The Motor Omnibus World.
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The report of the Coventry Motor Omnibus Company, Limited, for presentation to the statutory meeting of shareholders, shows the total number of shares allotted entirely for cash to he 1,002.
Sheffield's Powers.
The Sheffield Corporation has not yet exercised its powers to purchase ten motor omnibuses, and we arc advised by the general manager of the Corporation Tramways, Mr. A. R. Fearnley, that no decision has yet been taken in this matter. We understand, in addition, that the definite placing of the orders is not likely to be settled for a period of at least three months.
From London to Railway Service.
The Associated Omnibus Company, Limited, has sold 14 of its MilnesDaimler, double-deck omnibuses to the Great Western Railway Company. This latter company will now possess to6 Milnes-Daimler omnibuses, and about seven of other makes.
Mixed Subscribers.
" The Financial News " comments upon the immense variation of occupation which is disclosed by an inspection of the list of shareholders in inotor omnibus companies. It quotes one brief list in which are found : the ambassador of a European power ; several army captains; a wigmaker ; some nurses; a deaconess ; a chef ; two butlers ; a gamekeeper ; a stationmaster ; and a signalman.
Vanguard "No. 3."
Several of the Vanguard servicc! have been changed a number of times, but No. 3 " seems to head the list. It has successively taken the following routes : Boston Tavern and Piccadilly; Tufnell Park and Barnes ; Tufnell Park and Fulham ; Tufnell Park and Brixton; Tufnell Park and Piccadilly; Tufnell Park and Victoria ; and, now, Gospel Oak, via Camden Town and Piccadilly, to Victoria. We understand that the Gospel Oak-Tufnell Park section will be again served during next summer.
Street Accidents.
The last fortnight of December has proved somewhat unfortunate for the year's records, and the gross number of fatal accidents will, we fear, so far as the Metropolis is concerned, prove to be two or three in excess of those. recorded for 1906. The ratio of deaths per omnibus-mile will, none the less, show a marked improvement in comparison with the preceding year and will not in any way support the unfounded contention of enemies of the motorbus who seek to prove that mishaps are becoming more frequent. We are glad to observe that verdicts of accidental death, coupled with riders exonerating the drivers from all blame, were passed on each occasion. There were, too, a few minor mishaps and collisions, during the holidays, but none of these were attended with any serious consequences, and we prefer not to run an " agony column "on the subject.
Answered Already.
The query by the " Daily Mail," as to the date of the presentation of the accounts of the Vanguard Motorbus Company, Limited,. which appeared in our contemporary's issue of the 23rd ultimo, was answered in our last issue (page 374).
London General.
The past half year has been, as the directors appeared to anticipate, a dismal one for the London General Omnibus Company, whose secretary, on the 27th ultimo, issued a circular letter to the preference shareholders in the following terms :—" I am instructed by my directors to inform you that, although the accounts for the half-year ending 31st instant cannot yet be made up, they are sufficiently advanced to show that the company's business from nit July to the present time has resulted in a serious loss, and they Very much regret that in consequence of this it will be impossible to pay the dividend due on the 5 per cent. preference shares on 1st proximo." The company's position must certainly be anything but encouraging, seeing that the payment of the half-yearly preference dividend would only have absorbed -.„6,250, and that the shares are cumulative.
We would go further into this matter and ask whether the company has earned the interest on its debenture issue, and we fear that a negative answer will prove to he correct. In these circumstances, we ask again, as we have asked on several occasions during the past 24 years, whether it is not high time that some new .blood was infused
into the directorate? it is true that many of the company's -oldest directors are large shareholders, but this is the very best of reasons why they should make way for men who know how to earn money in the motor omnibus world. As a constructive suggestion, we would throw out the hint that shareholders would be well advised to seek the assistance of some of the men who have been able to make a success of a certain motor omnibus company which chiefly operates through the East of London, for its board is a live one, and contains men who are qualified to transform the L.G.O.C. into a paying concern. We trust that some -disinterested intermediary may be able to bring about a leavening of the kind we indicate.
