W. M. P.T. A. Revived : Split Between U.C.L. and R.H.A
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By a Special Correspondent A SPLIT ketween United Carriers, Ltd., and the meat carriers' group r-1 of the Road Haulage Association seems to be implied ..in the resuscitation of a war-time meat carriers' body, the Wholesale Meat• and Provisions Transport Association. The chairman is Mr. H. F. Minter, managing director of U.C.L. People known to be connected with the W.M.P.T.A. would not reveal_ its aims to The Commercial Motor.
B.R.S.. Meat Section Not Sold
TENDERS for the meat section of British Road Services, for which United Carriers, Ltd., bid, have been rejected by the British Transport Commission and the Road Hauiage Disposal Board. It was offered in six units in list S.2 and included 574 licensed vehicles and 276 operational trailers, and 31 additional vehicles and 125 spare trailers.
It was announced on Wednesday that 11 units (228 vehicles) out of 23 units (1,131 vehicles) in list S.2 had been sold. All tenders had been rejected for four units (591 vehicles), no bids were received for six units (267 vehicles) and decisions on two caSes (45 vehicles) were deferred. .
Closing figures for list 7 are as follows:—Vehicle-only units, general haulage: Sold, 631 units (1,401 vehicles); all tenders rejected, 202 units (670 vehicles). Contract hire: Sold, 9 units (21 vehicles); all tenders rejected, 3 units (18 vehicles). Total, 845 units (2,110 vehicles). Units with premises: Sold, 4 units (58 vehicles); all tenders rejected, 12 units (202 vehicles); no bids, 11 units (150 vehicles); deferred, 1 unit (17 vehicles); total, 28 units (427 vehicles).
List S.1 final results are as follows: Sold, 12 units (267 vehicles); all tenders rejected, 27 units (541 vehicles); no bids, 6 units (342 vehicles); total, 45 units (1,156 vehicles).
THE advice that the " right-turn " signal could be given when giving way or stopping at a zebra crossing to warn traffic behind not to overtake is omitted from the second edition of the Highway Code, which the Minister of Transport presented to Parliament on Tuesday. A note to this effect attracted criticism when it. appeared in the first draft in July.
The new edition notes that the hand signal meaning, "I am ready to be overtaken," may be given when .pulling up at the kerb. It is emphasized that the "I am slowing down" and "I am stopping" signals may not be taken as invitations to overtake, and that it is incumbent upon the overtaking driver to make sure it is safe to.do so.
Other amendments concern behaviour for pedestrians and those in charge of horses. Horse riders are advised to keep to the left of the road. B2
As the purpose for which the Association was .originally formed is no longer applicable, it is. assurned•that its aims and activities will cut across those of the R.H.A. meat carriers' group, of which the chairman is Mr. J. Morritt, also a director of U.C.L.
One interested party has suggested that the Association would seek affiliation with the R.H.A., but that would appear to preclude the " necessity " of its revival.
Formed shortly before the outbreak of the late war, the Association's original purpose was to plan for the carriage of meat in wartime. When the war came, the .W.IvI.P.T.A. had ready the organizatiOn• to form a transport pool with a central control, which Was operated first of all under the clirectibn of the Board of Trade.
It was eventually succeeded by the Meat Transport Organisation, Ltd., which has now been replaced by U.C.L.
• Mr. Ralph Cropper it the secretary of the Association. The names of other officers are not knOivii: COMPULSORY INDICATORS?
SHOULD direction indicators and stop lights be made compulsory? The Minister of Transport is eliciting the views of various organizations on this question. In 1947, the former -Committee on Road Safety recommended that -they should be fitted, but because of economic and technical difficulties existing at the time it was not possible to put the suggestion into effect.
Answer Today on ES? m. Pay Claim?
BOTH sides of the National Joint Industrial Council for the municipal passenger transport industry are meeting in London today to discuss the
claim for a wage increase of £1 a week for bus workers employed by municipal undertakings.
The Commercial Motor could not confirm whether an answer would be
given by the employers, but it is considered likely, because the subject was well ventilated at a meeting of the employers in London yesterday. If the claim were met in full it would cost the municipalities approximately £8-1rn. a year.
A spokesman of the Public Transport Association told The Commercial Motor on Tuesday that a similar claim
had not yet been received by the bus companies. Mr. Frank Coyle, national secretary of the passenger transport group of the Transport and General Workers' Union, could not confirm whether a claim was to be made on behalf of the 90,000 company bus
workers. •
He said that the committee dealing with that side of the industry had-not
yet met.. The Commercial Motor understands, however, that a similar claith is imminent.
Last Friday, officials of the London Transport Executive met representatives of the T.G.W.U. to discuss proposals for regulating overtime and raising the wages of London busmen. • The talks had been promised by the L.T.E. on the conclusion of the unofficial bus strike, The meeting adjourned to enable •both sides to consider the proposals put forward. No specific amount has been asked for by the union in the London Transport talks.
A CASE forrn. the construction of a
Doncaster by-pass was presented to the Minister of Transport on Mhnday by a deputation comprising Members of Parliament from the West Riding of Yorkshire and representatives of West Riding County Council. Other matters discussed were the rebuilding of weak bridges on the Great North Road, various road improvements and' diversions on this route, and the planning of an east-west highway acrois the country.
The Minister undertook to consider the matters put to him.
The deputation was introduced by Mr. Tom Williams, M.P.
FURTHER restrictions on the use of commercial and other vehicles were inevitable if the roads were not improved, Mr. A. B. Waring, president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, told the Motor Agents' Association at their annual dinner on Tuesday.
• He forecast further speed limits and restrictions on parking.