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W HII.ST it cannot be said that, in this country, we have to any great extent lagged in the provision of equipment for motor...
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"Money down, price down." That Irish punctuality is Irish. Of flexible-hose compkition arisen. Of a gross of costs per gross...
" That's a nice little van you've got there, Bill. Can she travel?" " Travel " echoed Bill. " She can pass anything on the...
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"The wheels at wealth will be slowed by all difficulties ol transPort at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Stoke-on-Trout Corporation has decided to invite tenders for the supply of a motor lorry for the cleansing department....
J UST about two years ago the Prefecture of the Seine Department decided to hold a shock-absorber com petition for industrial...
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London's Taxicabs. Various Suggestions. Fares on L.G.O.C. Controlled Buses. Lincoln's Level Crossing. The Lower Thames Tunnel....
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The Vogue of the Regular-service Bus Operating Over Long Routes. • O NE of the most interesting phases of recent motorbus...
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W HEN we were dealing with the exhibits at the British Industries Fair (Birmingham section) comment was made upon the...
W HERE salvaging opeTPations have to be carried on after dark the need of some better means of lighting up the scene of...
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Considerations Which Affect the Choice of Bodywork. The Disposition of the Seats. The Types of Door Available. W HEN deciding'...
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Details of a New Karrier WL6/2 Model Chassis Designed for Doubledeck Buses Accommodating 64 Passengers. W E learn with...
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The Judges' Luncheon. An Even Higher Standard of Excellence Attained in Vehicle Condition. Growth in Entries of Electric...
O NCE again the annual parade of commercial motor l/vehicles at Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2, organized by the...
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The Types of Body Usually Adopted for Use in the Transport of Different Industries, With the Modifications and Adaptations...
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A Brief Description of the Works, System of Production and Typical Models of Some of the Chief Makers. A WORKS WHICH PRODUCES...
MITE large and imposing factory of Messrs. Strachan and J. Brown, Wales Farm Road, Acton, W.3, is of unusual interest in...
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MHE extensive modern factories of Hall, Lewis and Co., -E. Ltd., 14, Cockspur Street, London, S.VV.1, at Park Royal, London,...
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TI A OWN the centre of what is probably the largest 1.1 undivided shop in the bodybuilding industry, that owned by Short Bros.,...
T HAT old-established company of coachbuilders, motor agents at d engineers, John C. Beadle and Co., Ltd., Dartford, Kent, has...
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T HE leading speciality of London Lorries Ltd., Spring Place, Kentish Town, N.W.5, is the quadruple-purpose (Q.P.) all-weather...
T HE works of Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, are prominently situated in the main Edgware...
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W HEN one considers the vagaries of the English climate it is not really surprising that the ail-weather motor coach has...
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MLLE name of the United Automobile Services, Ltd., is .1 particularly well known in connection, with the operation of...
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In Preparing a Specification for a Vehicle for Goods or Passenger Carrying, the Best Results are Attained from a Full...
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TTNTIL comparatively recently worn parts, even when of an expensive nature, were usually scrapped or, in a few instances,...
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Experience and Skill Essential. The Work of Well-known Operating Companies. Interesting New Processes. W ELDING is a subject...
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Devices Which Reduce the Frequency of Overhauls and Lengthen the Life of the Power Unit. T ITE importance of using a good...
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The Ability to Produce Vehicles with a High Standard of Excellence in Design and Workmanship. PRODUCING THE POPULAR LEYLAND...
T HE bodybuilding section of the works of Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, is fairly extensive, as in the large...
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T HERE is a very large body-building shop at the works of Dennis Bros., Ltd., at Guildford, Surrey, with a well-stocked timber...
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TOHN I. THORNYCROFT AND CO., LTD., Thornyt.) croft House, Smith Square, London, S.W.1, makes 13 ehassis suitable for freight...
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F OR enterprise in body design the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, has always had a considerable reputation and...
I T has always been the policy of Henry Garner, Ltd., to help the coachbuilders of the country to obtain orders and to fit...
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I N the organization of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., of Southport, the body-building department occupies a very...
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mrm body works of Karrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield, have recently been reorganized so that output can be Intensified, and...
W M. VINCENT, LTD., of Reading, has made a speciality of horseboxes on standard chassis. It favours the frame which is...
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Some of the Equipment Which is Available for Use in Garages, as well as by Owners of Vehicles of All Classes. MIME was when...
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11.A MONG the London firms early to realize the growing need for special equipment for breakdown and salvaging work is the...
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Tasteful Interior Decoration, Well-arranged and Easily Sprung Seating Have an Important Effect Upon Revenue from Passengers....
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Brief Descriptions of Some of the Leading Products by British Manufacturers. O NE of the best-known hydraulic press-making...
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An Extraordinary Range of Ingenious Appliances is Now Available for Dealing with Damaged Vehicles. fr HE high-grade...
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Built to Cope with Loads of from 1 Ton to 12 Tons, These Gears Should Meet All Requirements. M UCH of the efficiency of road...
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The Routine which Must be Followed, a Knowledge of which Considerably Facilitates Business and Accelerates the Construction of...
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Continuing Our Summarized Analysis of The Latest Available Passenger Transport Returns of the Most Prominent Municipal...
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Foot and Mechanical Pumps Carried on the Vehicles Themselves. MIME was when, even in garages, 1 tyre inflation was carried out...
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In the Garage and the Workshop Many Applications of the Use of Compressed Air in Addition to Tyre Inflation are Possible. F OR...
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Knowledge of Mileage an Essential to the Keeping of Accurate Costs. Instruments for Analysing Vehicle Operation. T HE KEEN...
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Where a. Public Supply of Electricity is Not Available Choice May be from Many Plants Giving Electric Current or Gas. A S much...
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Obtaining Longer Life from Perch Bars. W HEN overhauling a commercial vehicle, it is frequently found that the rear suspension...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. "Cl RNEST WILDHABER, of New ai r York, in specification No. 266,163,...