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n Some time ago the SMMT was discuss' ing ways

29th March 1968, Page 75
29th March 1968
Page 75
Page 75, 29th March 1968 — n Some time ago the SMMT was discuss' ing ways
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of marking the tractive units and trailers in articulated fleets so that interchangeability could be preserved without the danger of outfits being coupled up which were wrongly matched from the point of view of meeting plated weight regulations. Has there been any final outcome from this?

A It is understood that discussions in the manufacturing and operating industries on this plan have not yet been completed But, in the meantime, the chairman of the Road Haulage Association's technical committee, Mr. J. Castle, has referred to a relatively simple means of matching tractivu units and trailers to ensure that artic combinations conform to the legal requirements.

The principle is understood to be that an operator can make a simple reference table by measuring and tabulating certain vehicle dimensions; this enables the combinations to meet outer-axle spacing and gross combination weight limits without the need for drivers to undertake complicated measures. We sJegest that you write to the technical officer of the RHA at 22 Upper Woburn Place, Loncen, WC 1 .