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This section should prove of particular interest, in view of the general utillo nature of the equipment to be exhibited. Securing greater efficieny, with ease of operation, is the keynote of the majority of the items to be shown.
rpHIS concern specializes in electrical testing A equipment and several examples of such gear will be shown. These wilt include an antomatio ignition test panel, a sparking plug tester a sell-contained laboratory tester for the electrical 'system, and a teater for distributors, niarinfactiered under licence front the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. Neon Cigna, working off the vehicle battery, and. a range of meters will be other items of interest-92, Victoria Street, London, B.W.1.
VISITORB interested in the recovery of used Y oil in quantity will not miss the filtering apparatus to be shown on this stand. The Armstrong-Bentley filter consiate of a seriee of Lobular filtering media, through which the oil, or other liquid, is forced by pressure or drawn by *won= from the outside of the filtering media to the inside. The suspended matter and other impurities are arrested on the outeide of the filter tubes. An electric heater Is provided to facilitate the flow of the !Maid undergoing treatenent.—Abbey House. 2, Victoria Street, London,
E. P. BARRUS, LTD. 389
TZNOINE repair and overhauling equipment Aaland a wide range of engineers' small tools will figure on this stand. Amongst other varied items to be included win be several types of liftinn jack, air compressors, car washers, tyre inflation equipment and brake balancera.Au interesting range of small machine tools will also be shown.-36, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4.
A TYPE of cleaner not previously seen in this Jo& country will be shown on this stand. The solution used is soap and water pumped through a coil of tubing heated either by a gas or oil burner. After passing through the coil a second pump delivers the solution to the dtscharge line. The burner is thermostatically controlled, but. provision is made for manual control also. The complete unit can be mounted on a two-wheeled trailer, an example of which will also be thown. This plant is suited to the needs of ordinary car washing, or need ear reconditioning and other spheres where components corroded with grease and mud have to be dealt with—Hyde Park Corner, Plymouth.
rrITE main feature on this stand will be the A Bendix-Cowdrey eiectrically driven dynamic brake teeter The vehicle is driven on to the tester, the wheels are rotated by tolls upon which they rest, and as the brakes are applied to each wheel, the amount of brake resistance, in pounds of road pull, is regieteted on dial gauges. An interesting sectioned unit will be displayed showing the working of tho dynamometer unit and the manner in which it registers the braking torque. In addition, a Oct of spanners for servicing all types at Bendix brakes and a scale model of a brake eervicing ramp will be on view.--Iiings Road, Tyseley, Birmingham.
MD% concern is well known for its wide range A of portable electric tools, and vieitors will here the opportunity el seeing all the mailable types. The range will include drills, sanders, saws, grinders, etc. Amongst many other items of interest will be the Black and Becker electric valve shop with an improved type of cabinet-Shrub, Bucks.
JOSEPH BRADBURY AND SONS, LTD, 3139 MILE main portion of this exhibit will consist 1 of apparatus for, the servicing of brake drums and shoes. There will be a unit only of the new G.E. heavy-duty brake tester, also the G.E. brake drum grinder and turner for reconditioning drums, and the G.E. brake relining machine as used by over 40 municipal corporations and many transport companies. A brake shoe grinder, which grinds the shoe, after relining, to the radius of the drum, will be shown for the first, time. Jean wheel-alignment ecilli_pment, panel-beating tools and a range of G. E. servicing and repair tools will also he exhibited. —New Street Works. Braintree, Essex.
BRISTOL PNEUMATIC TOOLS, LTD. . 422 HERE will be snown a wide range of compressors to suit the neetle of garages, sers vice statioue aud operators, for tyre inflation, high-pressure greasing and other purposes where a supply of oompreesed air is required.. In addition to pneumatic tools, paint spray guns, hose couplings, etc., a foul...ton hydranlio car lift will he exhibited. This lilt may be of the ranon-rail type or flush fitting:. One of the outstanding features of the flush-fitting type is that no space is wasted as, when not in use, the floor is available for other nets—Central House, Upper Wolearn Place, London, In-C.1.
Ax-rrrll the extended use which is now being TY made, of fabricated methods of construction, more than usual interest attaches to the demonstrations of oxy-anetyloree welding and cutting which will be given on this stand. There are many uses to which the city-acetylene torch may be put, anti those visitors intereeted will be able to obtain full information from members of the staff.—Thamei House, Millbank, sm./.
