Newcomers at the Dairy Show
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'HE 1965 Dairy Show at Olympia, which closes tonight, has the usual lection of electric delivery vehicles for t by the milk distribution industry. nong those exhibited are two -orporating features that have not been own before by their makers.
The first is a scale model of a orrison Electricar three-wheeler to be ilt by Austin Crompton Parkinson tctric Vehicles Ltd. A departure from s company's practice of previous years,
t three-wheeler has been designed to lfil the need for a short-operatingiius, highly manceuvrable. high-capacity it for use in densely populated areas. anprising what is virtually the standard sr-end of the ccimpany's four-wheeled aduct, and incorporating the Scammcll echanical Horse 3-ton steering assembly t vehicle will be placed on general offer soon as trials have been completed. The development of the vehicle has en carried out at the instigation of :press Dairy Co. Ltd.. London. It is :ended that special cabs and canopies II be designed and built for the new ree-wheelers, of which there will be two 3dels --the 3F11 (3F/fg) and the 3D6-G Elfg-16). The turning circle of the first claimed to 19-5 ft. and of the second, ft. Another item shown for the first ne on this company's stand is a new tction-battery charger produced by -ompton Parkinson.
On the stand of the Stanley Engineera Co. Ltd.. of Exeter Airport, Exeter. an example of the company's Manuark Model 730 fitted with a 21-crate tdy and a dry grocery compartment. us vehicle is claimed to be able to wale for approximately 50 miles doing .5 stops, and still keep up its road speed 20 to 22 m.p.h. It is also claimed that will move off on a 1 in 5 gradient with full load—that is. 30 cwt. By introducg a system of flow-line building in their .teter factory, Stanley F.ngineering say that they are now able to provide ' off the shelf' almost any spare part that may be needed and that in spite of increased labour costs they have found it possible to keep the price of the Manulectric at the same figure as it was five years ago.
To provide cold storage for milk carried on a delivery round that does not lend itself to replenishment of stocks at Some convenient location, a vehicle shown on the stand of W. and E. Vehicles Ltd.. of Shrewsbury, is fitted with :1 eutectic plate cold-storage compartment. The plate is refrigerated whilst the vehicle batteries are being charged, when it stores enough energy to last throughout the best part of the working day. Late deliveries are assured in a fresh condition. This unit was manufactured for W. and E. by Mickleover Transport Ltd. and the body panels are made from p.v.c. sheeting with colour-impregnated finish. The vehicle upon which this bodywork is mounted is the W. and E. Major 60, a 25 cwt. unit with a road speed of 12 m.p.h.