Financial News of the Industry
Page 18

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NEW COMPANIES Hauliers Mutual Federation, Ltd.—Ikeg. March 18, ea a company limited by guarantee without share capital. with an unlimited number of members each liable for 11 in the event of winding up. To provide an organization for professional havliers, to protect the intereata of members. etc. Subscribers:—Norman D. Orafford, Viretry House, %seen Street Place, London, E.C.4: Wm. A. Hines, St. Albans; Joliet) E. Mason. Cudworth. nr. Barnsley; Ernest Orton, Smethwick; Ernest B. Howes, Harpenden; Albert C. Harvey. Kingston-on-Thames; Irving Semper, 5, Beech Hill. Hadley Wood, Middlesex: Gerald J. II/Innerly, Liverpool; J. Arnold Kirby, Baby, or Leicester; E. C. Bowler. 184. Camberwell New Road, London. SE 5; V. 0, Milehant. Bristol; Alfred G. Berlanoy..Iterniord; John Coy. Scunthorpe; Edward A. Strode, Oxford; W. E. Blatchford. Exeter; 'T. Nelson, Liverpool; Frank H. Lucas, Luton; and Percy R. Williams, Luton, The first members of the Council are not named.
R. J. Weeks and Co. Ltd.—Fr:rate company. Reg. March 23. Can.
150,000 in 20,000 5' per liens cumulative Preference and a0•000, ordinary shares of 11 each. To carry on the Luelness of carrktr,...ete. Directors:—Illohard J. Weeks, Brinkley Dene, The. Avenue, Wenatead; Francis C. Glover, 25, Gunnersbury.Avenue, London, W.5. Solicitors:— Idawby, Barrie and Letts, Londen, E.C.2.
S.C.C.F.C., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 20. Cap, 130.000 in
30,000 shares of 41 each. To acquire the business of the Southern Counties Car Finance Corporation, Ltd., and to carry on the business of
dealer in coaches, lorries and vehicles, etc. Directors:—FAward D. Taylor, address not elated; -David W. Rees. 16. ataremont Crescent. Sheffield; Fdk. N. Bovfll, Crosso'-th'-Cliff, Lincoln. Solicitors :—Day and Yew-dall, Leeds, 1.
Roland Dawes, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 23. Cap. 110.000
in 10,000 shares of 11 each. To acquire the 'business of a cartage contractor and garage proprietor carried on ho Roland Dawns at,
Newland* Garage, Forest 'Lane, Leamore, Cr. Walsall. Directors:— Ifolend Dawes and Mrs. Emily D. Hager, both of Newlands Garage, Leamore, or. Solicitor:—C. L. Hodgkinson, Walsall. , Schofield Transport, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 20.. Cap.
£7,500 in 7,500 shares of 41 each. To acquire the business ol tamer forinestiy carried on by Fred 0. Sehofield and the late John Schofield and others ait 93, Fernley Road, Sparkhilt, Birmingham. Direetors:—Fred C. Schofield and Ellen Schofiel,l. both of 93, Fertslet, Road, Spaikhill, Birmingham. Solicitors:—Higlay Brown and Mills. Birmingham Reg. office:-93, Fernley Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, 11.
N. G. and J. Clark, Ltd.—Private compnny. Reg. March 12. Cap.
15,000 in 5,000 shares of' .41 enoh., To carry on the holiness el haulier, eto. Directors:—Norman C., Clark and Hilda R, Clark, both of "Westfield." Sutton Scotney, Hants. Reg. office:---Somerset Home. Blakerave Street, Reading.
S. Haricot and Sons, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 17. Cap.
45,000 in 5,000 shares of 11 each. To carry on the business of cartage contractor. etc. Directars.:—Sidne/ Hadoot. Starr.. Sunny View, Tynewydd Road. Barry. Glint.; Sidney tarloot. Jur., 138; Wootton(' Road, Barry, Glam.; Frank Haricot, address, not stated. • Salicitor:— J. A. Hughes and Co., Barry.