TN this exhibit of breakdown salvage equipAment and general garage eQuipment, particu lar attention drawn to a brake tester and wheel-alignmenti indicator, 'bath of which will, be shown. As these pieces of apparatus are purely mechanical, maintenance caste are negligible. Although all the brakes are tested during a single stop of the rehicle, the action of each individual brake is recorded. The readings obtained are registered in thermometer-like tubes and, until the rehicle is driven off, the readings remain for examination.-10, Paul Street, Loncion,.E.C_2.
BROWN BROTHERS, LTD. .352 RI8 well-known concern will be showing a A wide range al equipment, including hydraulic jaeke, Freons non-skei eheins, power washing plant, breakdown gear, boring bars, etc. Numerous Linoo specinlities will also be featured, anon as batteries, fire extinguishers, tyre gauges, and so on. Special attention is drawn to Bripal body finish and: rinco batteries.—Brown's Buildings, Great Eastern Street, Landon, E.C.Z.
rrHIB exhibit . will be comprised of cylinderA reconditioning equipment, a wide lenge .of small toots and replacement parts, and special tools for Fordsmas. Special 'attention is drawn to Shakeproof. thread cutting. screws, the Robley leo.g-eye and the to-ray tog Minns. The Poe-eve is a non-glare )aa..5 Whiell is clipped round the lamp bulb to produce a nen-dazzling, penetrating beam.-5, Marshalsea Rbad, Lander'. SET.
TN riennection with equipment installations for A new garages, this concern will be showing air compressors, breakdown • cranes, towing ambulances and Mars of various types. On the engine-reconditioning side, such eauininent as cylinder-boring and boning machines, deceit:ranizing plant, and examples of machine tools will be leatured.-209, Broadway, Hendon, London, N.W.9.
CRYPTON EQUIPMENT, LTD. 4os mORE than 50 different items of engine• nnntesting, electrical and battery-charging equipment will be staged on this stand. Selecting some of the more outstanding exhibite, mention may be .made of the engine Tune-DP equipment, designed far the scientific servicing of the engine and complete electrical system. and a new inelsinjection pump tester. At least 18 entirely new pieces of apparatus will he shown Si this ritand.—North Acton Read, Park Royal, London, N.W.10,
TPTIRREE new hydraulic jacks for garage use will be ehown, together with a new air control known as No. BS. The capacity of two of the jacks is 21.1 tons and of the third 4 tons. They have steel frames, eolid-drawn cylinders. and a direct connection between she plunger and bell crank. giving extra strength and Preventing undue strain on the jack as the result of being operated on ulieven floors. An overload valve provides an additional safeguard. The air control is a quick, accurate and reliable instrument svhich should certainly be inspected. —Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham.
OESOUTTER BROS., LTD. . .... 362
SMALL pneumatic drills, which have been a neerked succees in the aircraft industry, and are now available for other industries, will be featured on this stand. A point particularly worthy of note is the low air consumption ol the company's Mighty Atom tools, which amounts to only 51,11 cubic ft. of free air per minute. A point in favour of the pneumatic screwdriver, which is fitted with two clutches, is that it can be used by unskilled labour.—The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9.
EAST LONDON RUBBER CO.. LTD. . 385 TN addition to varions smaller exhibits, a Arange of heavy tackle will appear on this stand. Exhibits will include an 8-ton swivelling breakdown crane, an ME. 4-ton crane, an Mk'. jack crane, a Newton main-bearing boring bar, a Robot tyre changer and heavy jacks. Incidentally, the company has been appointed distributors for Van Dorn electric drills and equipment.-29-33, Great Eastern Street. London, E.C.2.
MAKING its first appearance at the Commercial Motor Show, this company will exhibit a complete range of sheet-metal-working
machinery and particularly equipment for the fabrication of metal bodies, wings, etc. A special display wall be made of panel-beating' heads and tools for bodybuilding. 'Visitors concerned with this branch of the industry should make a point of examining the wheeling and raising machines. —359.361, Euston Road, London, N.W.1.
F. H. EVE, LTD. 392
'VOTED for its Empire patent universal geared ..1.• engine stands, this company will ilemon• strate a Bedford engine and A.E.C. and Leyland oil units in situ. The stands range in price from 112 10s. to 127, the most expensive model being adaptable for accommodating. engines up to 150 b.p.. and mounted on hallbearing castings.—Old Bedford Road, Luton.
