Personal Pars,
Page 35

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Ma. J. H. GOLOSTRAW has been appointed secretary to Dalley's Motor Services, Coquet Street, Newcaktle-onTyne.
MR. H. POOL, Leicester Corporations's transport manager, has resigned on account of ill-health, after 46 years' service. He was appointed general manager eight years ago and is now 60 years of age.
At the annual conference of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association, at Pitlochry, last week, Me. LACHLAN MACKINNON, formerly Glasgow Corporation's transport manager, received a presentation from friends in the transport industry.
We reproduce on this page a portrait Of MR. C. M. SIMPSON, who has been appOinted chief engineer of the Daimler Co., Ltd., in succession to Mr. L. H. Pomeroy, whose resignation was announced in• our issue dated May 22. Mr. Simpson has been directly associated with all the modern developments of Daimler products and prior to joining the company in 1919, was with the Sunbeam concern.
As it has become necessary for Sir William Hart, 0.B.E., LL.D., to devote more time to his duties as deputy to the Chairman of Traffic Commissioners for the North-Western Area (Mr_ W. Chamberlain, M.Inst.T.), he will cease to act as deputy to the Chairman of Traffic Commissioners for the Yorkshire Area (Mr. J. Famdale, C.B,E.) and in his place the Minister of Transport has appointed MR. WILLOTJGHBY BULLOCK to assist in dealing with applications in the Yorkshire Area for goods-vehicle licences.
MR. THOMAS ORMESHER, proprietor of Messrs. T. Ormesher and Sons, the old-established removal. .and • storage contractors, of Stockport, whose por
trait appears on this page, w-as, as mentioned in our issue for last week, dected president of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association at its recent annual general meeting. His election was moved by Mr. A. E.
of Pickfords, Ltd., who said that "he is a good remover and storer from a practical point of view, and can tell us a moving story." For the past two years he has, as junior and senior vicepresident, done much good work on behalf of the Association.
MR. A S. BISHOP, general sales manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., has been elected to the board of directors of the company, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir James Cooper. He joined the Goodyear concern in 101G and quickly became interested in the commercial-vehicle side of the business. At that time the giant pneumatic tyre was being developed in America, and, foreseeitig its possibilities, he went to the United States to study its development and, returning to England in 1920, proceeded to market it in this country.
He was appointed general sales manager of the company in February, 1933, and, with his new appointment to the board, Mr. Bishop becomes the concern's sales director.
MR. J. ALBERT " THOMSON, J-P., chairman and managing director of Brown Brothers, Ltd., has been elected president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in succession to Mr. Peter F. Bennett, 0.B.E., deputy chairman and joint managing director of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., who becomes deputy president. MR. 0. BODE N, 0.13.E., managing director of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and MR. T. G. JOHN, chairman and managing director of the Alvis Car and Engineering Co., Ltd., are the new vice-presidents.'
Mr. Thomson was born in Edinburgh and, from the early days, has been actively connected with the Scottish Motor Trade Association, being its president in 1916-17, 1920-21 and 1921-22. He has, since 1919, represented that body on the Council of the S.M.M. and T., becoming vice-president of the Society in 1931-32 and honorary treasurer during 1932-36. He is a Fellow of the Institute of the Motor Trade.
Exhibition of Body Drawings.
On June 1 an exhibition of designs in the prise drawing and handicraft competitions of' 1936, arranged by the Society of Motor Manufacturers arid 'Draders, the Worshipful Company of Coach makers and the Institute • of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, will be open to the public, without charge, at the Eyvie Hail, Polytechnic, 309, Regent Street, London, W. I.
New Advertising Device for Taxicabs.
The Corrimercial Motor understands that permission has been obtained from the Metropolitan Police for the installation on London taxicabs of a new advertising device evolved by the Anglo-American Publicity Co., Ltd. The system comprises a box fitted to the driver's side of the glass partition through which is piesented a series of 24 advertisements, each being shown 'for a period of seven seconds.
Maintenance Engineer and Manager Available.
A maintenance engineer with sound technical and works training and long experience in the upkeep of a large fleet of vehicles is available for a similar position. Letters should be addressed " Maintenance," care of the Editor.
British Steelwork for Garages, etc.
The British Steelwork Association, Artillery House, Artillery Row, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, has issued a descriptive booklet showing the wide variety of treatment which can be obtained by steel-frame construction in garages and service stations.