News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houzws.
Topical subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) "Mineral or Vegetable Fuel?" ; (2) "The Periodic Incivility of the Taxi-driver ; " (3) "Grants for Ma-in-roads Maintenance; " and (4) "That Basketful of Eggs."
Subsidized Transport.
We are requested to announce that the offices of the inspectors of the War Office subsidized motor transport for the northern area have been removed to Star Life Buildings, Cross Street, Manchester, and that the telephone number is " City 7655."
Inst. A.E.
Colonel H. C. L. Holden, F.R.S., has been elected president for the 1914-1915 session of the Institution of Auto-mobile Engineers, with Messrs. Max Lawrence, Mervyn O'Gorman, and Alexander Craig as vice-presidents. The new elections to the Council are Messrs. Thomas Clarksoe and A. A. Remington.
Easter Press Arrangements.
Our business department asks us to announce that advertisements tit-ended for inclusion in our issue to be dated the 16th April must reach the manager not later than Thursday, the 9th inst.
The issue dated the 9th April will be published late on Wednesday afternoon, and will be on sale all re, er the country first thing on the following morning. The issue after Easter, dated the 16th April, will be published late on Thursday afternoon, instead of at 9 a.m.
Steam Activity.
Never before have makers of steam wagens been so busy as they are at the present time. Reports to this effect reach us from all the works without exception. Amongst particular developments, of which we have had recent adviccs, are extensions of the shops at the works of Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Pelmadie, Glasgow, for the output of Sentinel three-tonners, fourtonners, and five-tonners, and still further arrangements by Fodens, Ltd., of Sandbachs for the stocking of spire parts at various centres in order to facilitate expeditious and cheap renewals. A smartly-written 10-page booklet, printed on one side of the paper only, aeld dealing almost exclusively with the subject of economical repair organization, is the latest proof 'of Foden keenness in this matter. Argylls, Ltd.' is now establishsd at its new London premises in Brewery Road, Hampstead, N.W.
We learn that the Stewart-Preci
sion Carburetter td., has removed to 155-157, Co.,dreat Portland Street, W.
New Registrations.
The Manchester Motor Carrying Co., Ltd. (E500), by Jordan and Sons, Ltd. Consolidated Cars, Ltd. (g5000), with its office at Morley House, Holborn Via-duct, E.C., to carry on the manufacture. of self-propelled vehicles for private or commercial use.
C.M.U. A. Membership.
The secretary of the C.M.U.A. intimates that, with assistance from existing members in regard to the recemmendation of new members, the total membership of the Association should exceed 2000 owners, and represent upwards of 20,000 vehicles, before the end of the present year. 'We feel sure that many readers of TI1E COMMERCIAL MOTOR will desire to bear a share in bringing about this most desirable result. The entrance fee is El is., and the annual subscription a like sum. Temple Press Ltd. has issued a new catalogue of books on motoring and kindred subjects. It contains full particulars of a number of useful volumes, published at popular prices, which should be of interest to many readers of this journal. The catalogue will be sent, post free, on application to the manager, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue; E.C.
Auto-Carrier Parcelcars.
We learn that considerable developments are taking place in the organization for the manufacture and sale of Auto-Carrier pareslcars, These vehicles are manufactured at Thames Ditton, and AutoCarriers (1911), Ltd., has taken over the selling side in respect of business vehicles, the sole concession having recently terminated. We are satisfied, from inquiry, that the Auto-Carrier parcelcar will now play a more prominent part than ever in the conversion of traders.
Electric Vehicles.
Two small errors occurred in our report of the remarks by Lieut. Sladen, R.N., Chief Officer of the London Fire Brigade, on page 88 of our issue ef last week. The speed of an electrically-driven escape-van was stated to be 15 m.p.h. on a gradient of "1 in 9" ; this should have read "1 in 19." In reference also to the difficulty of sulphating, to combat which it was stated that the batteries were discharged down to about 1.9 volt per cell "for two months," the correct readieg is "every two months."