VARIOUS proprietary lines will appear on this stand. including Hobart garage equipment. such as battery chargers, test benches and corn. pressors. Marketed under the name of Gordon will he battery-shop tnole end equipment, welders, hub pullers and testing plant. The Kralinator oil conditioner will be, noteworthy exhibit. Defiance Sparking plugs will also be a feature of the display.-25, Milton Street. London, E.C.2. GEORGE HATCH, LTD. 196 OPERATORS in general, apart from garage owners, will be interested in the range of equipment sponsored by George Hatch, Ltd. Heavy-service lathes, tools, etc., for tepair work will be supplemented by compressors, garage jack*, washing plant and lifting tackle. The small tools to be shown include electrical equipment, spanners, wrenches, etc.—Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4.
drieNE of London's best-known factors, this company will exhibit a wide range of maintenance plant and accessories. Kwik-way enginereconditioning tools will be seen in profusion. apart from Bristol, B.E.N. and Ingersoll Rand air compressors.—I64-168. Westtniuster Bridge Road, London, S.F..I.
TILE I.C.L degreasing plant represents the A modern and efficient methodof freeing component parts from all forms of contaminating matter. Examples will be shown and hill information will be obtainable from the LC.L Staff which will be in attendance.—Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, London, S.W.1.
CASH registers will he featured by this company, along with examples of its business stationery, which is specially designed to eliminate the possibility of mistakes. Queens House, 28, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.
LAYCOCK ENGINEERING CO., LTD... 367 sPECIALL features of this year's range of Lavcock equipment will be the latest electric vehicle lift, which is known as the Coronation and deals with loads up to 2% tons, and a variety of spray-painting guns. The Niagara washing, plant is almost too well known to require referenee. It will appear in two types. along with air compressors, a pressure-cleansing tank, a 60-ton hydraulic ress and a host of other maintenance plant. ictoria Works, Still' houses. Stretneld, 8
MACHINE tools, including lathes, drilling machinee, hack-saw and grinding machines, together with engineers' small tools in great variety, will be exhibited. Equipment for spray painting and tyre inflating, including air tanks. compressore and compressor plant sind battery charging sets, car washers and greasing plants, represent other items to be shown.-34. Engle field Road, T.ondon, N.1.
LTD. • • • • . • • • • • • 399 TIMS concern Will show its Anker garage register system, the chief feature of which is the providing cf a complete check on the quantities of petrol and oil supplied. A new Anker model gives no fewer than five original printings in one operation, i.e., it prints and issues a double ticket containing all details of the transaction, cverprints on the original and duplicate sales-slips, and prints the saute details on the autographic audit eheets.-16-I8, St. Bride Street, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.4.
A MONGST the items of garage equipment to .411-be shown by this concern will be a twostage air compressor, oil delivery unite, vehicle lifts and lubricating plants. Further items which will be exhibited consist of hydraulic presses, spring testers and jacks.--Skyhi Works, Standard Road, Park Royal. London, N.W.10.
tlEATURED tut this stand will be the Newton universal boring bar for the boring, facing and radius turning of new, or remetalleci main bearings in line, in situ. An inetruntent for the setting of cutlers in round boring bars is the Newton self-ealihrating tree micrometer of which examples will be shown. Additionally, connecting rod boring jigs and aliguers and valve seat insert equipment, will be exhibited. —1, Pontefract Road, Cudworth, Yorks.
TWO examples of the Watson-Erie petrol pump will be shown, one known as a computer and the other as a straight meter model, The computer type is driven by a es h.p. eleetrie motor, the pumping unit being belt driver) at 560 r.p.m. The straight meter pump is housed in a similar cabinet to the computer model, but is naturally less expensive in that it only reeorde the quantity of spirit dispensed. whereas the computer machine has a cashrecording dial. Both types are no constructed as to eliminate air in the pipe line.—The Dock Preston.
R. M, PAPEL1AN, LTD. 380
SPECIALLY featured will be the Bendix-Peeo tyre regroorer, over 450 of which are said to be in use in this country. It is simple in operation-and can deal with a wide range at tyre sizes. Remco garage hydraulic jacks will be shown in 2-ton and 3-ton sizes. the 2-tanner having a lifting range of 16,4 ins, and the larger model 20% ins. Hadees hot-water heaters for buses and coaches will also find a place in
the display.—Edgware Road, Crick lewood London, N.W.2.
