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I N introducing legislation to end the disposal of the assets of British Road Services, the Minister of Transport should use...
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U TNDER a highly dangerous clause which Mr. J. %.--) Boyd-Carpenter, Minister of Transport, has tabled for inclusion in the...
A M.I.R.A. Occasion pRESIDING at the members' luncheon of the Motor Industry Research Association, on November 23, Mr. W....
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That one-man operation of buses in the lesscongested areas will probably increase considerably. Of those who think that...
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Transport N EW restrictions on the movement of large or heavy loads by road are proposed by the Minister of Transport. It is...
"I DO not know of any more applica 1 dons. We sincerely hope we have now reached the end, as there has been a tremendous drain...
A DISPUTE on salaries and condi ti of service for white-collar workers employed by Southdown Motor Services ; Ltd., has been...
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BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT . E FFORTS were being made last night by the Government to avoid ..a display of open hOstility...
A N employer shall have a defence in proceedings if he is able to prove that he took all reasonable steps to ensure compliance...
"A DMISSIONS DMISSIONS made this morning constitute breaches of the applicant's licences, which, if continued, would justify us...
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SIR HENRY SPURRIER was last week electedyresident of the Motor Industry Research Association. ' Mg... F. E. HUGHES has...
O PERATORS who still pleaded they did not know they were running private-party trips illegally were stretching credulity to the...
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T HE House of Commons last week approved the Motor Vehicles (Variation of Speed Limit) Regulations, 1955. These grant exemption...
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O RGANIZATIONS willing to take part in the promotion of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition are to be asked to send their...
both railway and trunk road services, will be able to gang up and establish, more or less, a monopoly so far as public...
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T HE cost of running express services between the north-east and London had increased by more than £10,000 in a year, Mr. D. F....
T HE number and value of commercial-vehicle exports for the nine months to September this year were 21,500 units and £10m....
A N express-service licence authorizr - I ing them to carry one passenger over a six-rnile route in Pembrokeshire has been...
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Journal P ROFITS from the road transport and hotels of Coras lompair Eireann, the Irish Republic's national transport system,...
VUHEN a driver appeared before VT Newport magistrates, last week, on charges arising out of an accident in Granville Road,...
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must patronize their local bus services if they expect them to continue, the chairman of the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr....
THE changing aspect of our roads, 1 where more and more Dieselpowered lorries and buses pour out black clouds of smoke,...
Express Services QTRONG objections to an application by Mr. E. G. Hewitt (Premier Omnibus Co.), Watford; for permission to...
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THE case for revoking special A licences under Section 9(4) -of the Transport Act, 1953, if the vehicles were movedfrom their...
T HE post-war re-equipment demand for fire appliances was almost satisfied. In the home market. more than a gradual return to...
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Uniting to Oppose Hauliers' Applications for Licences: Serious Menace to Independent Operators : Traders' Freedom Threatened "...
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A LOGICAL development of the /A hydraulic lifting gear used in the Market Loader vehicles designed and built by Market...
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A MOBILE shop, a four-wheeldrive timber -tractor, a. number, of loaders and diggers, and many types of trailer, will go to form...
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B.M.M.O. and Crosville Argue that There is Room for Both Road and Rail Services Between E. Midlands and Liverpool A...
. L ARGE-CAPAC1TY vans are bein g .1-4 used as mobile warehouses by Solent Furniture Products, Ltd., Portsmouth. The company...
nISCUSS1ON durin g the continued Li proceedin g s on the Road Traffic Bill in the House of Commons, last week, centred on spot...
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/ as transport consultant to assist us in the review of our transport policy and to formulate our plans for the future," the...
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Poor Cock Robin FROM time to time a resolution passed by the British 1 Medical Association, that the attention of transport...
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Room for Expansion 0 VER a year has passed since the events took place that are numbered and arranged in the latest "Summary...
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r–F HE names of further hauliers who have successfully tendered for transport units offered in list 13 are reported this week...
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A MOBILE crane capable of lifting 25 tons at 10-ft. radius has been introduced into the Coles range by Steels Engineering...
C. C. Wakefield and Co. (Ireland), Ltd„ last week opened a new factory at Tot - enure, Dublin. An economic survey of Peru has...
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T HERE are three main items which must be coniidered when assessing rates and charges: vehicle operating costs, overheads or...
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F ROM Leyland Motors, Ltd., Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, London, E.C.4, comes patent No. 337,714 in which is shown a...