Halley's Capital. An Issue of 35,000 Shares.
The directors of Bailey's Industrial Motors, Ltd., are about to increase the capital of the company from £75,000 to 2150,000, and to make an issue of 35,000 shares at a premium of 10s. each.
Surrey Main Roads.
It is gratifying to find that the Surrey County Council hss decided to spend £87,972 on the reconstruction of 26:2 miles of main roads in the eastern section of the county. Asphaltie-sand carpeting, varying in thickness from 1 in. to 31s ins., will be used, and the work will be extended over three years. The Committee has also decided to lay down a number of weighbridges, in order to check the axle-weights of heavy motors.
L.C.C. Breakdown By-law.
A deputation was received at the Home Office, on Tuesday morning last., at the instance of the National Union of Horse and Vehicle Owners, to protest against the terms of the recent L.C.C. by-law coneerning the breakdown of vehicles in streets. The deputation was received by Mr. Ellis Griffiths, M.P.. in the absence of Mr McKenna.
Is a Threshing Machine a Wagon?
interesting case was before the Bury County Police Court, on the 2.5th ult., when Messrs. James Smith and Sons, of Shakerly, near TyWesley, were summoned for not having the tare weights painted on certain " wagons." The defence was undertaken by the National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association, and the defendants were represented by Mr. J. R. MacT./onald. instructed by Messrs. Joynson-Hieks, Hunt, Moore and Card e w.
It was stated, on behalf of the police, that a heavy locomotive owned by the defendants drew two four-wheeled wagons, consisting of a threshing machine and a trussing machine; along the Bury New Road, Whitcfield, and that there was no tare weight painted on either vehiele. The constable said he would not have summoned the driver had he been drawing an ordinary plough, because a plough was not constructed as a wagon, neither would he regard a mangle as a wagon.
Counsel submitted that the summons had been taken out by a mistake on the part of a zealous constable. He submitted that the 17th section of the 1898 Locomotive Act defined a wagon as including "any truck, cart, carriage, or any other vehicle." He asked the Bench to rule that " any other vehicle " must be explained as something in which something was to be carried.
He admitted that the point had never gone before the High Courts, although there was a definition, under the Weights and Measures Acts of 1888-1889, that " vehicle" meant " any carriage, cart, wagon, truck or barrow.' The term did not include machinery which was simply placed upon wheels for convenience of movement. The wheels, in the case of the threshing machine and the trussing machine, were as
much part of the machine as the drawbar, and it was necessary that the machine should be carried a certain distance above the ground. Had the machine with its wheels been bodily lifted and put on a truck, then it would have become part of the load of a wagon. The magistrates, after retiring to consider the ease, intimated that they would adjourn it for five weeks. The Macintosh Cushion Rubber Tire for Motorvans.
We. recently examined the Macintosh cushion tire which has been designed for use on motorvans. This latest product presents a somewhat. curious appearance ; • it consists of a series of alternate hard black and soft red-rubber blocks, vulcanized together to form a complete hand. The actual tire is built up of two of these bands superimposed, and so positioned that the blocks in the upper band cross those in the lower as shown in the accompanying sketch. By making the tire in this manner it is claimed that the drive is not taken solely through the . soft cushion rubber, and thus this is preserved to perform its real ftmetion of eliminating road-shocks
as far as possible ; the design has a further advantage in that the soft Tubber is prevented by the hard rubber from spreading to any great
extent when under load. A distinctive name for this tire is now under consideration, and we believe it is to, be called the Zebra, tho coat markings of which animal it closely resembles. The new tire is shortly to be tested on motorbuses.
Halley's 9a. Catalogue.
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., of Yoker, Glasgow, has issued its catalogue No. 9a. The thumb-index method of sectional indication, which style has become increasingly popular since it was adopted in our Overseas Annual last year, gives quick access to the right page of the 36 which are comprised in the catalogue. We note that the company has introduced a new 45 h.p. engine, instead of the 40 h.p. size which was hitherto employed for its heavier types, but that this change has involved no increase in price.