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"The wheels of wealth will he slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
In future, the activities of the Standing Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport Associations will be carried on by the Special Operators' Committee of the British Road Federation. The final meeting. of the Standing Joint Committee took the form of a complimentary luncheon to the chairman, the three past chairmen and the honorary secretary. • •
.Mr. W. H. Gaunt, 0.B.E., president of the Mansion 'House Association, presided, being supported by Mr. C. le M. Gosselin (past-president' of the C.M.U.A.), chairman from 1932-34; Mr.. W. Edwards . (president of the National Road Transport Employers Federation),chairman from -1930-32; Mr. E. S. ShraPnell-Smith, C.B.E. (past-president of the C.M.U.A.), chairman from 1912-29; and Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E. (general secretary of the C.M.U.A.), who has been honorary secretary to the Committee since its formation in 1912. The various constituent organizations of the committee were also represented.
At the first meeting of the Operators' Committee, Mr. Sidney N. Horne (president of the C.M.U.A.) was elected chairman for 1934. This Committee consists of representatives of the following organizations:— The Commercial Motor Users Association, Farnitnre Warehousemen and Removers Association, Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, National Road Transport Employers Federation, National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association, Omnibus Owners Association, Road Haulage Association, Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association and the Steam Cnitivation Development Association. With the exception of the M.H.C.S.A. and the R.H.A.. all these organizations were members of the Standing Joint Committee.
A New Trolleybus Planned.
We understand that plans are on foot to include, in the 1934 manufacturing programme of Dennis Bros.,
Ltd., Guildford, a trolleybus. No particulars of the specification are yet available.
Herefordshire Association Joins R.H.A.
At an enthusiastic meeting at Hereford, on January 25, the Herefordshire Road Haulage Association unanimously decided to join the West Midland area of the national Road Haulage Association. The Herefordshire body was formed early in January to protect the interests of over 600 county operators under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1033, and the decision to join the national organization was reached after the meeting had been addressed by officials from London, Birmingham and Bristol.
The following committee was formed, with power to add to the number:— Messrs. A. Tanner (Hereford), S. F. Williams (St. Weonards), T. W. Bristow (Hereford), II. W. Bishop n16 (Pontrilas), W. J. Gittings (Ledbury), and P. Burgoyne (Lyonshall). The appointment of Mr. C. Lerry as hon. secretary was confirmed.
Facilitating the Sale of British Goods in Crown Colonies.
The Empire Committee of the Federation of British Industries attaches great importance to the institution of a full system of Imperial preference between the United Kingdom and the Colonial Empirein the case of colonies free from treaty restrictions, and it is considered that immediate action should he taken to provide effective preference for U.K. goods.
Just too late for inclusion in our issue for last week, we received information to the effect that the offer made by Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., to acquire the share capital of Ryburn United Transport, Ltd., of Bradford, has been accepted by shareholders representing over 99 per cent, of the capital. The new board will consist of the directors of Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd.1 The Ryburn company was formed in 1908. In 1930 Mr. E. B. Hutchinson became associated with the concern and considerable advancement was made, a number of other businesses being bought and merged into it. The company developed a progressive organizatiOn, coveting a wide area and touching a number of the big industrial centres, the policy being to cater for transport of every class of goods.
The capital of the company is £64,522 in fully paid ordinary shares. and we understand that the price paid by the Tillotson group brings the shareholders a return of slightly over 20s. per share, but it must be remembered that only recently they were given a-bonus of five new shares for every four held.
Another development in connection with the Bouts-Tillotson group is tha acquisition of the share capital of R. V. Morris, Ltd., which operates services between Norwich and London.
A further feature of interest is that Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., has acquired a three-acre site at Hackney, London, for a new central depot.
R.H.A. Progress in South London.
A well-attended meeting of South London members of the Road Haulage Association recently took place. The chairman of the South London committee, Mr. A. E. Drain, presided, and reported on the work of the committee during the past year.