A FleLl, range of Chevrec high-pressure vehicle washers and pumps will be shown. namely, the Minor, Major and Rex. Working models of each size will be Cie View. Gears of a variety of types, thread-milling anti gearcutting hubs and gear cutters will also appear
on this stand.—West Drayton, Middlesex
VIATENTEE and manufacturer of Victory A meters for oils and other liquids, this company will display its full range of products. Among the exhibits will be the Victory-Four meter, calibrated in half-pints. and fitted in an oil-dispensing cabinet„ complete with dusturoof fi i
tiller. This s said to be the first. all-British meter to be approved by the Board of Trade for the retell sale of lubricating oil. Meters will he shown working. The Victory-Four and Victory-Five will he demonstrated, with internal parts exposed, so that the actual operation can be followed.-104, High Holborn, London, ROMAC MOTOR ACCESSORIES, LTD. . 354 WITH a range so extensive, it is difficult to •• make special mention of any particular lino to be exhibited, but the compapy's air compressor might be singled out for special me.ntion. Spray-painting guns also appear in the list of products,--The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9.
RUBERY, OWEN AND CO., LTD. . . . 412
STEEL equipment in the form of tens, tyre end spring racks, work benches, tool stands, cupboards, clothes lockers, etc., will form the main exhibit. Also to be shown will be a smite model of a steel frame garage with roll-aside ttoors.—Darlaston, South Staffs. SIMPKINS ENGINEERING WORKS . . 395 feJ,OUTHWELL high-pressure vehicle washers SeTare A speciality of this firm, and are available with one to six guns. This range satisfies the needs of the smallest garage and the largest
transport concern. The actual exhibits will comprise machines with one, two and three guns. In design, acceseibility of the working parts has been particularly studied, lubrication being artther important matter to which careful consideration has been given.—Gedling, Nottingham.
" TAE little machine for great jobs " how Messrs. L. Steiner deicribe their patented electric automatic tyre-vulcanizing machine, which is sold complete with a grass ol patches,
valve seats, etc., at £6 15s. In view of its reasonable price. this equipment should be well worth inspection.-37,. Kew Foot Road, Richmond, Surrey.
STREAM-LINE FILTERS, LTD. . . . 408 OF the many examples of Stream-Line filter to be shown, special attention is drawn to models 0.3 and 0.8. These plants are for the purification of used lubricating oil, the reaper• tive outputs of the twa models, with average oil, being three gallons in 24 hours and six gallons in eight hours. The element in these filters consists of a number of columns of paper discs tightly compressed. The liquid to be filtered is forced by pressure, or drawn by vacuum, through the filter pack from the outside to the centre hole, the contaminating matter being arrested on the outside of the pack. A small plant. hating a capacity of five gallons per week, will also be shown.—Hele-Shaw Works, Ingate Place, London, S.W.8.
ill-A S specialists in modern methods of providing lubrication service, this concern will be showing something new in the shape of its mobile Streamliner lubrication cabinet. It represents the most advanced design in equipment for the rapid dispensing of gear oils and chassis lubricant, and its modernistic appearance is in keeping with its practical utility. It is mounted on four hard rubber swivel castors and is thus readily transported as required. Low-pressure
pumps are used for the gear oils and a highpressure pump for dispensing the grease. The lowand high-pressure hoses, when not in use, can be neatly coiled round a specially designed clip on each pump cover. The air supply to the pumps is by means of piping fitted inside the cabinet. A 20-ft. air hose, complete with bayonet connector and fix-o-matio coupler, is supplied with each cabinet, and is neatly reeled round two hose guards fixed at ono aide of the unit.--Great West Road, Brentiord, Middlesex.
THE THOMSEN MACHINE CO 411 TWO examples of cylinder-boring machine will be shown; one of the heavy-service type with a bore range of from 2.2-in, diameter to 5.315-in, diameter, or to 6 ins, to special order, and the other to a maximum of 5.315-in. diameter. The outstanding features claimed for these machines is the speed with which a robots can be carried out with accuracy and high finish. In addition, a connecting-rod boring jig, and a connecting-rod and bearing centrifugal casting machine, will he shown.-4, Nightingale Lane, London, S.W.12.
