News from Central Europe.
Page 8

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Berlin' s Bus Fleet--Buessing Fire-engines for Russia-A Benz Correction-A Promising Market in Roumania.
From Our Resident Correspondents in Paris, Berlin and Vienna.
The Allgemeine Berliner Omnibus Gesellschaft has now 289 motorbuses in service in the German capital, as compared with only 207 a year ago, Motor Fire-engines for Russia.
Russian municipalities are at length awakening to the advantages of motor-driven vehicles for the the brigade, and Germain firms have already received orders from that country, the Motorenfabrik BUssing, for instance, having just booked one for the Kiew brigade, the order being for two engines and an escape of the revolving type. Besides its centrifugal pumping gear, the BUssing engine transports. 11 firemen, ladders and miscellaneous tackle. The Bussing pump is of 2000-litre (440 gals.) capacity. The revolving extensible escape, which is worked by an clectromotor fed by . a motor-driven dynamo, can be turned through 360 degrees even when inclined at an angle of 65 degrees.
A German-made Flying Workshop.
In a recent paragraph we drew attention to the travelling work shops used by the German War Office in connection with its motoa
lorries. We now publish an illustr2tion of a vehicle of this kind. that. has been turn«1 out by the Benz Cc, its side and rear panels flap upwards or downwards• lo form either roof extensions or working platforms, as the case may be. At the after end of the chassis, which is of the standard typu. for heavy lorries propelled by a motor of 50 b.p., lies a fully-encased dynamo for a continuous current sufficiently powerful to work a. number of machine tools—iathe, drill, grinder, cutter, and ribbon saw, which, with an anvil, a field-smithy, etc.. coin • prise a complete ow Pt kr rrpair
ing purposes. A shaft running from the gearbox, with en elastic coupling, drives the dynamo. We may here siutably correct the description which. was given to the Spanish Army breakdown wagon in our last issue ; it is a Benz, not N.A.G. ; we regret the error.
Cab Licences in Berlin.
The Berlin President of Porice has found it 1.(Ivisable to prolong, for a further half-year, the time in which a petrol-cab licence will be granted in exchange for 10 horsecab licences, no rush to take advantage of his offer having been observed. In order to put the drag on speculation in petrol-cab licences, the President made, 'and still makes, it a slur ow iron that the new owner shall himself work the cab
for three years, under pain of cancellation. Naturally, this condition is a sort of two-edged sword, and tends also to snare off the bona-fide owner. Much can happen in three years, and an owner may wish to get rid of his petrol cab for other reascrie than speculative.
ha Roumania.
Our Berlin correspondent advises us that the Boumanian market may be worth consideration on the part of British manufacturers. At present the German makes command the situation there. The police regulations are lax, as might he expected. Motorbuses are wanted for working many of the districts in which there are inadequate railway facilities. Long .credit is unavoidable.