Mr. J. F. E. Pye, a member of the National Council and chairman of the Metropolitan Committee, addressed the meeting, and congratulated all concerned on the splendid report pre
sented. He mentioned that shortdistance hauliers predominated in the south, and that the ideal composition of a committee would be two shortdistance, two long-distance, two timbertrade, two clearing-house and two other haulier members. The committee re-elected numbered seven, and, to bring the number up to 10, Mr. Gosnell (timber haulier), Mr. Shirley (short-distance haulier), and Mr. Smith (clearing-house) were elected. Mr. A. E. Drain and Mr. S. W. Vin.ter u-ere re-elected chairman and honorary secretary respectively.
Mr. G. S. Payne has been appointed assistant managing director of Hamilton Motors (London), Ltd., 466-490, Edgware Road, London, W.2, and Mr. L. J. O'Shea has been appointed secretary and sales manager to the company.
Mr. P. J. H. Hannon, M.P., has been appointed deputy chairman of the Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., Mr. Percy Martin, managing director, is shortly relinquishing that office, after being associated with the company for over 32 years. He will remain on the board of directors and has been elected chairman of the Daimler Co., Ltd., of which concern Mr. Hannon is also a director.
Last Saturday. Mr. A. Munro, who is retiring after .57 years' service in the haulage concern of Wordie and Co., re ceived a presentation from his colleagues. Mr. Munro has been manager of the Belfast branch of the company tor the past 37 years. Mr. Fyfe, of Glasgow, general manager of Wordie and Co., presided at the function and paid eloquent tribute to the work of Mr. Munro.
• Mr. W. F. Claxton, who commenced his association with Fingland's Bookings and Coach Stations, Ltd., in May, 1930, last week tendered his resignation from the position of general manager of that company. He will continue his activities with two firms in which he is interested outside the industry and, after a short period of rest, will again take up an active interest in the coach business.
Mr. Archibald Henderson, chairman of the Southern Scotland Traffic Commissioners, has been appointed also as licensing authority under the Road and Rail Traffic Act. He was formerly an official of the Transport and General Workers' Union and served on the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee.
The Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. Alexander Robertson, M.B.E., clerk to the Commissioners, to be clerk to the licensing authority. Mr. Robertson joined the customs branch of the Civil Service in 1902, and, after serving in the war, joined the Ministry of Pensions.
We publish on this page a portrait of Mr, A. J. Priddle, who has recently been appointed by the Associated Equipment Co„ Ltd., in succession to the late Mr. Dudley E. Batty. He takes the title of traction engineer, and will be concerned with the development of trolleybuses.
Mr. Priddle has had many years' experience in the electrical traction field, having joined the Metropolitan Tramways in 1918. In February, 1931, he took over an important position in connection with trolleybus developments of the tramways system. For three years he has acted as liaison officer between the operating company and the vehicle manufacturers, and has supervised the training of drivers, conductors and inside staff, as well as planning, and controlling maintenance work on new vehicles.
Mr. C. H. Chichester Smith, sales manager and a director of Morris Industries Exports, Ltd., recently left England for a three-months' survey of several important overseaS markets. India is Mr. Chichester Smith's first objective, where he will visit the' subsidiary company, Morris Industries (India), Ltd., of Bombay, and spend several weeks studying local transport conditions. Subsequently, Malaya and Java will be visited, and the tour will lie completed by visits to China and Japan.
Weunderstand that, since the formation of Morris Industries Exports. Ltd.,
in August last, overseas sales uf all products handled by this company— inch include those of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.—have risen appreciably.
Commers at Amsterdam Show.
At the Amsterdam Exhibition, which opens on February 9 and continues for 10 days, Commer Cars, Ltd., will be showing three examples of its products, these being a type B40 Centaur chassis, a B9 lorry chassis and a light van. NATIONAL OMNIBUS REPORT.
The report of the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1933, shows a profit of £37,085, the sum available, after adding the balance brought forward from the previous year, being £81,034.
The dividend for the year on the preference shares absorbed £17,500 and, of the balance of £63,534, the general reserve receives an allotment of £5,04:10, and £12,500 is accounted for by a dividend of 5 per cent. on the ordinary shares, After these disbursements the carry forward is £46,034.
A Scottish Associations' Conference.
This year's conference of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association will take place at the Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry, from May 24-26. The strb-committee appointed to carry out the arrangements consists of Mr. H. C. Babb (chairman of the Association), Mr. Robert Taylor, Mr. W. J. H. Penman and the secretary, Mr. R. Watson.