A WIDE range of racks for the storage of tyres, spring leaves, spare parts, etc.. will be the main feat-ere on this stand. In the main they are constructed in sections, the units being arranged In groups to form racks of any suitable dimension. In addition to the fore' B44
going, eteel cupboards, operatives lockers and a drawing cabinet of novel construction will be exhibited. Further exhibits will consist of electric pro-heaters for heating the sump oil, also electric garage and office heaters.—Worsley Street, llulme, Manchester, 15.
TIMSON BROS 421 TN „Om extensive range 'of garage equipment -L to be shown special attention Is called to the range Of air compressors, engine re-conditioning plant, vulcanizers, battery charging outfits and lifting jacks. This concern will be showing • very wide range of products of many of the well-known accessery manufacturers, cornpoising small tools, vulcanizing equipment, engine-testing equipment, and so on.—Moor Street, Birmingham.
WM. TURNER AND BRO., LTD. . . . 360 ASPECIALITY. on this stand will be the Speettair electric portable compressor, and the Kismet ball-type air balance. Other items of the well-known Kismet range will be tyre gauges, foot pumps and garage pumps. The air towers for which this concern are responsible are guaranteed to give accurate tyre inflation
to within lb. per sq. in. at any reading of the dial-44 Eyre Lane, Sheffield.
THE exhibits on this stand will take the form
of a display of equipment as employed in the Tyresoles process of tyre reconditioning. Examples of the new Tyresoles B.B. tread, which is now being applied to tyres up to 6-in, section, will be shown. A type of tread specially designed to give extra gripping power on rough surfaces and in heavy mud or snow, is the Trek-Grip, and examples of this form of
tread will be available for inspection. This tread is applied in the same manner as the standard Tyresoles tread, the only difference being in the design of the curing ring.—Cheadle Heath, Stockport.
1,113.AMPLE8 of the Unl-Gun high-pressure X.Igreaser will be shown, the principal feature of which is that It is capable of overcoming a pressure up to 7,500 lb. per sq. in. entirely by hand operation. In addition to this greaser, this concern will be displaying its latest type of equipment in the form of a foot-operated gun capable of overcoming a pressure up to 12,000 lb. per sq. in.—Pollyte Works, °Slow Lane, Dagenham, Essex. VALOR CO., LTD. 143
l%FANY forms of steel shelving, lockers, filing
binets, cupboards and general equipment of a similar nature for offices and works, will form the main exhibit. In addition, Valor fire extinguishers of different types, together with other portable lire-fighting equipment will be exhibited. A comprehensive range of se3rago equipment fur ,lubricating oils, either for indoor or outdoor use, will also be staged.—Bromford. Eirdingtoii, Birmingham.
APORTABLE machine for coupling to the starting handle of oil engines for startingup ■ purposes, will be one of the main exhibits on this stand. Two types of electric screen wiper will also be shown; one with an external motor for fixing to the screen, and the other with an Internal motor for fitting into the cab. Both are supplied for voltages of from 6 to 60. The Whipple Turnicator will form another exhibit in which the outstanding feature is its waterproof and flexible qualities.—Sartoris Road, Ruehden, Northants.
C. C. WAKEFIELD AND CO., LTD.. . . 376
HE many exclusive features of Castro] .1. Lubrequipment will be demonstrated in a comprehensive display. A complete greasing bay will be on view, and blue prints, showing how this can be adapted to suit particular circumstances, can be prepared on request. The sectional unit plant, which can be varied in size after the manner of a sectional bookcase, and yet retain its single-unit form, should not be missed. This stand will serve to illustrate the most advanced ideas appertaining to all branches of lubrication service. The model A delivers two grades of gear oil, extreme pressure lubricant, penetrating oil and chassis grease, through separate hoses from the original con
tainers direct to the ear. Quantities are measured by Caetrol Precision meters, the only British meters to be passed for lubricating oil by the Beard of Trede. Further exhibits will be two Castro] ear lifts, operated by Castrol air compressors, shown in two-stage and single-stage models.—Wakefield House, 30-32, Cheapside, London, E.C.2.
"We were unable to obtain particulars of the following exhibits in time to be included in this review; F. Oilman (B.S.T.l, Ltd:; Stand 368; National Cash Register Co., Ltd., Stand 373; F. C. liteayberd and Co., Stand 408.