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* Transatlantic Teamstering
I hear that there is to be an exchange of delegations later this year between the TGWU and the United States Teamsters' Union. As a precursor, John Lyons, secretary-treasurer of......
* Steam Dreams
An enthusiast's dream has just dropped on to my desk—in very solid form. It is a fascinating history of the Atkinson company and it reveals far more about the beginnings of the......
The Only Solution
The Hixon crossing inquiry continues its searching probe into the hows, whys and wherefores. I note with interest that the kmericans are facing the same problem. The Penn......
* Mobile Spastics
A voluntary association of some 100 drivers employed by British Petroleum at the Isle of Grain, Sheppey, has offered its services to the Medway Towns Spastics Group. At any hour......
* Carnaby Carmen?
THC chief executive G. W. Quick-Smith was in even more than usually thoughtful mood when, as Master, he spoke at the Mansion House dinner of the Worshipful Company of Carmen......
* Three Requirements
It's arrived safely—that distillation column which was switched from road to rail at twice the cost (CM, March 22). Yes, on Thursday at 3 p.m. it rolled on to the site 24 hours......