Two Lectures by Mr. Bristow.
At the North Western Polytechnic, Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town, London, N.W.5, at 7.30 p.m. on Monday next and the following Monday (February 5 and 12) Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E., secretary of the British Road Federation and general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users' Association, will deliver two lectures on the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933. Admission will be free and tickets will not be necessary.
Leyland H.Q. in South Africa.
The Leyland headquarters in South Africa are being transferred from Capetown to Johannesburg. The wellequipped depot at Capetown will continue to function as the main sales and service station for the southern territory. The staff, as is the case with all Leyland depots overseas, contains a number of men trained at the Leyland. works in England and who are, therefore, fully informed on modern methods in design.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., is now marketing an attachment for fitting to its Bull, Buffalo and Bison heavy-duty machines for converting them from four to six-wheelers. This conversion does not necessitate any extension of the frame where normal bodies are employed, and is rarely of sufficient weight to increase the taxation.
The Longframe principle is employed in this conversion, the device for coupling the trailing wheels consisting of two balancer beams, carried at their fulcrum on the main-frame side members. The beams are connected at their forward ends to the existing rear springs by shackles, the rear ends carrying the trailing wheels on a taperroller-bearing mounting. This is a form of construction allowing for relative movement between the driving axle and the trailing wheels. Single tyres only are fitted on the attachment.
After conversion, the legal loadcarrying capacity of the Bull and Buffalo machines is increased to apprOximately 10 tons.
R.H.A. Meeting at Sheffield.
The South Yorkshire sub-area of the Road Haulage Association is holding a meeting to-day (February 2), at Stephenson's Exchange Restaurant, Castle Street, Sheffield, commencing at 7 p.m., to discuss the Road and Rail Traffic Act. Mr. E. C. Marston, president of the Association, will be the principal speaker.
After the open meeting. a further meeting will be held of members, at which rates and other important matters will be discussed.
Guy Trolleybuses for India.
Three vehicles have recently been completed at the works of Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, for the Delhi Electric Supply and Traction Co., and they comprise the first trolleybuses to be built for service in India. They are 27-seaters of the four-wheeled type and, to meet Indian requirements, are somewhat lighter and narrower than our single-deckers.
The chassis and general body fittings have been built by Guy Motors. Ltd., whilst the electric motors and control gear have been supplied by the Rees .13,olurbo Co. The bodies will be completed in India.
A Treatise on Lubrication.
. A well-prepared handbook dealing with the lubrication of commercial vehicles of both oil and petrol-propelled types has recently been issued by the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, 'Westminster, London, S.W.1. It is a most useful work, and surveys the essentials of correct lubrication in a way that is sufficiently technical to be of assistance to the expert and, at the same time, in a popular manner to be read by the layman.
According to schedules quoted in the hook, the cost of lubrication is something like 2 per cent, of the total cost of operating a fleet of road vehicles.
B18 Apart from a typical chassis layout that indicates the lubrication 'needs of practically all types of chassis, there is a number of detailed drawings of components showing points that should receive regular attention.
New Branch for Scottish Hauliers' Association.
At a largely attended meeting at Aberdeen last week, a branch of the Scottish Carriers' and Haulage Contractors Association, Ltd., was formed. Mr. John Aitchison (Dumbarton), chairman of the directors, and Mr. Thomas Ormiston, M.P. for Mother n ell, secretary and legal adviser of the Association, outlined the aims of the organization.
Mr. Ormiston declared that small bus owners had been bought out by large concerns and that the same thing might be expected to happen with hauliers, unless contractors organized themselves.
D.E.U.A. Annual Dinner.
The annual dinner of the Diesel Engine Users Association will take place on Tuesday, February 27, at 7 p.m. for 7.30 p.m., at Pagani's Restaurant, Great , Portland Street, London, W.1. The chair will be taken by the president, Mr. C. F. Moutisdon, A .M.I.E. E. TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S REPORT.
The eighth annual report of the proceedings of the London and Home. Counties Traffic Advisory Committee to the Minister of Transport for 1932-33 is now on sale, and copies. price 2s. 6d. each, may be purchased from H.M. Stationery Office.