Darracq-Serpollet Meeting.
The first annual, ordinary general meeting of the Darracq-Serpollet Omnibus Company, Limited, was held last week, in London, Mr. J. S. SmithWinby in the chair. Feeling references were made to the decease of _ M. Serpollet, and to the considerable inconvenience which the company had experienced in consequence. Mr. SmithWinby then spoke at some length upon the successes achieved by DarracqSerpollet vehicles in various open trials and competitions, and commented upon a recent statement-by the' chairman of the London General Orrinibus Company, Limited, Sir John Pound, Bart., that his company had found the petroldriven motorbus less satisfactory than had been anticipated. He proceeded to touch upon the working of -a number of Darracq-Serpollet vehicles for the Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Company, Limited, in which connection he expressed the view that .highly encouraging results were assured. The accounts, which covered a period. of 16 months ended the 30th September last, showed a paid-up capital of ,6too,000, being -one half of the subscribed capital, but a further call of 5s. per share was made at the 3oth November last. The net result of the trading account showed a debit balance of 4;7,294, and that was regarded as
• one which could -be converted into a substantial -balance on the other side during the ensuing year. In answer to a question, the chairman stated that the company had not received orders frerm any other omnibus company in London except the Metropolitan.
Notice is given, in the " Government Gazette," that creditors of the Durham and ;District Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., are required to send particulars of their claims by 3oth January to Mr. G. A. Carpenter, Of 5, Silver Street, Durham.
We are informed that Motor Vehicles, Limited, of Burr, Lancashire, has taken possession of a number of chassis which were recently in the service of the London Standard Omnibus Company, Limited, and is converting the vehicles for purposes of goods haulage, the rubber tires being replaced by steel.
Pre iminaries at Stafford.
The. preliminary steps towards the formation of a motor omnibus company for Stafford appear to be taking rather longer than was anticipated. It is estimated that the running costs will be 9.55d. per mile, and that, with advertisement revenue, there should be a profit of at least 4d. per mile. Estimates have been drawn up for the running of three omnibuses, two of which will be maintained in regular service. It appears that close upon -4t,000 has been
promised for the share subscription, and that a company with an authorised capital of £5,000 is in progress of formation. The proposition to purchase second-hand Milnes-Daimler vehicles from Birmingham is now occupying the attention of the promoters. The company has already ordered a large, singledeck, " Confiner Car " omnibus.
Universal Lighting.
Owners and drivers of omnibuses which ply in any country districts will do well to remember that the Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907, came into force yesterday (Wednesday). They will now be able to take proceedings against drivers of horse-drawn vehicles who fail to carry at least one white lamp, on the off-side, which throws a light for a reasonablo distance in the direction of progression of the vehicle. Rear white lights are prohibited, any lamp constructed to show a light to the rear having to transmit red rays, whilst vehicles having a projecting load which is more than 6 feet in length behind the tailboard must, in any event, display a red lamp at the back extremity. Certain exemptions apply during harvest. Bulgaria and Motorbuses.
The annual report of Mr. Vice-Consul Toulmin on the trade of Bulgaria, which has just been issued by . the Foreign Office, says :—.The roads and bridges throughout the country are being improved and repaired, and a profitable field for British enterprise presents itself in the development of the motor industry. Up to the time of writing the United Kingdom has no share in this branch of trade which is being actively pushed by Austria-Hungary and Germany. Motor-omnibus services are being established with native capital in various parts for the conveyance of passengers and goods from railway stations to outlying towns, and the omnibuses hitherto purchased for these services are said to be of German or Austro-Hungarian manufacture. The Government too is keenly interested in the development of this branch of trade, and a thoroughly-organised motor service conveys the mails to and from the Sofia railway station. In this case the vehicles are, for the most part, of French make. A similar postal service is in contemplation in the chief Bulgarian towns.