N.C.C. )(Hauliers), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 12. Can. 45,000 in 5,000 shares of £1 each. To carry ,on. the .business of general transport contractor, etc. Directors:—Norman 0. Clark and Hilda R. Clark, both of "Weettield," Sutton Scotney, Rants. Reg. office:--" Westfield." Sutton Scouter. Slant..
B . Evans and _Co. (Carrlers), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 19. -Cap. 13,500 in 3,500 shares of 11 each. To acquire a businesa carried on by John W. Morris at Ashton-under-Lyne. and to carry on the businese, of carrier, etc. Directors:—John W. Morris and Mrs. Dori, Morris, both of 23, Old Road. hfontram-in-Longdentiale, Cheshire: Gee, Herbert, 13, Whitericre Road, Ashton-under-L3rne. Solicitor:—Rupert Wood, Asbton-under.Lyne. Reg. office:—Oldham Road, Asbton-under
Lyme. •
J. A. II. floneylkild, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 17. Cap. /3,000 in 3.000 • shares of 41 each. To carry on the business ot haulier, etc. Direotors:—Jas. A. R. Honeyfied and Lilian Honeyfield. both of 24. Donald Road, :Bristol, 3. Reg. office:-24, Donald Road, Bristol, 3. L inos Trailer Co., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 19. Cap. 43,000 in 3,000 share el 1.1 each, To acquire the beryls-less. rif avehicle ibodybuilder and engineer carried OA at High Street East, Scunthorpe, by Percy A. Leftlev, as the "Lidos Trailer Co." Sobscribers :—Percy A. Leftley and Man. Eileen Leftley, both of ".Kia, Ora." Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe. Reg. office:-10. High Street East, Scunthorpe, Lines. Super Yielding (Clayton), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March. 20. Cap. 42,000 in 2,000 shares of RI. each. To carry on the business of motor-vehicle manufaeturer, etc. Direetors:—Robert a Hughes, Eric Hughes and Mrs. Edith A. Hughes, all of 22. Lynwood Grove. Andenshaw, Manchester. Reg. office:-3, St. James Square.. Manchester, 2., Breath Collins Haulage, Lttl—Private company. Reg. March 11. Cali. 11.000 in 1.000 shares of 11 each., To acquire the luisinets of a cartage contractor, etc., carried on by Ethel C. Collins at 91-83. Laneefield Street, London, W.10, and to carry on the business of carrier of passengers and goods, cte: Direetors:—John C. Porter. 7. Charnwood Road, Getter% Cheshire; Wilfred C. Chick, Oak Mount, Bridt:e Road, Wooclloril, Cheshire; 'Albert B. EWA, 44, Donington Reed, Cheadle
Heath, Cheshire. Solicitor:—.J. Gregory, Manchester. Reg. office:— Brook Road, Cheadiro. Cheshire. Jones Hauliers (Bury). Ltd.—Private company. Reg. March 19. Cart 11.000 in 1.000 shares of 41 each. To carry on the .business of carrier, etc. Subscrilyers:—Jas. H. Hunt. 92, Heywood Street, Bury: Stanley Erotism, 33,.Seed,field Road, Bury.' Selicttor:—H. C. James, Bury. Reg. office:-8, Manchester Road, Bury, Lancs.
MORTGAGES AND CHARGES Botflelds Transport Co, Ltd., London, E.8.—Pirticulars filed of series of 13,000 debenttires authorized May 12, 1945. charged qn the company's undertakicg and property present and future, including uncalled capita:, the ..whole amount being now iratued. • RECEIVERSHIPS (APPOINTMENT OR RELEASE)
A.B. Transport, Ltd.' Station Approach, Shepperion, Middlesex.— W. W. Martinof 104. Kensington Church Street, Lender', W.8. =teed to act as receiver andeer manager ori March 8, 1943.