge over the river Usk. The work in connection with the widening of High Street was also inspected, the
Minister remarking that he regarded this as a very necessary corollary to the reconstructed bridge scheme. The bridge is to be opened before the Royal Show
in June. • Parsons Non-Skid Co.'s New Works.
The Parsons Non-Skid Co., Ltd.,' which makes Parsons non-skid chains and is agent for Twinbar spring bumpers, has just removed its works and offices to larger premises at Macaulay Road, Clapham, London,
• Popularizing a Lubricant.
Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd., which manufacturers Speedolene motor oils, announces a unique scheme for introducing its oils to all those who have not yet had an opportunity for trying them, and all garage proprietors and traders are invited to participate. Further particulars of the scheme can he obtained from the company at Minoco Wharf, West Silvertown, London, E.16.
Personal Pars.
We are informed by the Minister of Transport that he has appointed Mr. C. W. Hurcomb, C.B., C.B.E„ to be permanent secretary of the Ministry in place of Mr. J. R. Brooke, C.)3., who has been appointed secretary of the Central Electricity Board.
Both Mr. Brooke and Mr. Hurcomb (the latter in the position of principal assistant secretary) have always been of considerable help to the Press in connection with matters affecting the interests of transport users.
The list of the new sheriffs for English and Welsh counties, which was made public on March 23rd, contains, the name of Mr. D. G. Hall as High Sheriff of Glmnorganshire. Mr. Hail
is the managing director of Hall, Lewis and Co., Ltd, the well-known London and South Wales motor bodybuilders, etc., and a director of Henry G. Lewis and Co., Ltd., the Northern Counties Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., the Glamorgan Wagon Co, Ltd., and the North Glamorgan Wagon Co., Ltd.
We learn that Mr. R. Dean-Averns, A.M.I.A.E., has recently been appointed chief engineer to Karrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield. Mr. DeanAverns has had considerable experience with Morris CommercO? Cars, Ltd., before which he was with Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and the Daimler Co., Ltd., with which he had inn& exPerience covering a large 'field. He was at one time lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bristol and was attached to the technical staff of the Royal Naval Air Service during the war, after which he carried out valuable research work in connection with the design of internalcombustion engines.
B.A.T. Report.
The report of the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., for the year ended December Slat last has just been Issued, and it shows. that the income, by way of net traffic receipts, investments and other revenues, after providing for depreciation, amounted to 179,402. After deducting administration and general expenses, income tax and interest on debenture stock, a surplus of 155,423 remains, making, with 114,993 brought in from the previous year, a total of 170,416.
This sum is being appropriated by carrying £10,000 to the reserve ; by paying a dividend of 10 per cent. per annum on the ordinary shares, which will amount to 180,000; and by paying a further dividend of 2 per cent. per annum (a total of 14,000) on the participating preference shares, a dividend of 8 per cent, per annum, accounting for 116,000, having already been paid on these shares. After deducting these sums, 110,416 remains to be carried forward.
The balance of the expenses in con
nection with the debenture stock issue made in the year 1924, amounting to 116,500, has been written off against reserve. Since the close of the year the authorized capital of fhe company has been increased to 1600,000 by the creation of 100,000 additional ordinary shares of £1 each.
Joint Meeting of Chemical and Mechanical Engineers.
The hon. secretary of the Chemical Engineering Group of the Society of Chemical Industry has advised us that the second joint meeting of this group and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers will be held on Friday, April 1st, at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London, S.W.1.
The chair will be taken by the chairman of the group, Mr. P. H. Rogers, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Chein.E., at 6 p.m. He will be supported by Sir Henry Fowler, K.B.E., president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The Paper to be read will be entitled, "Lubricating Oils--Laboratory Tests in Relation to Practical Results," by A. G. Marshall, MA., M.Inst.P.T., and
C. H. Barton, MA., A.I.C. It will discuss the results of practical tests DO with various lubricants canted out in the works of, and with the co-operation of, Mr. H. R. Ricardo. It thus supplements the paper on " Lubrication " read by Dr. W. R. 'Ormandy lad Friday.
Popular Rubber Lamps, We are interested to learn that Flexible Lamps, Ltd., 102, Wigmore Street, London W.1, which manufactures a range of rubber lamps for use on all classes of vehicle, is supplying the tramways and omnibus departments of the Corporations of Edinburgh, Wolverhampton, Burnley and Huddersfield with Rubbolite flexible lamps.
Highway Closures in Worcester shire.
