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E VERYWHERE we read of campaigns being conducted—officially and unofficially—to reduce the risks of the highway, and thus the...
P LANS that are being laid by the railway companies to increase the attraction of: their services indiCate that coach operators...
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A PART from their weight-reducing properties, aluminium alloys possess a higher resistance to deformation than steel, and this...
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That hauliers are faced with tough as well as tender problems. That sometimes the terms are synonymous. That nowadays in...
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"The wheels of wealth will he slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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News of Municipal Activities A £34,000 Haulage Contract . . The stores committee of the London County Council has accepted...
The electricity, committee of MORECAMBE Corporation recommends the purchase of an additional van. Nowrilmarrox corporation is...
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Details of Dyson Rigid-sixwheeler Extension Unit for Heavy Vehicles, which can be Fitted by Operators A GOOD many users of...
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The Paris Tractor Exhibition Few Petrol-engined Appliances Shown at the Salon de la Machine Agricole — Pneumatic Tyres for...
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Latest Feeny and Johnson Design Utilizes Vacuum Power, with Mechanical Linkage, Only when Severe Braking is Required C...
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with attractive qualities A Studebaker Pierce-Arrow Eight speed 4 5tonner, Weighing under Three Tons, Exhibits Excellent Speed...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent FURTHER GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION. 'cy/ HEN the House of Commons re...
THE Automobile Association and the Royal Automobile Club have recently prepared memoranda dealing with the subject of road...
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I N a few cases we are publishing questions closely resembling those which have appeared previously for the reason that the...
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How Air-service Operators Must Organize Terminal Road Services to Comply With the Road Traffic Act, 1930 S ECTION 61 (2) of...
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The Westland Wessex, Used Successfully on British Air Services„ is Now Available in Improved Form, Seating Seven Passengers T...
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G COSTS OF LA GEI MACHINES If N an article last month certain figures were quoted as a basis for calculating remunerative...
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Routes Radiating from this Important Centre winch Offer Distinct Possibilities. Some Time and Fare Com parisons IRMINCHAM is...
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(IN January 26 Sir Philip Sassoon, Under-secretary of State for Air, opened a micro-ray radio service between the civil...
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184 b.h.p. Engine A Description of the Gipsy Six, A Six-cylindered Version of the Gipsy Major Inverted Air-cooled Unit p...
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A IR TAXIS, LTD., k - was formed in 1926 and began operations at Stag Lane Aerodrome, Edgware, with two de Hal:Wand Dii9 (Pumae...
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LONDON-JERSEY AIR LINE STARTED. As from Sunday last the PortsmouthJersey air line of Jersey Airways, Ltd., has been extended...
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The Edilor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4251] would like to suggest that the possi bilities of using a specially designed Neon lamp...
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Further Notes on the Advantages of Converting a Firm into a Limited Liability Concern, Particularly if the Owner . Wishes to...
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Passenger Transport ONE-DAY LICENSING SCHEME MAY BE DROPPED. T WO vital points have emerged from the interview of...
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Three Courses Shown at Leeds Meeting. Deputation to Minister () PPOS1T1ON to the Minister of Transport's proposals for...
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Important Move to Safeguard Interests of Independent • Operators A N important resolution providing for co-operation between...
re COME Problems of Road Traffic "JLicensing " was the title of a' paper discussed at the winter conference of the Institute of...
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T HE official title of the latest Ministry of Transport publication is 'The Goods Vehicles (Licences and PrJhibitions)...
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Compact Merryweather Apparatus Capable of Throwing 1,000 Gallons of Foam from One Gallon of Solution by Utilization of Exhaust...
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T HE demand for leather continues. In the timber trade the returns show increases in imports of wood of every description. The...
r ' ,ENDER., are invited by. the following Detest a. dates given in parentheses):—Fulhani B.C. for the supply of broken...
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HAULIER and CARRIER S OMEONE has stated that the full effect of the Road and Rail Traffic Act and its boon companion, the...
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A PPARATUS for the control of power-operated clutches forms the subject of patent No. 402,957, from Maybach-Motorenbau,...