The report covers the period from October 1, 1932, to September 5, 1933, when, in accordance with Section 65 of the London Passenger Transport Act, 1933, the committee's term of office expired and the committee was reconstituted as provided by that Act.
Included in the same volume are:— (a) The Minister's report to Parliatneut under Section 8 of the London Traffic Act, 1924, and statistics relating to the operation in London of buses, tramways and the Underground railways..
(b) A statement respecting street accidents in regard to which certain powers of inquiry are conferred upon the Minister by Section 12 of the London Traffic Act, 1924.
Official Orders in December.
During December last the War Department ordered Strachans ambulance bodies and Morris chassis. An order for Corruner chassis was placed by the Air Ministry with Rootes, Ltd.
The G.P.O. authorities gave orders for motor bodies to the Express Motor and Body Works and to Mann, Egerton and Co., Ltd., one for chassis to Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and one for vans to Morris Motors, Ltd. Finally, the Crown Agents for the Colonies gave a contract for a number of 30-cwt, six-cylinder chassis to Morris Industries Exports, Ltd.
Hoffmann Bearing Progress.
We are informed by the Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chelmsford, that it is experiencing an increasing demand for its various products. This demand covers bearings for all classes, of machinery, as well as for vehicles, ranging from bearings 4-in, in diameter to some that are 41 ins. across.
An indication of the growth of the Hoffmann works is gained from the fact that, when the company was estabs fished in 1899, the land area of the factory was 31 acres and the floor area 7,024 sq. yds., but this has been continually added to, until at the present time the land area is 264 acres and the floor area 67,711 sq. yds.
Testimony to Barimar's Work.
A booklet recently issued by Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1, contains nearly 120 testimonials from customers who have sent letters of praise for the way in which welding repairs have been carried out by the company. The repairs described 'cover mechanical parts of all kinds, and give a good idea of the versatility of the latest Barimar processes; some of the letters have been received from commercialvehicle operators. A copy of the booklet may be obtained from the company at the above address.
Goods-vehicle operators in the West of Scotland are indignant concerning the action of the Minister of Transport in locating at Edinburgh the licensing authority under the Road and Rail Traffic Act.
It is pointed out that many more goods vehicles are operated in the west than in the east, and, representations having been made unsuccessfully to the Minister, an effort is to be made to lay the matter before the Secretary of State for Scotland.
C.M.U.A. Office.heareite in Scotland.
The annual meeting of the northern area of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association was recently held in Dundee, when the following were recommended for election at the annual general meeting of the Association shortly to be held in Edinburgh :— Chairman, Mr. T. W. Watson ; vicechairman, Mr. J. G. Park ; Committee;
Messrs. C. W. Meredith, J. Reid, T. Robertson, J. M'Donald; M. Gordon Horshurgh, F. D. Valentine, A. Cal/ander, M. L. Thomas, A. S. Seggie, G. Scott, R. Cumming, and T. Davidson.
Overseas Buyers of Thornycrofts.
Amongst important orders from overseas recently received by John I. Thorny-croft and Co., Ltd., is one from the Laurens.° Marques Railways for six 6-ton Amazon hinged-sided lorries, each with a 5-ton platform trailer. The value of this contract is approximately; 29,000. A number of 3i-ton and tl-ton oil and petrol-engined chassis is being built to orders received last week from Melbourne, Sydney and Rio do Janeiro ; in this case the value is about 212,000.
Neon Signs for Vehicles: A New Converter.
A new electrical principle has been incorporated in the design of a rotary converter for lighting Neon signs on motor vehicles, which has been introduced by the Super-Power Co„ 81, North Side, London, S.W.4. The device. can also be Used for lighting Neon signs at garages and other premises where no a.c. mains are installed.
The converter, which has been patented, is contained in a metal case measuring 10-i ins. by 5 ins. by 7 ins., and weighs 12 lb. It is operated by means of a switch on top of the 'case.
The case is lined with a silencing material and the -transformer is an integral part of the device. The converter will work off a 6-volt or 12-volt battery, with an input of 4.5 amps. at 6 volts and 2.3 amps. at 12 volts, the input amps. automatically remaining constant.
The device has an output that will light up to a maximum brilliancy 16 ft. of II mm. blue Neon tubing. We are informed that a number of vehicles has been equipped with the converter.
