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£12 Fine For Exceeding Speed Limit.
A lorry driver pleaded at Aberdare Police Court, when convicted of exceeding the speed limit with a heavy vehicle, for an increase of the fine imposed, in order that the......
Gerrards Appeal Succeeds: Not Newcomer 41 2 Desire To...
have decided this case in the way we have because of the very exceptional circumstances connected with it," stated the Appeal Tribunal, in announcing its preliminary decision,......
Objection To Production Of Rates
T HE hearing was continued, at Liver pool. on Monday, before the NorthWestern Deputy Licensing Authority, Sir William Hart, of the application by Stevenson Transport, Ltd.,......
A Unilever Motor Show.
WITH commendable enterprise CapVV tam n J. Walton, chief engineer of the mechanical transport employed by the Unilever organization, staged in the New Hall, Royal Agricultural......