An inquiry has been held by an inspector of the Ministry of Transport respecting the application of the Worcester County Council for powers to (1) close Old Powick Bridge, near Worcester, to heavy traffic ; (2) to close Holt Fleet Bridge, over the Severn at Holt, to heavy traffic, and (3) to close Beacon Lane, North Brornsgrove, to all motor
traffic. The most important part of the application is that concerning lath Fleet Bridge. The district is usually busy, but particularly so in the summer, and its closure will mean that heavy vehicles will have to make a detour of 12 miles in order to cross the river. The order is sought for a period of 12 mouths while the bridge is being repaired by a process of .clectrical arc welding.
Removed to Birmingham.
We learn that the works of M.C.L. and Repetition, Ltd., have now been removed from Cluirlton, London, SE., to Pool Lane, Langley, Birmingham. The new works have quite recently been completed and are equipped with up-to-date plant and machinery for dealing rapidly with the manufacture of the M.C.L. lighting set.
We regret that the address of Willmotts Motors, Ltd., was incorrectly given in a recent advertisement of the company which appeared in our columns. The registered offices, and works of the company are at Woodger Road, Goldhawk Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W.12.
Petrol Pump Accuracy.
At a meeting of the London County Council Mr. J. D. Gilbert asked the chairman of the public control committee if he could state whether the council has any control over street petrol-supplying machines, which have now been so largely multiplied in all perts of the county. Mr. Morton replied in the negative. Mr. Gilbert then inquired if complaints bad been made by road users that they do ...not receive full measure of petrol at some of these stations. Having regard to the fact that the council is responsible for the control and checking of weights and measures in the County of Londcm, he asked whether the committee will consider the need for obtaining control over these petrol-supplying machines with a view to ensuring correctness of measure. Mr. Morton replied that complaints had been made and that the matter was now under consideration by the Board of Trade, which would shortly be issuing regulations on the en bject.
The Glasgow to Liverpool service.
In our last week's issue we referred to the institution of a daily road motor service between Glasgow and Liverpool, and we now understand that the company which is responsible for the service is the Anglo-Scots Motorways, Ltd. The service is now actually in operation, and the route from Glasgow is via Kilmarnock, Dumfries, Carlisle, Lancaster, Preston, Bolton and Manchester. The type of vehicle being employed for the service is the 20-seater Studebaker, and one vehicle travels in each direction every day, a start being made at 8.30 a.m. and the journey completed about 7.30 p.m. Particular attention has been given to the design of the bodywork of the vehicles and a number of interesting features is incorporated in the equipment to ensure that passengers are given the maximum degree of comfort.
Buyers of Thornycroft Vehicles.
During the fortnight which ended on March 16th, John L Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., received a number of important orders. One of these was from Hall, Lewis and Co., Ltd., of Cardiff, for eight type-.A2 long chassis and four type-Al -chassis. In the same period the London and North Eastern Railway Co. ordered six type-Al 30-cwt. subsidy chassis, and the City of Santos Improvements Co., Ltd., five type-A2 long chassis, which will be used as the basis of 20-seater buses. Other overseas orders included one for six chassis for the Singapore branch of the company and another for seven chassis for shipment to Australia.
Amongst municipal orders received was one from Kilmarnock Corporation for two type-DR chassis for bus work, this corporation already employing Thornycroft vehicles on regular services.
Smith Accessories in the Irish Free State.
S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., Cricklewood, Loudon, N.W.2, advises us that it has made fresh agency arrangements in the Irish Free State, and that Buckleys Motors, Ltd., 34, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin, will in future represent the company. A full range of the many accessories marketed by S. Smith and SODS will be carried, and adequate service •facilities will be available. Endless Fan Belts.
We are certain that many of our readers will be interested in a new type of belt which is now being marketed by the National Belting Co., of Rainhaire Eseex, and which is particularly suitable for the purpose of driving the fans of motor-vehicle engines. This belt is unique in design, in that it is made without splice or join of any kind, a feature which offers distinct advantages. It is claimed that the belt is stretchless, flexible, greaseproof and weatherproof, and is capable of giving satisfactory service over a long period. We understand that the belts are being sold in increasing numbers, and that many prominent makers and owners are using them, one company alone having taken over 3,000 belts of this kind in the last six months.
Repeat Orders for Guy Vehicles.
A number of prominent transport users figures in the list of concerns which have recently placed orders with Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. The company has received a fifth repeat order from the National Omnibus Co., Ltd!, of Chelmsford, this being for 15 26-seaters, whilst the Cambrian Coaching Co., Ltd., is buying six 30-seater buses.
Municipal corporations which have just placed orders for Guy passenger vehicles include Morecambe, which els buying two promenade runabouts; South Shields, which has ordered some 30-seater buses; and Swindon, which will shortly place three new Guy 30seaters into service.