Growing R.H.A. Membership.
At a meeting of the National Council of the Road Haulage Association, recently held in London, representatives of the various areas attended and reported on the activities of the local committees and sub-committees, and it is clear that the Association continues to make much headway in all parts Of the country. Several of the area committees have fixed dates for their annual dinners, these being as follow': Northern Area, February 10; North
Western Area, February 10; East Midland Area, March 3; West Midland Area, March 24.
At the meeting reports were received from all parts of the country on the conferences on weak bridges, being held by highways nalthorities, at which members of the R.1-LA. have attended.
The National Rates Committe4reTiorted progress in connection With the .problem of rates, and it is possible that a national conference on this matter will be held in the near future.
Up to the date of the meeting the total membership was 3,034.
Oil-engined Vehicles for Kenya Colony.
A reader, Sardarkhan Mahomedkhan, care of The Motor Syndicate, Salim Road, Mombassa, Kenya Colony, wishes to receive catalogues, etc., regarding oil-engined vehicles. He already possesses a Mercedes-Benz oiler, and desires to increase his fleet.
A Big Morris-Commercial Fleet.
Amongst important orders recently received by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham, is one from Messrs. Thomas and Evans, the mineral-Water manufacturers of Forth, South Wales, for 28 vehicles. The firm now have in service nearly 200 Morris-Commercial machines. The order for the new vehicles was placed through the City Motor Co., Ltd., Cardiff. THE RECORDER WHICH WON A CASE.
Tu our issue dated January 26 we dealt with a case heard at Llanelly Police Court, when a recorder was used as evidence for the defence in a charge of driving a commercial vehicle above its legal limit; the magistrates accepted the evidence of the instrument.
We have now learned that the recorder was a Servis, and the owners of the vehicle to which it is fitted are wellknown Midlands operators who run 15 vehicles all equipped in this manner. This instrument is supplied by Servis Recorders, Ltd., Lion House, 72-75, Red Lion Street, London, W.C.1, and models are available with charts varying from eight hours to eight days.
A Booklet on Bearing Metals, The Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Ealing Road, Alperton, Middlesex, has issued a booklet dealing with Glacier metals and finished bearings. The booklet is not so much a catalogue of the company's products as a guide to their successful use. For nearly 40 years the company has been associated with. the manufacture of bearings and bearing metals.
The book/et is divided into three parts, dealing with beating metals, finished bearings and chill-cast bronze, etc. It is well produced and contains many illustrations.
North Riding Bridge Conference: , Committee Formed.
N. 'Riding County Council recently convened a conference of bridge owners, local authorities and representatives of road transport to discuss the position likely to arise in connection with weak bridges, having regard to the Road and Rail Traffic Act. It was said that there were 23 scheduled bridges in the North Riding, in connection with which restrictive notices would probably be erected. After the confetence had discussed, in their order of priority-, the importance of these bridges, a committee, c.onsisting of four representatives of road users, one from the London and North Eastern Railway Co. and two North Riding County Council members, was appointed to consider the question of routes 'and alternative routes, with a view to presenting recommendations to the Ministry of Transport.
A new service station, consisting of three bays, has recently been brought into use by the Great Western Railway Co., at Paddington. The first bay is equipped with a high-pressure washing plant, by means of which a vehicle can be washed in 20 minutes. The second bay has an electric petrol pump capable of delivering 20 gallons of petrol per minute, whilst the third is equipped with an inspection pit, and is adapted for running repairs. The whole of the goods and parcels vehicles operating from Paddington are now being refuelled and lubricated at this depot.
"North Western's" New Vehicles.
We understand that the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., has recently placed orders for 36 buses and 12 coaches. All the busei will be supplied by Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Guildford, and the coaches by Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland.
. A recent addition to the range of battery electric industrial trucks made hy Wingrove and Rogers, Ltd., Liverpool, is a six-wheeled elevating-platform vehicle for 5-ton loads. Its lifting range is 4/ ins., to which height the load can be raised in nine seconds, It has a turning circle of 18 ft. diameter, and a 5-in, ground clearance, Whilst the four-wheel trailing axle is articulated. The machine weighs, unladen, Only 2 tons 3 cwt.