Mr. P. H. Wyke Smith has been appointed general manager
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of Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd., as from January I next, in succession to Mr. Norman Dean who, as previously announced, is to retire after 43 years in the bus industry. Mr. Wvke Smith, who joined Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd, as a trainee in July, 1946, has had appointments with various bus companies and has been chief engineer of North Western Road Car Co. Ltd. since June, 1960.
Sir Erie Mensforth (chairman), Mr. J. R. Smyth and Mr. J. D. Markland have resigned from the board of Cravens Homalloy Ltd. Mr. J. E. Owston has been appointed chairmart and Mr. J. E. Pilkingtort technical director. Mr. A. E. Curtis is now sales manager, having taken over from Mr. F. H Last, who retired last moruh.
Mr. Douglas Marshall has been appointed managing director of the Blue Bus Service. Willington, near Derby. Mr. Marshall. who is 55, has been charter manager of KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) London, since 1948.
Mr. C. H. Moss has been appointed UK fleet sales supervisor for the automotive industry with Cummins Diesel Sales and Service Ltd. Mr. Moss was apprenticed with Guy Motors Ltd. and was subsequently appointed to their sales staff.
The Glasgow division of the Industrial Transport Association has elected Mr. R. G. Brewster (India Tyres Ltd.) as chairman for the 1965-6 season, with Mr. J. C. Guthrie ID. M. Stevenson) as vice-chairman.
Mr. Edwin A. Harris retired last week as secretary of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers and, at the Association's Autumn Conference, Mr. George Evan Cook referred to his "nearly 40 years of solid, faithful service". Mr. Harris will be succeeded by Mr. Hugh G. Waite Wilson, who, after army service, previously worked at the British Iron and Steel Federation and the London Chamber of Commerce, Mr. C. S. Williams has been appointed general sales manager of Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles Ltd. Mr. Williams, for some years area sales manager for the south-west, has since last year acted as assistant to the sales director, Mr. A. H. Shaw, who is to retire from full-time employment at the end of this year.
Mr. I. T. Houston has recently joined E. P. Banns (Concessionaires) Ltd. as public relations officer.
Mr. R. Gower has been appointed director and general manager of Chains Ltd., Wednesbury, Staffs, a member company of the Owen Organization. Previously, Mr. Gower was company director of the British Steel Chain Co. Ltd. He succeeds Mr. W. H. Baynes, who recently retired.
Mr. A. J. Rice (snr.), managing director of Always Welding Ltd., tank work and bodywork manufacturers. Aldershot, has beenappointed managing director of Eagle Engineering Co. Ltd., Warwick. Two new appointments to the board ef Always Welding have also been announced. Mr. A. J. Rice (jnr.) becomes works director and Mr. F. D. Ross, sales director.
Mr. 0. W. Bullock has been appointed to the board of Express Ignition Co. Ltd., ol Norwich, a member of the United Battery Services Group.
Mr. David W. Newill, previously market research and development manager of Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., has been created marketing manager of this division. Mr. Newill joined Dunlop Special Products Ltd. in 1953 and his experience with the Dunlop organization includes a period from 1959 to 1961 as sales and technical adviser of Dunlop Industrial Products (Pty.) Ltd, Benoni, South Africa, The first two representatives have now been appointed to the newly formed accessory division of Crypton Equipment (MI Group). They are Mr. J. R. Jessup, who will cover London and the Home Counties, and Mr. F. G. IL Curtis, who will represent the company in the Midlands.
a6 The Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. P. W. Millipn as a member of the Transport Users Consultative Committee for the South Eastern area. Mr. Milligan is deputy chairman of Sedgwick, Collins (Holdings) Ltd.
Mr. J. A. C. Maughan, export manager of Taskers of Andover (1932) Ltd., is to tour Scandinavia for three to four weeks to promote sales of Taskers commercial trailers and semi-trailers and visit appointed and prospective distributors. Mr. Maughan will be leaving this country next Monday (November 1).
Mr. Brian McDougall has been appointed financial director of Silver Knight Lubricants Ltd. Mr. McDougall joined the company from Serck Ltd. in April, 1963, and became company secretary in October of the same year.
Sir Joseph Latham, deputy chairman of Associated Electrical Industries, has been elected to the board of The Black and Decker Manufacturing Co. Inc. This fills a vacancy created by the recent death of Mr. John T. Menzies, late president of Crosse and Blackwell-Co., USA.
Mr. J. R. Quinn, sales director. and Mr. E. Chadwick, chief design engineer of Primrose Group Sales, left London last week on an extensive tour of the Middle and Far East.
Mr. George Bishop, formerly on the editorial staff of Motor, is now public relations officer of the transmission division of Borg-Warner Ltd.. Letchworth, in succession to Mr. Dennis May, who has resigned for health reasons.