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Hauliers May Seek Help In Smoke Battle
.V EHICLE manufacturers were still reluctant to produce a vehicle which was not "on the verge of the smoke line". Manufacturers should be made to produce a vehicle which would......
Roads Or Hospitals —mr. Fraser
A MASSIVE increase in the 9. s bads programme to 1980 could be achieved only at the expense of some other programmes—hospitals, schools, housing, defence or personal......
Traders Support Home Testing'
THE Traders Road Transport AssociaI tion is to urge the Ministry of Transport to allow its examiners to test vehicles on traders' own premises where possible, when the annual......
Spot Checks To Continue
T HE increased effort devoted to spot checks of goods vehicles did not appear yet to have brought any general improvements, said the Minister of Transport in the Commons this......
Big Ltb Subsidy
THE Minister of Transport intends to I make payments to the London Transport Board totalling 13115m. during the remainder of 1965. Reporting this to MPs this week, Mr. Fraser......
Labour Will Go Slow On Co-ordination
From our Political Correspondent I EGISLATION to enforce any measure of transport co-ordination is extremely unlikely to be put forward by the Labour Party in the next session......