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O PERATORS all over the country may welcome the decision of the High Court that it is not the function of a transport...
Driving Faults in Graphic-Form wini the title." Trials of a Transport Manager " " is a booklet issued by the British* School of...
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That bad roads are in the category of underwheel overheads. That Girling have decided to spend a large sum on factory...
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By a Special Correspondent A SPLIT ketween United Carriers, Ltd., and the meat carriers' group r -1 of the Road Haulage...
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A SPECIAL meeting of Birmingham General Purposes Committee decided on Monday to appeal against Mr. Justice Vaisey's decision...
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T HE conduct of a Black Country coach operator who employed 12 vehicles on an express service in place of the seven vehicles be...
T HE Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week suggested to a C-licensee how he could carry loads on his otherwise empty...
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W1HEN Barton Transport, Ltd., W applied at Nottingham last week for the reinstatement of a service between Kirk Hallam and...
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" IF we are not careful, the powers of g rantin g licences will g o to the miners union so far as coal is concerned, and to the...
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tours from live north Somerset villages, they were told by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, to hold a second...
A LTHOUGH the closing down of 1-1 plants during the holiday period of August reduced the output and export of commercial...
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Asks P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. U NLESS the body sides and rear door panels of a vehicle are flat or have a true...
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L IGHTNESS is the outstanding virtue of vehicles of integral or chassisless construction and, with lorries weighing more than 3...
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Looming Large • A N awareness of future difficulties in the removal trade, particularly as regards the maintenance of high...
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IT appears from the figures given in your leader (October 15) on London Transport's staff problems, that the normal wages for...
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A N ideal braking system for heavy vehicles would include an exhaust obturator, two-leading-shoe brake units at the rear and...
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T HREE entirely new battery-electric vehicles are on exhibition at the Dairy Show, which is being held at Olympia. It closes...
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T HE many applications of two-way radio, and the manner in which such installations improved efficiency and effected economies,...
A N unsuccessful attempt was made in the House of Lords last week by Lord Lucas of Chilworth to insert in the Transport...
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L AST week I pointed out that the number of C-licensed vehicles exceeding 30 cwt. unladen was increasing very slowly as...
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Two Vehicles Bought in Leeds Transferred to Darvel in Scotland Another List S.1 Unit with Premises Sold A UTHORIZATION for a...
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E CONOMIES in cleaning and maintenance have saved Bradford Transport Department £40,000 a year since 1951, the general manager,...
Over 50 per cent. of last year's output of the Routes Group was expol - ted. Reserves of the British Electric Traction Co.,...
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I N my previous article I showed that tippers, rather than sided lorries, might be preferred for carrying sugar-beet. I...
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S EVERAL ingenious ideas are embodied -in a vehicle built by Blox Services, Ltd., 263 London Road, Mitcham, Surrey, for...
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CLAIMED to promote turbulence and *4-• to diminish detonation, an improved combustion head is shown in patent No. 714,417„ by...