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C OMMERCIAL transport by road is being most strictly controlled and curtailed in the ostensible cause of thesaving of rubber...
A Guide Which Covers WE recently referred to — 1 he 1,000 Important Raw " Raw Materials Guide " Materials prepared by the...
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A S a result of repsesentations by the O.M.U.A. and other national organizations, and subject to the approval of the...
C ER.TAIN of the remarks and saggestions made in our leading article, " Planning by the Industry," which we published on March...
A RESOLUTION rejecting the report in which the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference has made recommendations for the...
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L AST Monday afternoon the 150,000th tractor to be bu t at the Ford works at Dagenham ca e off the assembly line. The great ma...
SIR JOHN MAXWELL, C.M.G., Regional Transport Commissioner of the Northern Area, had a most unfortunate experience, which might...
R ESIGNATION of three directors from the board of David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield) Ltd., which they joined in July last at...
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question to the Secretary of State for War about damage to agricultural property by 'troops in Army manceuvres, an allegation...
NEW COMPANIES Hauliers Mutual Federation, Ltd.—Ikeg. March 18, ea a company limited by guarantee without share capital. with an...
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hearings began this week of claims by three unions for wage increases for 200,000 bus and tram workers, Mr, Craig Henderson is...
R ESEARCH work in connection with the conversion of compression-ignition engines to producer gas, retaining the fuel-injection...
have proved suitable, because it is in production and, although devised for petrol conversions, can he fairly easily modified...
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Problems of on Tangible Assets the Carrier It Makes No Allowance for the Reward of Enterprise, Ignores the Existence of the...
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T HE. importance of the individual effort in helping to develop the home production of food, upon which the level of our...
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This Fuel Can Be Used in Low-pressure Bags or Highpressure Cylinders. The Relative Merits and Possibilities of the Two Systems...
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By A. W. Haigh A.M.I.Mech.E.. A.M.I.A.E. A N examination of the mechanical causes of tyre wear which can be directly...
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One Department of Hamilton Motors (London), Ltd., is Devoted Exclusively to the Renovation of Bedford Power Units. The Company...
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Various Forms of I11-treatment Given In Percentages and Covering 1,000 Giant Tyres O NE of the most interesting exhibits at the...
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The Railways' Claim to Retain Their Businesses Applies Even More Fully to Road Operators and All Must Fight for Private...
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A Rama of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published I N engines having comblistion chambers off set from the •...