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The Judges' Luncheon. An Even Higher Standard of Excellence Attained in Vehicle Condition. Growth in Entries of Electric Vehicles.
W'TR Mr, Walter McDowell, who is chairman of the London and Home Counties Parade Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association, in the chair the Parade luncheon was bound to be a happy little event, for he is the ideal host, the man who is, obviously, thoroughly enjoying the occasion. This luncheon started years ago as a gathering of the judges prior to the Parade, with a few Press friends as the recipients of that hospitality which always give spice to any gathering of Britishers. In more recent years, the Association has taken pleasure in extending that hospitality to some notable person, and this year Mr. J. B. Brooke, C.I3., •honoured the C.M.U.A. with his presence. We at once felt, as we saw Mr. Brooke seated on the chairman's right hand, that the Association had been happy in its choice, and our mind went back to the day, immediately after the Ministry of Transport bad been formed and had taken up its quarters in No. 7, Whitehall Gardens (although memory tells us that it was the next door to No, 6 that we entered), when we called on the new Department to obtain, as was ever our went, information on some important point, and were shown into Mr. Brookes office. The cordial welcome, the readiness to help us, the keen sympathy of the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry encouraged us, ever after, to go straight to the Ministry whenever some matter of interest to road transport called
for discussion. Mr. Brooke has now taken up the post of Secretary to the Central Electricity Board, and in proposing the toast of "The Parade he dealt with the ,growing interest being taken in the annual competition by owners of electric vehicles, and he stressed the claims of the electric and brought out its good points as a Parade vehicle—its cleanliness, etc. He praised the C.11.U.A. for having realized that the we!fare of the vehicle he .drives can be made an important part of the driver's life.. It meant raising the men to a partnership in the industry by giving them a human interest in their work.
Mr. McDowell, in reply, expressed the appreciation of the Association at being honoured by Mr. Brooke's presence. He was going from strength to strength, and he entered on his new task with the cordial wishes of everyone prominently connected with road transport. Aseto the Parade, it was wonderful how much gratuitous service was given by the drivers in their attention to their vehicles as the direct outcome of these competitions. • The president offered a cordial welcome to Mr. Van Halteren, the general secretary of the Belgian Association, for the study of electric traction, who replied, saying that in. a few years he hoped the Belgian Association would be able to ask the C.M.T.T.A. over to Brussels to see what they were doing there. .