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Every meth brings proof of further progresa towards a combined output of motor spirit from mineral sources that will greatly...
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Of second-hand chassis at hospital prices. That the battery vehicle is in the vortex. That it's bad for a driver to be beside...
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By a Well- , known Municipal Engineer. The recent papers, read before the lnstitutien of Civil Engineers, on Sonic _Recent...
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We Hope to Publish a Resume of What Mr. Clarkson Had To Say Concerning His Electric–lighting Installation and His Special Steel...
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The annual report of the Commercial Motor Users Association, for the year 1913, has been placed befell'e the members ; itwill,...
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Proposals and Purchases. TIi Walthamstow High ways Committee will shortly purchase a tractor. Ilford U.D.C. has ordered a...
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Berlin' s Bus Fleet--Buessing Fire-engines for Russia-A Benz Correction-A Promising Market in Roumania. From Our Resident...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houzws. Topical subjects. Our leading articles this...
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A Special Motor Service for Transporting Racehorses. Dissatisfied with the conditions under which his racehorses were carried...
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It was in the Midlands, and he was apologizing for not being quite ready for me in the matter of business over which I had...
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We have chosen as the second machine for treatment in the present series one of the most popular models that is produced by...
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ParceRcmrsi This week we are enabled to introduce to our readers a newcomer in the field of light-van production —new so far...
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The Light Van and Parcelcar. The Editor THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1330] Sir,--The interest you are creating by your articles "...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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best corn. mmication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else published, with an allowance for...
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A Decompressor for a Sleeve-valve Engine. Improving the Speedometer Drive. P. BURT AND J. S. MATTHEW, No. 7879, dated 3rd...