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New Clause on Spot Tests

2nd December 1955
Page 53
Page 53, 2nd December 1955 — New Clause on Spot Tests
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nISCUSS1ON during the continued Li proceedings on the Road Traffic Bill in the House of Commons, last week, centred on spot tests for cars. Introducing a new clause on the subject, Mr. Hugh Molson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said:— We do not wish to use the clause for penal purposes.' We are not anxious to catch a large number of motorists and to prosecute them and have them penalized in' the courts. The purpose cif the clause is in every way to encourage and to compel motorists to adopt a very much higher standard of maintenance of their cars than is the case at present. " If as a result of a car being stopped with a view to inspection, the effect is that the motorist has the vehicle put in order before the deferred date of -the inspection, the clause will have served

its purpose." •

He spoke of the pilot testing station at Hendon and said: It may very well be that, as a result of the experience gained there, we s ha 1.1 be able increasingly to use for the deferred jests establishments put up by private enterprise, where inspections can he carried out with all the appropriate machinery at a very much. greater rate than at present seems likely."