Non-skid Tyre Chains.
Although it is to be hoped that we have seen the last of the 1926-27 winter period, the severe weather experienced in the early part of the year came as a reminder that many firms will find sets of non-skid chains as useful stand-by fittings for both solid and pneumatic tyres when soft, snow-covered or, wet roads have to ho negotiated. Prominent among ench fittings are those made by Parson Non-Sleid Co., Ltd. 23 Store Street, London, W.C., and The Sheppee Meter Co., Ltd., Thomas Street, York. There is also the new, non-skid for twin. tyres devised by Mr. S. J. Boys, of Henry Boys and Son, Walsall.
Equipment for Pressure Greasing.
One of the best-known concerns dealing with the grease-gun equipment of all types of vehicle is Tecalernit, Ltd., 10, Little Portland Street, Oxford Circus, London, W.1.
Apart from the original Tecalemit gun system, there are now available various modifications by whieh the pressure can be boosted up, including new type large-capacity industrial guns adapted to fit on to the ordinary Tecalernit nipples. The Alemite equipment is also handled. The plugs and guns for this are connected by bayonet joints. In the case of the Tecalemit Zerk guile, the gun is merely pushed on to the plug, and as the handle is forced in up to 5,000 lb. pressure is obtained.
For garage equipment there is available a large grease compressor holding 17 lb. of lubricant and giving 4,000-lb. per sq. in. It is mounted on wheels and can be moved easily to any desired position.
A lubricating tank for filling gearboxes, back axles, etc., is also arranged on wheels. It has a low-pressure Pump and a high-pressure nozzle and is equipped with fittings for use with all types of plug marketed by the company.
Old-established Bodybuilders.
Morgan and Co., Ltd., Leighton Boigard, has sent us a copy of a folder which it hae just produced indicating the various classes of bodywork which its works are equipped to undertake. The company was qtablished in 1762, and its present-day methods are conceived on mass-production lines.
Equipment of Commercial Vehicles.
We had hoped to be able to condense the subject of equipment to sufficient proportions to enable us to deal with the whole of it in this issue, but, as we find that to be impossible, we shall continue the subject, to a sthall extent.
in an early issue. A number of essential fittings for bus and coach bodies and of appliances for all types of commercial. vehicle will form the subject of special articles, and we hope also to publish an extremely interesting article dealing with methods of saving weight in commercial-vehicle bodywork.
Inst. P.E. Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held in the council room of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London' S.W., to-morrow (Wednesday), at 7.30 p.m., when Dr. W. H. Hatfield, of the Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, Sheffield, will give a lecture on "The Development of Rustle ss and Allied Steels."
The New Orwell Trolley-bus.
There was no error in our paragraph in our article in the issue of March 22nd dealing with the origin of the new Orwell trolley-bus. We gave credit therein to Mr. Frank Ayton and his technical knowledge, and to Mr. Gilbert, the electrical engineer. We are asked. however, to add that for the design of the chassis Mr. F. A. Garrett, the chief mechanical 'engincer of the company, was responsible
Bus Results at Wallasey.
For the municipal year ending March 31st, 1927, the operation of the motorbuses of Walleeey Corporation will ehew an excess of income over expenditure of about £8,808, as compared with the estimate of £885. The expenditure is 41,023 less than the eetimate and the income is £6,900 more than was antici pated. Of the amount available for appropriation—i.e., /8,882—M200 is allocated for the purchase of new buses and £2,100 to the reserve fund, which also receives an additional £540.
For the year 1927-1928'e surplus of £4,905 is estimated, Loan charges are reckoned at £1,590 more than the actual for' the year just concluding, mainly owing to the proposal to erect
motorline garage at Sea View Road and to the ptircbase of new motorbuses.
The whole of the original fleet of 10 motorbuses has now heel) disposed of and there are now in service 10 modern 'vehicles, representing a capital value of £12,400, on which the loan debt i only £3,495. The finance committee has given sanction for the purchase of a further six buses at en stimated cost of £9,072.
Contracting for Territorial Transport.
Messrs. J. P. Burroughs and Co., Clarence Chambers, Clarence Parade, Cheltenham, informs us that it has secured the contract to supply the whole of the requirements at the annual training of the Glamorgan Territorial Army Association. Mechanical transport will be largely used at this training, which takes place during the summer at Trawsfynydd, North Wales.
,A B.E,N, Appointment.
We understand that Mr. L. A. Horsfall has taken over the sole representation in the Midlands of B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 96-98, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Amongst the products dealt with by the company we may mention all classes of electric tool, highpressure washing plants for motor vehicles and snap ball joints.